Yes, it is thanks! One more question, do you know the name of the song they are singing in it? I found it pretty cheap on ebay, think I will buy it!
Posts: 2 | Registered: Aug 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by J.t.: Im looking for this late 80's kung fu movie about these 3 little asain boys are being trained by there grandpa or grandma (maybe parents i dunno)and in one scene the parents or grandparents fight on top of a bunch of un-opened soda cans. i know this is one is really out there but if yall could find the title of this one that would Kick A$$.
I believe the movie you are talking about is Kung Fu Kids, which part I do not know.
Posts: 4 | From: California | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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The movie is about a house in which the front portion of the house is visible and only the front wall, nothing inbetween, sides or back walls. When the kids enter the house it is complete and furnished, despite the incomeplete exterior shot. The kids need to find, i believe, three daggers to either kill the monsters or leave the house.
-thanks for the help.
Posts: 4 | From: California | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I am looking for a movie (obviously!) where a girl wishes to be a boy and when she wakes up in the morning it came true. I am not sure if it really exists or if I am combining 'Just One of the Guys' with something else.
Hiya Everyone ... I have been trying to remember the name of this film for weeks but cant so wonder if anyone else can ?
Its a sci-fi film, the main character is I seem to remember one of them space going rogue type people who gets given a mission to rescue some important people (girls ?) that have been captured. I can't remember much of the middle of the film, except there is a fight scene that revolves around some sort of old battered train or long caravan type vehicle. The end of the film has the captured girls in some sort of circular metal cage along with other captured people. The people in the cage are forced to go through some sort of assault course full of nasty spikey things and traps !! Sounds bizzare I know, not sure if there was an adult theme to this film as I can remember my mum wouldn't let me watch it until my dad came home from work and said I could !!!!
Thanks Becky
Posts: 1 | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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I'm looking for this movie that use to air on the Disney channel (I think) at night. I think it is an 80's movie (it looked like it) anyway...
It was a story about a high school girl (and if i remember correctly I think she was a babysitter too) who wants to be popular so she visits this lady (possibly a fortune teller or something? She looked old and dressed like one) and that lady helped her wish come true and she became popular. Then another part in the movie she showed the old lady a picture of a pretty woman that she wanted to look just like and it happened.
She ends up with a popular guy and goes and makes out with him in some abandoned house. Thats all I can remember.
Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?
Posts: 1 | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Hey guys Im looking for a movie from the 80's/70's. It had a guy in it that was being chased by the typical bad corporation, they had this Flash thingy, kinda like Men in Black, and if you were wearing these special sunglasses then you didnt get flashed. I remeber part of the movie they were watching a commercial and it tracked your eye movements and they were testing to see if people looked at the product or the girl in the commercial... i know this is a long shot but if anyone knows about this please post it.. thanks
Posts: 2 | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Sounds kinda familiar, do you remember anything else about it??
Posts: 2242 | From: Here | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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Help I am trying to remember the name of a movie! All I can remember is that It had to have been in the 80's. A girl maybe about 12 years old is in a small stream with a container of some sort and she ends up at a womans house who keeps faces or heads in cases in her house that she wears each day. There is another guy too, who helps the girl get away from the woman, i think they fly away on some sort of contraption they made. PLease help!
Posts: 1 | From: Cape Cod | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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It sounds like "Return To Oz". it came out in 1985. I don't know if this helps but try and see. 2242 | From: Here | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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Hi guys and gals. Does anyone remember a low budget (very low I think) sci-fi film about a bunch of kids who were either sent to or were already detained on some sort of penal planet for juveniles? The planet fell under attack by some type of robotic warriors or something and one of the kids stayed back to fight while the others escaped on a shuttle.
I beleive this movie was made in the eighties. I can only vaguely recall seeing it on TV sometime. Any thoughts? Thanks Posts: 55 | From: Chicago | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by janos44: Hey guys Im looking for a movie from the 80's/70's. It had a guy in it that was being chased by the typical bad corporation, they had this Flash thingy, kinda like Men in Black, and if you were wearing these special sunglasses then you didnt get flashed. I remeber part of the movie they were watching a commercial and it tracked your eye movements and they were testing to see if people looked at the product or the girl in the commercial... i know this is a long shot but if anyone knows about this please post it.. thanks
janos44, I answered this on the 70's site, but incase you check here first, the movie you are asking about is called "Looker".
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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Hey thanks Devolution. I looked Solarbabies up on IMDB. I don't it's the film I'm referring to, but there were a couple of scenes on the trailer that looked familiar, so I'll have to rent it and check it out, thanks for the tip.
Anyone else got a suggestion in the meantime?
Posts: 55 | From: Chicago | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Hi everyone, this site has surely brought back a lot of memories! Now it's my turn for a question!
I saw this movie a long long time ago when i was home sick from elementary school. It is an animated movie. I appologize for the vague details, but I remember it was about a cat/horse type character on a quest of some sort who meets another cat/horse character and they travel together. At one point one of them is in a basket floating on a river...they run into an old lady hanging laundry out to dry and the sidekick cat thinks she's a witch and wants the lady to teach him spells, but instead she thinks he's hungry and shoves a sweet potato/carrot in his mouth. The main character has a magical horn-thing that he can put on his forhead (like a unicorn). The sidekick steals it toward the end and crashes though walls and stuff...then they go on to save the country/world against some evil guy. I think they also had to travel through an evil forest to get to a castle...
that's all I can remember and i've been thinking about this movie for years now...HELP! Thanks!
Posts: 2 | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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hi I'm looking for a teen 80's movie about a bunch of valley girls (and no the movie is not valley girl) I dont remember hardly anything about it except a couple scenes. One scene all the girls are in a living room with the preppy guys and things get crazy aka nudity. Another scene is in a van at the end of the night and one of the girls writes on the windshield with lipstick. Sorry I dont know more. Thanks for any help.
Posts: 111 | Registered: Mar 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Hey - there are three films i'm seeking info on. I remember vauge details about each. I'll do my best to describe each one.
1. the first film has a sort of post apocolyptic feel to it, i beleive the cast was mostly Kids who could not go out into the sun and lived in a bunker like environment. i don't recall if there even was a sun or not. i just remember the kids had to expose themselves to a sun lamp once a day in order to keep healthy ?
2. the second is a biker movie, the only thing i recall is one of the guys in the "bad" gang had a hook for a hand ?
3. Last but not least. A film that took place in Africa , where lions were attacking people in their homes. i recall this one being slightly graphic.
thanks for your time.
Posts: 1 | From: brooklyn | Registered: Oct 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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I have a question about some Universal movies. I think they may have done this in both some late 80s movies and some early 90s movies. At the beginning of the movie, even before the beginning credits, they would have UNIVERSAL scroll across the screen and it would have different Universal Studios things appear inside of the letters. I kind of remember a giant ape, like King Kong, appearing in one of the letters. Does anybody remember any specific movies that they did this for? Thanks a bunch.
Posts: 11 | From: Kansas City | Registered: Jan 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone can please help me find the name of a film i saw a long time ago. It starts off with a deaf boy who wanders into a cave and finds a pearl which cures his deafness. Him and his friends all live in the desert and this pearl then brings them rain. It's all a bit of a blur from then, i remember a man getting tortured on a table by getting covered in ants. I also remember one of the girls is a water princess or something.? Please please please, can anyone can tell me what this film is? Thank u
Posts: 1 | From: Sheffield | Registered: Dec 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:I have a question about some Universal movies. I think they may have done this in both some late 80s movies and some early 90s movies. At the beginning of the movie, even before the beginning credits, they would have UNIVERSAL scroll across the screen and it would have different Universal Studios things appear inside of the letters. I kind of remember a giant ape, like King Kong, appearing in one of the letters...
The Internet Movie Database might look things up or give you a list of titles made by Universal Studios that might offer some possibilities.
From my experience, Universal has had lots of variations to their studio logo over the years. But usually, it centers around a globe of the Earth.
I'm looking for the name of a 80's movie about a group of orphan kids. I remember one of them gets adopted by a rich family and the others leave to find the boy who was abopted. Seems like one of the orphans was a teen girl who fall for one of the teen bad boy orphans Please help???
Posts: 1 | From: North Carolina | Registered: Jan 2006 | Site Updates: 0
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Q: I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding the title of this movie I saw years ago. It was one of those high school movies... I could only remember a few frames: a composition, a trip to washington as a prize, a trekie chasing the students, a party at the principal's home... That's all that I can remember. Somebody told me that is "Summer School", but I'm not sure. Hope somebody knows what I'm talking about! Thanks!
Posts: 1 | From: Madrid, Spain | Registered: Feb 2006 | Site Updates: 0
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The Wizard
The 80s Hero you've been holding out for....
Member # 533
quote:Originally posted by magicemm: Hello, I'm just wondering if anyone can please help me find the name of a film i saw a long time ago. It starts off with a deaf boy who wanders into a cave and finds a pearl which cures his deafness. Him and his friends all live in the desert and this pearl then brings them rain. It's all a bit of a blur from then, i remember a man getting tortured on a table by getting covered in ants. I also remember one of the girls is a water princess or something.? Please please please, can anyone can tell me what this film is? Thank u
Solarbabies, aka Solarwarriors.
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