American Tiger aka American Rickshaw (1990)
Highly entertaining b-thriller with strong supernatural vibe. You never know what´s coming next Directed by Sergio Martino and starring Mitchell Gaylord, Daniel Greene, Victoria Prouty and Donald Pleasence.
What we have here is Great Miami locations, chinese witch, evil reverend, ugly statue with magical powers... Check this out if you can!
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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quote:Originally posted by aTomiK: American Tiger aka American Rickshaw (1990)
Highly entertaining b-thriller with strong supernatural vibe. You never know what´s coming next Directed by Sergio Martino and starring Mitchell Gaylord, Daniel Greene, Victoria Prouty and Donald Pleasence.
What we have here is Great Miami locations, chinese witch, evil reverend, ugly statue with magical powers... Check this out if you can!
Ok, if I was the lead in an action movie, I would maybe think about changing my name from MITCH GAYLORD to.... well, pretty much anything else Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Well, his acting career didn´t go very far. From American Anthem to this one and couple of steamy thrillers in the 90s. Still, he´s not nearly the worst actor from that era.
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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quote:Originally posted by aTomiK: Well, his acting career didn´t go very far. From American Anthem to this one and couple of steamy thrillers in the 90s. Still, he´s not nearly the worst actor from that era.
No, that would be the combined cast of Deadly Prey
quote:Originally posted by 80'sRocked: A Simple Plan, 1998:
This one is great too!
Good movie. Saw in the theatres when it first came out. But I remember thinking to myself, "Why does this movie remind me of Fargo?" Posts: 3385 | From: Sacramento, California, USA | Registered: Sep 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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This is a movie I loved when I was a kid. It's a sweet and sometimes sad movie set in the 1930's about a teenage girl who runs away from home to become a diving girl. Oh, and Michael Schoeffling (Jake Ryan) is in it too.
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Basic Instinct
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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My Girl 2. I love that film!!!!! Austin O'Brian is so sweet & handsome in this movie!!
Posts: 8 | From: Buenos Aires | Registered: Apr 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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Was cleaning out my closet, and throwing piles of old VHS tapes out, but stumbled upon a few golden oldies, that I haven't got on dvd yet. Man, I had totally forgotten about half of these movies. So I watched some of them this weekend and yesterday.
I love this this movie! love the southern Florida setting, the genuine 50's feel, the classic B-movie references. And tying in the very real nuclear scare with the scare of monster B-movies is a great premise. If you haven't seen this, check it out!
For some reason, the title on the tape said FILOFAX?? I guess that was an alternate title. But anywhooo, this movie was a lot of fun! Always liked Belushi, but was never a fan of Charles Grodin. He seems unlikable to me, no matter what role he plays. But when he is suppose to be, it fares a little better.
An obvious attempt to make a modern day Marx Brothers comedy. And it is actually pretty funny. I have to admit that I found it funnier in the 90's. But it still has a lot of laughs. Great performances by John Turturro and Mel Smith!
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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And I found my old tape of Angel Town and Perfect Weapon, that was so worn out, that I really hope they will be released on DVD. Angel Town had a limited release, but is now up to 173 bucks on Amazon, due to its rarity. And Perfect Weapon I have not been able to find! Two great old, cheesy Martial Arts classics!
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Good stuff JAY LEE! Matinee is great, Joe Dante always delivers. I really need Angel Town and The Perfect Weapon dvd´s too!
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Yeah, a lot of older movies off the mainstream grid are not getting their proper respect!
Yesterday I watched these...
LOVE AND A 45 1994
I can't stand Rene Zellweger, but she's not too bad here. I belive this was made before Natural Born Killers, and is in the same vein. But I prefer this one. Don't know if it is out on DVD yet.
The Hughes brothers Vietnam/coming home/ode to blaxplitation epic! A great movie, but not without its flaws.
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Cool, I will def pick that up! You should check it out, it's well worth it!
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Yeah, i think that i´ll buy it. Zellweger seems to be one of those, who pick interesting roles early in career, but play it so safe later on that everyone loses interest.
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Yeah, I liked her way better in the early to mid 90's. Like this or Empire Records. Think she had a small role in Dazed And Confused, If I remember correctly. And speaking of D&C, Both Wiley Wiggins (Mitch Cramer) and Rory Cochrane (Slater) from that movie appears in Love And A 45. They had a whole little film fraternity thing going down there in Texas in the early to mid 90's.
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
quote:Originally posted by JAY LEE: Yeah, I liked her way better in the early to mid 90's. Like this or Empire Records. Think she had a small role in Dazed And Confused, If I remember correctly. And speaking of D&C, Both Wiley Wiggins (Mitch Cramer) and Rory Cochrane (Slater) from that movie appears in Love And A 45. They had a whole little film fraternity thing going down there in Texas in the early to mid 90's.
Affirmitive, Jay Lee, Renee Zellweger was in "Dazed And Confused." Depending on what you read, it was either Nesi White or the girl in the blue pick-up truck. Her role was uncredited, by the way.
Posts: 1756 | From: Australia. | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 203
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Friday the 13th Jason Goes to Hell,not a bad effort for the time and not the worst in the series. The only real thing wrong with it is the Jason in it does not look much good this time which is a shame because Kane Hodder was one of my favorites playing him.But overall not a bad film.
Posts: 270 | From: Southampton England | Registered: Jul 2008 | Site Updates: 5
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
Flirting (1991). Noah Taylor, Thandie Newton, Kym Wilson, Naomi Watts, Nicole Kidman, Bartholomew Rose, Felix Nobis, Josh Picker, Liri Paramore, Marc Gray, Greg Palmer, Joshua Marshall, David Wieland, Craig Black and Leslie Hill. A shy adolescent boy attending a boarding school in mid-1960s Australia falls in love with a Ugandan girl who goes to a nearby girls' school.
[ 13. May 2010, 04:11: Message edited by: LoverswithCassie ]
Posts: 1756 | From: Australia. | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 203
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
Muriel's Wedding (1994). Toni Collette, Bill Hunter, Rachel Griffiths, Jeanie Dryman, Gennie Nevinson, Matt Day, Chris Haywood and Daniel Lapine. A fat, awkward, ugly woman who listens to ABBA and is obssessed with weddings, dreams of meeting her ideal husband. When she leaves her dysfunctional family not to mention home town to head with a high school friend to Sydney, then she believes that she will be able to fulfil her desire there.
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