Part man. Part machine. All cop. The future of law enforcement.
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Totally Trivia
Film facts for the 1987 Action / Adventure movie starring Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Ronny Cox
Miguel Ferrer, Kurtwood Smith, Robert DoQui, Ray Wise, Felton Perry, Paul McCrane, Jesse D. Goins, Del Zamora, Calvin Jung, Rick Lieberman, Lee de Broux, Mark Carlton Update Cast
We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Luke Beaman, Uk
An interesting thing I noticed - Robocop and two of Clarence's gang are all in 24 Season 5. Ray Wise (Leon) is Vice President Paul McCrane, Emil plays one of the "Bluetooth Gang" working with the President. Peter Weller (ROBOCOP!) plays Henderson, one of the main bad guys. Someone involved with 24 must really like this movie!!Thanks to Steve
When the script was in development, the one line pitch to the studios was "A high-tech Lone Ranger in a corporate dominated near future America." The first Robocop movie is modeled exactly after the original Lone Ranger story. Both movies are centered on a lawman betrayed by his own and left for dead with lawman returning masked to hide his identity. You can see several tributes to the orignial Lone Ranger in this movie. These include how Murphy handles his machine pistol and the "saddle up" moves done exiting his police car. The most obvious is how when Murphy returns as RoboCop, he is masked to hide his original identity.Thanks to Nick Napolitano
Robocop was originally going to be rated "X"!This was because of too much gory violence. They later trimmed stuff out to get an "R" rating.
Rewind Archive
The director likened the death of Murphy as a metaphor of Christ. His violent slaying is the crucifixion, which will be followed by the resurrection that is Robocop… whatever you say Paul!Rewind Archive
Verhoeven makes a cameo in the nightclub scene. The director was revving up the extras in the crowd in between takes, yet a cameraman filmed it and the editor kept the shot in the final cut.Thanks to Mary Leitschuh
Although "Keva Rosenberg - Unemployed Person", interviewed during one of the news segments looks like Eddie Van Halen and several internet sources seem to verify that Eddie makes an uncredited cameo, the actor was Jim Staskel (aka James Staszkiel). I was married to Jim when he filmed this movie.Thanks to Kit Sullivan
Director Paul Verhoeven often pays tribute to other movies that have 'influenced' him, and 'Robocop' is no exception. In the shoot-out with the drug gang in the drug warehouse, for a fleeting instant,'Robo' strikes a classic 'Godzilla' pose: Profile, arms and legs in mid-stride with the head cocked to one side. Classic!Thanks to Josh Roth And MN
The head bad guy is played by Kurtwood Smith, who plays the dad in "That 70's show".Thanks to James
One of the members of Clarence's gang is Dr Robert Romano from ER (Paul McCrane). He's the one who gets run down by Clarence at the chemical plant after falling in a vat of chemical waste, and whose head is seen cartwheeling over the truck which kills him.Thanks to dave saville
Paul McCrane, who played bad guy Emil Antonowsky in Robocop first appeard in Rocky 2 (1979) as a young patient. He was 18 years old.. Rocky and Adrian are leaving the hospital and rocky signs his head.Thanks to Wendell Sanders
The Robocop storyline and The Terminator storyline were originally supposed to run together... Skynet was built on the finding of the arm and the microchip from the first terminator. However, have you ever wondered what the original start of skynet would have been if the terminator hadn't been sent back? Well, there you go - it was originally built on the technology of Robocop. When the terminator was sent back in time, it changed the timeline and history.Thanks to James
When Peter Weller appeared in season five of "24," fans of the show referred to him as "RoboCop."Thanks to jdocster
Peter Weller is currently a College Professor He teaches a literature and fine arts class at Syracuse University. He can be seen on The History Channel on occasion. :)Editor Robin McDonald
That trivia bit about the crucifixion is also overplaying the hand. There is intended to be some Christian allegory but it is understated and never translates to the screen as blatantly as he is trying to make it out. So you were right to sound skeptical.Thanks to Robin McDonald
Horizon made a 12" Robocop vinyl model kit that is not being made any more, but if you can find it, it is insanely accurate. I have no idea how they made it so close to the real suits. The only flaw is it's a little stiff and thick in the stomach area.Bogus Trivia
There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".
But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Robocop".
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