Originally posted by Ronnie: they did a nice little piece of hughes this morning, on the today show. at the end of the segment, they showed a few pictures of him while playing "don't you forget about me", by simple minds. so fitting. Did you by chance tape that? If so, if you'd be able to post the footage from it on here for our benefit, it would be a large help.
True story here: just before I went to bed last night, I looked out the bathroom window to say my own personal goodbye, and there was a bright star shining next to the moon, brighter than most stars normally seem to be. Perhaps it was merely a planet, but even if so, I couldn't help thinking it was him, now watching over all of us to make sure we keep the dream alive. And it was to this apparent star that I said thank you for the memories, for making me me, and prayed that he could watch over me, a hopeful screenwriter myself, and show me the way if I need it. In which it probably helps that he in fact heard my name in passing; after I'd finished my EPIC fan fiction story with most of Shermer's residents about 5 years ago, I tried to contact him to see if he'd sign off on formal publication (I would have deferred to him for any changes he'd've wanted to make). This started an odyssey through the DGA, his accountants, and finally his lawyers and agents, who sent me a formal letter from the firm...advising he strongly wish I not do so, that he held his character copyrights dear. And as a writer, I respect that--I'd want the same myself, indeed, if I could manage to be original--so I wrote back that I agreed to drop any thoughts of publication. But it is in this the darkest hour a bright glimmer to know that in all likelihood he knew I existed and I cared.
[ 07. August 2009, 21:57: Message edited by: P a u l ]
Posts: 2561 | From: Pennsylvania | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Damn, I love so much of his work. Crazy when you are heartbroken over someone you have never met. Way too soon
Posts: 59 | From: Southwest Missouri | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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dude i am 80s all the way the movies the breakfast club and all the others he will be missed john hughes came into many households black and white during the big 80s wow im speechless dont know what to say
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I can't believe it happened. I mean, I think about him sometimes, wishing he would make some kind of movie soon, and alas, never again in any hope. If not for the movies, I would not have survived my teen years and I am only 22.
Posts: 327 | From: Lebanon, OH | Registered: Oct 2007 | Site Updates: 24
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(if this link does not come up as clickable--I know only the basics of computerese, admittedly--the moderators can edit this post to make it so - Done (Paul) )
[ 09. August 2009, 01:19: Message edited by: P a u l ]
Posts: 2561 | From: Pennsylvania | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Ive only just got back from holiday and have found out the news. Its so sad he was a genius
Posts: 438 | From: UK | Registered: Jan 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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My friends really ****ed me off yesterday. I mentioned about Hughes passing away and all of them were like "Who cares? That guy hasn't made a good movie since the '80s - he sucks." We seriously almost came to blows over it.
Posts: 835 | From: Hawaii | Registered: Aug 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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You were the 80's to so so many, your movies, inspired us, Gave us joy and hope. When I was a Teen they felt perfect, Now im a ummmmm older teen they still feel perfect. You may be gone, but you will forever live on in our hearts.
I Don't think John would want us to mourn guys, The only real way is to celebrate his life, and the best way to do this, is a John Hughes Movie day.
As he told us once. "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Posts: 158 | From: Hazzard County | Registered: Nov 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I saw a quote the other day saying John Hughes was the voice of teen angst for a generation in the 80's.I can't think of a line that sums up a lot of his films better than that,in most of his teen films there was nearly always a charachter you could associate with which is very rare in a lot of more modern films. Also i was having a look at the list of films he had either written or directed and you don't get many more successfull lists than that.
Posts: 270 | From: Southampton England | Registered: Jul 2008 | Site Updates: 5
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The Wizard
The 80s Hero you've been holding out for....
Member # 533
Just found out
Well I know what I'll be watching tomorrow - all his films I can find in my collection! Posts: 1334 | From: UK | Registered: Sep 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I was in Chicago, ironically enough, the week John Hughes died. Bizarre to be in the Midwest and hear that news, since quite a few of his movies were set there.
It's always been interesting (to me, anyway) that while most of his major movies were made in the 80's, the actual time period that seems to be reflected in them was the late 50's and 60's, like when they retell a comic book story and update most of the cultural references, but leave in odd stuff to make the story work like it was originally written.
Posts: 2 | From: Orlando, FL | Registered: Aug 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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