"The story follows Holly Gooding (Barrymore), who moves from New York City to Los Angeles after being implicated in a murder. She is followed by what is apparently her evil twin. While in LA, she finds a room for rent by a writer and the two begin a love affair. After some strange occurrences, it becomes less and less clear whether the woman is in fact Holly or her Doppelgänger. (Wikipedia)
Doppelganger is a decent supernatural thriller directed by Avi Nesher, the same dude who directed "She" back in ´82. The movie stars Drew Barrymore, George Newbern, Leslie Hope and Dennis Christopher.
It´s clearly a b-movie but it´s never boring so i enjoyed watching it. Barrymore doesn´t convince but damn she looks good Newbern acts and looks always the same, no matter if it´s comedy or horror.
The soundtrack pretty much sucks so the atmosphere never rises nowhere near the 80s standards.
The ending is pure wtf material, something you don´t expect and it includes some great old school special effects.
What are your thoughts of this crazy little movie?