Thanks for the reply P_A_U_L, but it is not Enemy Mine. The lizard like bad guys look more like the green alien guy from Hunter Prey. The movie I am looking for was not as popular as Enemy Mine and I don't think there was any A-list actors.
Posts: 2 | Registered: Jul 2012 | Site Updates: 0
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ok trying to find a movie movie is about a man getting caught by the cops put in jail for a reason i cant remember but there is a draw bridge that is the only way out and in of thid town this is how he was caught by police by rasing it so he is in jail somw how escapes runs through a swamp until he finds a road a crazzy man in a low ryder trucl picks him up but u can hear police coming do the driver hitsd the NOS in the truck leaving the cops in the dust he lets the man out to run while he keeps driving with the cops on hus tail we the man gets caught gets back in jail he comes up with a way of getting out and getting over the bridge by jumping it with a dump truck at the the end of the movie and he gets away so all i can think of the movie that low ryder truck sold for alot of money it made the movie popular so i u can think of this movie please my email is please help this movie is driving me crazy to find for the past 2 years....thank u all trav
Posts: 3 | From: virginia | Registered: Sep 2012 | Site Updates: 0
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Actually that description also sounds a bit like Nothing But Trouble (1991)...
Posts: 2213 | From: The Netherlands | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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ok i have looke through every search engine for this movie have fount alot of peps looking for the same movie it is a 80s movie a man escapes a detention area but his friends are still in there he escapes thrugh a swamp onto the road where he meets a crazy guy with a low ryder truck with NOS instaded they out run police using NOS best scene in movie later this truck wa sold in low rider magazine for lots of money so he comes back gets his friends out escape at the of the by jumping off bridge into a dump truck i thought he ramped the draw bridge at the end of the movie with the dump truck i dont know but this the movie from what i can gather by other posts so maybe this will ring a bell thanks again...trav
Posts: 3 | From: virginia | Registered: Sep 2012 | Site Updates: 0
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Looking for a movie that I vaguely remember but the imagery was so vivid. Very colorful and the house was almost fake or imaginary in it...the woman in the one part I remember was upset about something maybe being dead and hides behind a door in a room of the house and tries to take pills or something ....the guy in it and her fight or don't get along reminded me of a fantasy and I cannot remember the name..had to be late eighties, like 88 89 maybe a love story where a woman is dead?? or dreaming??
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Truly Madly Deeply?
Posts: 3383 | From: England | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 21
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21 Updates!
Looking for name of an 80's romantic comedy. It was set in LA. The guy is a rock musician, the woman comes from money. They rollerblade at Venice Beach on their first date only he doesn't really know how to. Think her family doesn't approve, causing romantic tension. Movie was often shown on cable channels like USA/TBS/TNT 20 years ago. Don't think any well known actors were in it.
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
In my film, the woman worked in an office, and was mugged. She started going to a self-defense class, and the instructor, a police man, got her into weighlifting. She started getting healthier, losing weight. She got fired from her job because she annoyed her boss by eating healthy crunchy snacks, like carrot sticks.
She starts dating the cop (near LA, I think), who is later embarrassed when she can lift more than him around his friends at an outside area like the weightlifting area at Venice Beach. He breaks up with her, she's distraught, the big dramatic scene is her struggling to not drown her sorrows in Hagen-Dasz, she over comes, and lives happily ever after.
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
I think that this is Getting Physical. Here´s the Finnish VHS tape i own. Good film!
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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7 Updates!
The part of the movie i remember is right near the end i's an early-mid 80's movie i don't remember any "big" names in it, but then again, i was about 5-7 years old. The main charachter is a typical 80's looking teenager, with darker mouse-y brown curly hair (not tight curls, but not loose waves either...typical 80's hair with the poof for bangs), and she's wearing a catholic school uniform (dark blue blazer with red/blue plaid skirt), is maybe getting kinda raped on the hood of a car, then gets away and is running away from the guy (or group of's night time).... as she's running away, she jumps from what appears to be a field that is way up on a hill or cliff, jumps off the cliff to try and clear a fence at the bottom, but doesn't quite make it and is maybe impaled at gut level on the fence (I think it's a chain-link fence, but could be a white picket fence)? That's all I remember, and I have a few friends who say it sounds familiar, but don't remember it either, and I have read thru all 27 pages....(took me 8 hours! lol) Please help! (sorry if I posted wrong)
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I was thinking about that one when I saw the original post earlier in the feeds...but it appears that the rape scene is at the beginning, and this one is at the end....i am going to try and see it tho, and get back to you on it. Thanks tho
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It probably won't be the movie you're looking for.. but with a description like that, it's just a matter of time before someone mentions Death Wish 2, since it has the most famous "rapevictim-who-ends-up-on-the-sharp-end-of-a-fence" scene.
The lovely Robin Sherwood plays the unfortunate girl here, and kinda does fit the description.
Posts: 2213 | From: The Netherlands | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
I only vaguely remember this movie from my youth, and the only part I remember is towards the end. I'm pretty sure it was a teen comedy, and the end involves a robot being dismantled because they wanted to put a school bus engine into a car for a race, and the robot’s outer shell could withstand the heat. And if memory serves me right, the robot was put back together after the race and pulls down the pants of the main “bad guy” at the very end. Any ideas???
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
quote:Originally posted by Dev12: Hi. I'm looking for the title of an 80's movie that had a Mr. McCready in it. Seems like he might have been a camp counsellor or youth leader.
Thanks, Dev
I watched Blind Fury with Rutger Hauer the other day and there was a Mr. McCready in that but he was more of a crime boss than a youth leader.
quote:Originally posted by Tellabelle: The part of the movie i remember is right near the end i's an early-mid 80's movie i don't remember any "big" names in it, but then again, i was about 5-7 years old. The main charachter is a typical 80's looking teenager, with darker mouse-y brown curly hair (not tight curls, but not loose waves either...typical 80's hair with the poof for bangs), and she's wearing a catholic school uniform (dark blue blazer with red/blue plaid skirt), is maybe getting kinda raped on the hood of a car, then gets away and is running away from the guy (or group of's night time).... as she's running away, she jumps from what appears to be a field that is way up on a hill or cliff, jumps off the cliff to try and clear a fence at the bottom, but doesn't quite make it and is maybe impaled at gut level on the fence (I think it's a chain-link fence, but could be a white picket fence)? That's all I remember, and I have a few friends who say it sounds familiar, but don't remember it either, and I have read thru all 27 pages....(took me 8 hours! lol) Please help! (sorry if I posted wrong)
OK, I dunno if this is it because it does not match your description exactly. This woman does get confronted by a guy dressed as Dracula at her car and runs away from him down a dark alley and ends up getting impaled on a white picket fence (in the neck). This has definitely got a chance of being it but just check this movie out and see if this might be it:
I hope this is it cos if it is the full movie is on You Tube.
[ 28. April 2013, 00:35: Message edited by: Bernie_Lomax ]
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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24 Updates!
I'm trying to find a movie that I watched in the 90's (I was pretty young) but I'm pretty sure it's from the 70's or 80's.
All I can remember is stuff from the end. This woman (I think her hair was red) went kind of crazy because her daughter died. I think she accidentally fell down the stairs. The end of the movie shows the mother kept the daughter in a coffin in her basement or something, and she's all dusty and skeletal.
I think she may have been pretending someone else was her daughter. It may have taken place in an orphanage, or something similar. I also remember a check being written in british pounds, for a very large amount.
Anyone know what movie this was?
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