Locations Notes
Rewind the locations where they filmed the 1987 Action / Adventure movie starring Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Ronny Cox
Miguel Ferrer, Kurtwood Smith, Robert DoQui, Ray Wise, Felton Perry, Paul McCrane, Jesse D. Goins, Del Zamora, Calvin Jung, Rick Lieberman, Lee de Broux, Mark Carlton Update Cast
Robocop Filming Locations:
These scenes were actually shot at Dallas City Hall, located in Dallas, Texas. Google Map
Greg Keller wrote in to say "The Sons of Herman Hall in Dallas (east side of downtown) was used for the Detroit police station. This building is a two story wood structure that is home to a German fraternal organization. I was not familiar with the movie at the time I attended a wedding reception at the SOH and I was confused as to why the large doors to the upstairs ballroom had "Detroit Police" painted on them!"
The gas station used when robocop stopped the robbery at the gas station and they blew up the guy on the motorcycle still stands on the corner down the street from Texas Paint on the east side right next to the freeway(45). They didn't really blow it up it is now a poterry sales shop!
The highway that was used to film the shootout before Murphy gets shot up in the warehouse, *looks* like highway 35E (going north it appears, since the Reunion tower is on the right). Some say the image in the movie has to be a mirror-flip and the tower scene was really filmed with the tower on the left - yet flipped to be on the right... In fact... The location was actually a side street right where American Airlines center is located. It was a back road that ran parallel with I35. That's why reunion tower is on the right of the picture. They were traveling south on this road when they shot it so it did not interfere with any freeway traffic.
...BUT... Andrew kindly wrote in to add: I suspect the location given for the van chase scene just before Murphy gets shot is filmed on Hotel street, south west of Dallas and not nearby American Airlines which is northwest of Dallas as given on your website. Watching the film and Googlemaps, I've compared like with like. Do so yourselves if you get a chance. Hotel street just looks a little different now because of the appearance of the Convention Center Station which was built in 1996.
The little corner coffee shop where murphy and his partner stopped before they got the call on the robbery is also still standing down the street from Channel Four on a very small side street in the west-end maket place area.
The club they shot the scene in the club where Robocop goes in and drags the guy out by the hair is also in the west-end market place area down from Hooters.
Also the building they used to film the scene where robocop is called in on the city official gone postal and holding hostages from the city is in downtown down from the Farmont Theater. I believe it was the old city court house and still serves in some function similar. [Thanks to Dick Halstead]
The "communications center" scene where robocop downloads the video of his death was filmed at Bell Northern Research on Arapaho Rd in Richardson [Thanks to Ken Asleson]
The PA location was around Pittsburgh (not sure of the exact city name) they used one of the old steel mills for some scenes throughout the film and the final scenes in the movie, when they finally catch up to Murphy (Robocop). [Thanks to Jesse Collier and Sherry Williams]
The Pittsburgh location is Monessen, PA. There's an FX school there and this is a cherished fact among the students... [Thanks to Anna Lech]
The location where the city worker goes postal is also the place that Lee Harvey Oswald was killed in by Jack Ruby. [Thanks to Tino]
Now for the location of the scene where Robert Morton is partying at his house with the two women. As you recall, Clarence comes in, shoots Robert and then blows the house up. The interesting thing about that scene was the facade of the house was not an accurate replica of the actual house. The house (6511 Clubhouse Circle in Dallas, TX) was famous even before the filming of Robocop due to it being one of the first "smart" homes in the country. I know all of this because I just purchased the place and have been doing research on the history of the house. [Thanks to Layton Lang]
The industrial area where Murphy is murdered, and later where Robocop and the villains have a showndown at the end of the movie, was the Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel Corp. mill in Monessen, PA. The mill was shut down and razed in 1989.
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Locations Links
If you know of a good link for Robocop locations, please let us know.Next Section: LX Preview
LX Preview
LX is our radical new locations feature that we've been beavering away on.. For years!
Each location will have it's own page with then/now pictures, maps, StreetView, discovery story and the most detailed explanations on how the location was used. Most importantly, the locations will have a status that shows whether they are verified correct and by whom. We are working with the actual locations managers or other crew where possible. The whole thing will be very interactive and you will, of course, be able to update everything.
We are pleased to be able to bring you a sneak peek at what LX locations will be available for Robocop upon release:
OCP Headquarters [exterior]
The OCP Computer Lab
Drug Factory Shootout
Industrial Finale
OCP Headquarters Boardroom
Detroit Police Station [exterior]
Detroit Police Station [interior]
Murphy's House
Gas Station Robbery / Explosion
RoboCop Rescues Woman
Bob Mortons House
"I'll Buy That For A Dollar..."
OCP Parking Structure
OCP Headquarters [interior]
Armored Truck Chase
Testing The Assault Cannon
Detroit City Hall
The Hospital
Coffee Shop
Verified Correct
Probably Correct
Probably Wrong
Please Note: The status of some entries in this preview may be wrong because they are in-progress or need updating before release.
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