i watched sometimes they come back again this morning with michael gross and hilary swank not as good as the first one but still good as it is stephen king of course sci- fi has their scary movie day again today yesterday they had the dumb snake and fake monster ones on lol dee
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
I watched a surprisingly good western called Desert Shooter. Very good.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Thelma and Louise - This is one of those films that I have no interest in purchasing, but everytime it's on TV I can't help but watch Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
- This was good supernatural thriller/horror movie. Unknown to me until some of you guys talked about it on another topic.
Do you guys remember another good Dennis Lipscomb horror flick Retribution (1987)? I wish i could see that one again.
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Just watched this one with the's one of her favorite movies. I kinda like it too. Posts: 1808 | From: Planet Druidia | Registered: Jan 2009 | Site Updates: 3
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
The First Power. I have read in Leonard Maltin's film review book that Melanie Griffith's half-sister Tracey is in that one.
Posts: 1756 | From: Australia. | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 203
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
I need to watch Sleepaway Camp III asap because she´s also in that one.
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994). The film that made Hugh Grant an international star. I own it on video in addition to one of his others, Notting Hill (1999).
Posts: 1756 | From: Australia. | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 203
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I just picked up the Clueless (1995) DVD Saturday at Target. One of my faves and it's still totally funny today. The extras are really good too.
The first time I saw it was at the Union City Drive-In. (Anyone else besides me remember Drive-Ins??)
Posts: 294 | From: Arizona | Registered: Mar 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Good funny movie pick. Yes, I miss drive-ins... Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
For Roseanne - a fun Jean Reno flick that my dad sent me via pando, definitely worth checking out, especially if you liked Waking Ned Devine, there are some similarities.
Posts: 14 | From: New York, NY | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
- Just bought and watched this flick. It is a solid and entertaining thriller and a remake of the ´52 movie The Narrow Margin (never seen that one) Starring Anne Archer, Gene Hackman, James B. Sikking and these great Walsh guys: J.T. and M. Emmet.
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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I watched Flatliners the other night awesome movie. Kiefer Sutherland is awesome
Posts: 9 | From: Maryland | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Seven. One of my fave 90s movies. Pitt, Freeman, and practically the whole cast are superb.........
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Sneakers, 1992 starring Robert Redford, River Phoenix, Dan Aykroyd, Sidney Poitier, David Strathairn....great cast and one of my favorite 90's movies of all-time. Highly recommended from me.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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One of my faves too, 80'sRocked! i think it was written by the same guys who wrote Wargames, another good one!
People always say, "they don't make em' like this anymore" to just about any genre. But a movie like Sneakers, really hasn't been seen since, that I can remember!
Great ecclectic cast, good solid story, suspense, light comedy a little violence, and a great score by James Horner. This movie has amazing repeat watchability, even though it is a twist and turn kinda movie!
Solid flick! I miss this kind of filmmaking!
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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