Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a Rock Alien!
Frankie getting in touch with the nature of the beast!
"Er, someone wasn't on top of their game that day..."
See the goofs, blunders and plain ole mistakes in the 1988 Comedy movie starring
Pia Zadora, Craig Sheffer, Tom Nolan, Alison La Placa
Ruth Gordon, Michael Berryman, Gregory Bond, Craig Quiter, Patrick Byrnes, Marc Jackson, Jeffrey Casey, Jimmy Haddox, Marshall Rohner, Jeffrey Cranford, Troy Mack Update Cast
We believe the following are all legit mistakes. If we've bungled it, or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
After the Lake Eerie sign is shown, there's a long shot of the beach which features a man in a pair of red shorts with a surfboard tucked under his arm far inland running toward the water. In the next shot, he's standing beside the water tossing the board onto the lake.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
When Absid first notices Dee Dee and begins to fall to pieces, Stovitz is sitting next to him smoking a cigar with his left hand. In the next shot Stovitz's hands are both firm against the table and the cigar is nowhere in sight.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
Dee Dee's hair changes from shot to shot when she stops in front of the Heidi High statue.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
When the aliens are defrosted, AEIOU travels through the pipe headfirst. When he arrives at the end of the pipe, he comes out feet first.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
After they switch clothes on the bridge, Stovitz's head drastically changes positions from one shot to the next when Absid asks, "Acceptable?".Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
After Frankie says, "Not Dee Dee, not nobody," the man behind his right shoulder wearing a pink shirt and headband vanishes.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
When Frankie tells the guy to bury his face, Spyder stops and puts his hands on his hips. Cut to closeup and Spyder is walking with his hands at his side.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
The way that Spyder leaps off of the lifeguard deck, it would be physically impossible for him to land flat on his feet.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
In the song credits, stars Jimmy Haddox and Jeffrey Cranford are mistakenly credited as Jimmy Maddox and Jeff Crawford.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
After making out with Absid, Diane's wannabe beau says "It was kind of interesting," but his mouth never moves.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
Assuming it were possible for the two Acme movers to be flattened by a steamroller, they would have to be laying face-first on the ground to get stuck against the wheel in those positions.Thanks to Vinnie Rattolle
As Absid regains consciousness at the end of "Combine Man," Jaklem leans in and put his hand on his shoulder. Cut to a different angle and Jaklem is standing tall, keeping his hands to himself.Bogus Blunders
Sometimes an apparent goof is not a real mistake
But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "Voyage Of The Rock Aliens".
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