With James Woods, working for a cable network, and discovers a tv show which alters the viewers’ minds and causes them to hallucinate (or something to that effect?) It also has Debbie Harry who plays his girlfriend I think..
I was given a copy of the movie last weekend but I haven’t watched it yet. I figured I’d come here and ask what your opinions were first?
Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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The Wizard
The 80s Hero you've been holding out for....
Member # 533
It's a real headtrip! I quite like it.
NOT one to watch if you're squeamish in any way at all, but that pretty much sums up a lot of Cronenberg's films Posts: 1334 | From: UK | Registered: Sep 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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She's with you, but she's thinking of Jake Ryan....
Member # 1715
I rememeber watcvhing this flick with MY MOM. Not a good movie to watch with ones mother, especially if she's squeemish.
Posts: 4913 | From: New York | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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hmm, thanks for the replies it sounds alright. i had never even heard of this movie until my uncle gave it to me last week.
Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
I watched part of it...I didn't really like it, so I never finished it.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Weird,bizarre,strange...everything that sums up David film.
Posts: 47 | From: Yorkshire,England | Registered: Oct 2007 | Site Updates: 11
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I STUDIED Videodrome at the University (Sociology) in Rome. My Cultural Antropology teacher was quite a strange/mad 'character' and one day we had our lession at the cinema! ...A really strange movie: it looked interesting. Bye!
Posts: 1 | From: Rome - Italy | Registered: Oct 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
I viewed it after renting it on video. I can remember reading in a science-fiction book about James Woods' own abdomen (!) at one point during the film opens up into a video cassette recorder slot.
Posts: 1756 | From: Australia. | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 203
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quote:Originally posted by pettyfan: I watched part of it...I didn't really like it, so I never finished it.
this is exactly what i did petty. i wanted to see this movie and ended up shutting it off.
Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Saw it when I was young and just recently. Still holds up. "Long live the new flesh!"
Posts: 4413 | From: Where the streets have no name | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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