quote:Originally posted by Mire Mare: And what's wrong with speaking German, at least the railway's in the country would run on time!
You would start and finish work on the dot!
You would be forced to do daily exorcises but hey we all need motivation and who doesn't need to lose a few pounds!
Crime would be non existent and the prisons would be empty!
There definitely would be plenty of jobs!
Oh and you would get to where great boots!
Sounds fab!
Heil Hitler!
Man! I've got to buy you a pint some day...
p.s. how did you get off your leash? Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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quote:Originally posted by Nick: Well, obviously I can't comment on those conspiracies because I have nothing but a dose of healthy cynicism to go on
Yes, capitalism is fuelled by greed. Yes, I'm sure bad things go on (thank god we've got the Queen as head of state to limit what our politicians can do..!)
IMHO its dangerous to form world opinion on the basis of heresay and folklore (MI6 in the UK assasinated Diana anyone?), but you're obviously allowed yours
...But my opinion(s) of USA foreign policy are limited by the "facts" that I know for sure and how they might affect me (simplistic, I know! )
And, quite apart from all the stuff mentioned here, I can't allow myself to forget that we'd both be talking German via a state censored connection if it wasn't for our brothers in the USA coming to our aid (twice!)
Nearly half a million young Americans gave their lives for "us" in WW2 alone, and so, for that, in honor of their memory, my loyalty to our brother across the Atlantic is assured... And I personally find it very hard to think any other way when I think of all those families who lost their sons & fathers to assure our freedom.
God bless the USA, that's what I say... (it might be naiive, it might be narrow minded, but it works for me)
Like I said, just my $0.02
Thanks for the kind words Nick... And God bless the UK as well! Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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It always makes me laugh on COPS and many other trashy US reality program that great effort is made in saying the word VeeeHicle!
Its vehicle or as you quite rightly said just say car or truck!
As for burgers we really only have Mc Donald's (which I hate as it gives me the ****s) or Burger King (which I love) a large Triple Whopper with bacon and cheese & a side of Onion rings is a weekend treat for me or sometimes I go hassle the Colonel for a full breast meal!
Also Subway has suddenly gained in popularity in this country over the past few years, in fact we have about 8 Subway stores in Coventry now compared to only 2 Burger Kings!
When I was in Florida I use to love Checkers!
Tell me have you ever been to the much revered White Castles and partaken of there sliders!
Posts: 165 | From: Coventry, United Kingdom | Registered: Jul 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Do they have a British version of COPS? Yeah, a nice Burger Kind double whopper is indeed a treat. Crap, a triple with bacon is HUGE!!! I noticed you order the onion rings as well. The fries are God-awful. I tend to frown on Subway because they use cheap quality meet, and they hardly give you any of it... I too love KFC. You should check this site out: http://www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com/ I love fried chicken...
I love White Castle but only 2 or 3 times a year, when I'm drunk! The burgers do bad things to me... What sucks is that they are closing stores everywhere. What a shame...
What about fish and chips? Are they still popular in the UK? What kind of fish do they use? I used to LOVE going to Arthur Treachers, but they have all disappeared in the US.
- jdocster04
Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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Yep there are a couple of UK police type reality programs but on the whole they lack the thrills and spills and of course bad use of the English language that yours do!
The chases normally involves some hooded 15 year old from a housing estates driving a stolen Vauxhall Corsa at high speed around his "housing estate" egging the police on to chase him, it normally ends with him crashing into someone's front garden and then fleeing on foot only to be caught minutes later, as always he is to young to prosecute so they end up letting him go so he can appear on next weeks show obviously in another stolen car!
No gun play I am afraid and by Christ you are lucky if they crack open the pepper spray and give some drunk a dose right in the eyes now that's television!
All pretty boring buy US standards!
Posts: 165 | From: Coventry, United Kingdom | Registered: Jul 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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They use to have one in our local mega bowl, I haven't been there for years but funnily enough I went last week for my nieces birthday and its not there anymore!
Its now just some small franchised burger joint!
I use to love a good Wimpy burger!
Yum Yum!
Posts: 165 | From: Coventry, United Kingdom | Registered: Jul 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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They used to offer an all you can eat buffet when I lived back in NJ. Me and a couple of 'bulky' gents used to have-at-it from time to time. It's not good for you, but hey, who wants to be good all of the time. Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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Went to Popeye's once I think it was in Washington and it was in a bad neighbourhood when I walked in I realised that I was the only white boy in there, it felt like a seen from a movie when I walked in every body stopped what they where doing and turned and looked!
The girl behind the counter looked at me nervously and asked what I wanted, I think she was a little surprised when she heard my accent as I guess they did not get to many White English people in the local neighbourhood Popeye's!
Got out with my life though but was followed buy a couple of dudes, Luckily the hotel was not very far away so got back alright!
Posts: 165 | From: Coventry, United Kingdom | Registered: Jul 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Had that happen to me in downtown KC once... Two guys followed me back across the parking lot to my car. One of them walked over to me and raised his fist, so, I shot him! Thank God we all have guns over here.
You just don't mess with another man's chicken!
p.s. just kidding... Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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quote:Originally posted by Mire Mare: Yeh what ever happened to Wimpy!
They sold most of their locations to Burger King... But there are some left. There's one in the town where I work. Yes.. they still do the "Big Bender Grill" (a donut shaped sausage for our USA visitors) and yes... you still need a mortgage to eat there. Equiv of Big Mac + Fries + Beverage = £8 or $16! Posts: 1026 | From: The '80s | Registered: Feb 2000 | Site Updates: 407
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quote:Originally posted by Mire Mare: Your very fortunate to be able to think like that Nick!
Well... I just don't take much notice of conspiracy history. The people telling it to us often have an agenda after all... The truth normally comes out in the end anyway and thats when I listen.
You should never assume however that all Conspiracies are the work of crack pots and lunatics, we are constantly bombarded on a daily basis with information in the from of TV and papers and it is very much selective propaganda but Joe public excepts that as the truth!
Couldn't agree more
By the way, did you watch the recent BBC series on conspiracies? Very well researched and not one had a shred of truth.
Yes its great the Yanks helped us out in good old WWII and I am not trying deny that they helped but if you want to get all teary eyed about it how about thanking the Canadians, French, Spanish, Indian, African, Australian plus many more countries who sacrificed there sons and daughters to help win the war!
Again, I couldn't agree more... God bless them all (well, with the posssible exception of the french army ) but the subject wasn't about those other countries...
You say good "old" WW2... Is there a statute of limitations on gratitude for our freedom? I don't think there should be?
What you need to understand is that ultimately the powers that be where simply eying up the spoils of war, you may very well say it was all for the greater good but how many countries have been covertly run buy the Americans since the war!
Wow - what a subject. Suffice it to say that, at the end of the war, yes everyone wanted their piece of the pie, but, having just suffered the "great war", I don't think Europe as a whole was only going to war over what they could gain...
--except the Germans, of course!
It also gave mass employment to a lot of unemployed Americans due to the great depression, Americas involvement allowed itself to boost it flagging industries and give the country a sense of purpose and pride, this is just what the government actually needed a damn good war!
Well, the Americans certainly needed some convincing! We were begging them for years before they actually helped! (covertly they'd been helping for some time)
I can't help but think that your view is as cynical and contaminated with conspiracist propoganda as mine is "rose tinted"!
I have the utmost respect for any man who would put his life on the line for his country and his beliefs regardless of where he comes from!
Did you know that the UK this year has finally paid of its war debt from World war II, cannot remember the exact amount but it runs into Billions and where do you think most of that went!
I see that you're obsessing over the money. Yes, the American government made sure that they lined their nest, destroyed our world empire etc etc but I don't (& won't) care about that. It's easy to blame things like that for our post-war failings, but I'm concentrating on the people themselves. Decent, ordinary Americans and English people (& Australians, Indians etc) who made the ultimate sacrifice for our continued freedom. There's no amount of money that can repay that debt. Period.
Regardless of what you think Nick its not out of love but for shear financial gain and power!
Baloney! No offense, but like I said, you're concentrating on government officials. Try watching a few decent documentaries where they interview mom and pop from Oklahoma where pop was on the beaches in France during the war -- a war that was to save our a$$ - not theirs.
I tell ya - I watch those things and pop talks (& cries) about how all his buddies were blown to bits in about 10 seconds of landing and I can't help but be moved -and eternally grateful. It wasn't their war. Imagine the fuss we get over a few soldiers dying in Iraq multiplied to half a million lost in someone else's problem. Would we have done it for them? Only a very special friend gives so much and thats how I like to consider our cousins over the water
Sure, they ask us to back them up to overthrow some dictator. OK, the politics are a bit suspect. No problem, friend. It's the least I can do. We need the oil too, after all.
So they back the wrong group and it backfires into terrorism. Like a teenager, they are finding their way in being a world superpower. Give 'em time, they'll figure it out. At least their not paying the Irish any more to blow us up
I know the foibles, I've heard the arguments. Stuff the governments -they're all useless anyway. My defence is of mom and pop in Oklahoma...
This is never about discrediting the grunt on the front lines but more about the seedy and murky underworld of the US government who run there country on lies and deceit and have there grubby little fingers in everybody else's business!
Again, I agree wholeheartedly but you are in danger of tarring the whole of America with your conspiracy brush and, at the end of the day, if mom and pop in Oklahoma weren't horrified with the scenes they saw in the news, there wouldn't have been the political will to send their sons over to help.
We weren't so damn squeaky clean when we were running the world either
-Just my $0.03 this time
[ 30. August 2007, 15:01: Message edited by: Nick ]
Posts: 1026 | From: The '80s | Registered: Feb 2000 | Site Updates: 407
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At the risk of diving into a hornet's nest, at least the Russians didn't get to control the planet; with hundreds of years worth of horrible repression of their citizens on their hands, and clear moral bankruptcy and even pseudo-Satanism that Marxism-Leninism promoted, one can only shudder at what might have been had they started Armageddon (some sources suggest Stalin was going to try this very scenario before he died--perhaps murdered by his associates who knew it was either him or them). If it is about oil, at least we don't openly threaten other countries with economic misery as Putin does.
I don't usually believe many conspiracies, because everything they say is usually biased too heavily in their favor. One needs to really take the middle ground most of the time, or at least to think it out critcally. Sure, the leadership is dumb and quixotic (then again, which government isn't?), but they're certainly not evil; you have to at least grant that they think they're trying to help us, even though it's clear they could try very much harder. The average, real American is still essentially good at heart, so we still have much to be proud of regardless of how far we end up in whatever pits present themselves.
Posts: 2561 | From: Pennsylvania | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Considering the many twists and turns that this thread has taken, I can only respond with the following:
jdocster and I decide to visit MM, but when we arrive in London, we find MM missing, the place is trashed, there are Burger King takeout wrappers everywhere, and one TV is playing Cops, another is playing a show about conspiracy theories.
As we start to look around, we hear that creepy Friday the 13th music start and hear a door slam. We run back outside, but theres a black helicopter above us! We keep running but can't shake the helicopter.
We make it to an ASDA and run inside to take shelter by the £3.00 80's dvds. The door opens and in walks MM! "You're OK!" we shout, but in walks another MM! The first MM turns around and the second MM blasts the first with a laser rifle. MM #1 flies apart in an explosion of metal, as MM #2 says "I was sent from the future to destroy Replicant MM, come with me if you want to live."
We follow behind Terminator MM along with our horde of £3.00 dvds that we bought even though our Region 1 dvd players at home won't play them (thanks a lot region coding). Outside the black helicopter is still there! jdocster and I both take out a copy of the Karate Kid, assume the crane kick position and launch our Karate Kid discs to the sky like throwing stars. The helicopter is hit and goes out of control, it's going to crash! Unfortunately it lands on Terminator MM, who doesn't survive, except for a perfectly preserved metallic hand. The chopper is on fire, but it looks like someone is tied up in the back. We pull out whoever it is --- it's MM! The real MM! After some thanks, MM gives us each £3.00 to go buy more Karate Kid DVD's.
Then the pilot of the chopper starts to crawl out of the wreckage, moaning, "I want my two dollars!" Then the chopper explodes, so I guess he didn't really need the two dollars after all.
All seems OK, until a mysterious alien laser beam plucks MM from in front of us, and pulls him into the sky! jdocster and I look at the fleeting figure of MM and a small square object falls in front of us. It's MM's wallet, so we figure we are meant to go buy more 80's DVDs. As we head back into the ASDA, MM is pulled through space and lands on a planet of ducks! After defeating the dark overlords with crack cocaine, lots of guns, and a very very old White Castle burger, MM settles down with Duck Beverly and starts a website called 80's Quack-wind.
Meanwhile, having spent all of MM's cash, jdocster and I decide to visit Nick for, hopefully, a more peaceful visit. That's when a gun toting cheerleader and her sister drive up and tell us that a comet came through, wiped everyone out and they need help fighting zombies
[ 31. August 2007, 02:51: Message edited by: WolfmansGotNards ]
Posts: 400 | From: The 80's! Where else?! | Registered: Jul 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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MM, my mind ray kit was back ordered so they sent me X-Ray glasses instead!!
Posts: 400 | From: The 80's! Where else?! | Registered: Jul 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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