The 1994 comedy "Milk Money" stars Melanie Griffith and Ed Harris about a boy and his two friends who decide to find a prostitute in order to strip for them. They come across one hooker named V (Griffith) and offers her to live in the boy's treehouse, unbeknownst to his father Tom (Harris), who thinks she's one of his teachers.
"Milk Money" earned extremely negative reviews from critics during its release and was a massive failure at the box office. Has anybody ever seen this movie before, because if you have, what is your take on it?
Posts: 4123 | From: Willimantic, CT | Registered: Oct 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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I remember seeing it when it first came out and I thought it was a pretty funny movie myself. Might check it out again soon.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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mmmm..This movie is creepy, in a not so cute and cuddly way:/...I'd give my two cents on it...but The Nostalgia Critic on youtube already did that for me. My views are pretty much the same as his on this film...