Oh the good ole days when all you had to do was put a tube on the back of the cable box to get HBO and Cinemax for free !!
Posts: 3 | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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OK here goes i think it was an 80's movie. Can't remember any of the names of the actors but the plot went kinda like this. There was a geeky guy from school and i think later after school he asks a popular guy to be in his wedding or best man. The popular guy doesnt remember him but goes along with it until the end when he tells the geeky guy "I don't remember you!" and the geeky guy says "Don't you remember, you looked at me after the football game and said cmon you guys"( or some generalized statement) and the cool guy says of coourse i remember. Anybody? This is driving me crazy!
Posts: 3 | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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I'm trying to remember the name of this movie. I *think* I remember it being based on a book, though by who I couldn't say. There were 2 teenage kids, they had an old Plymouth Road Runner painted with gray primer. I think they were general troublemakers, but one of them kept getting progressively worse. I believe it ended with him shooting some people in a mall. Any ideas?
Posts: 2 | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Does this sound familiar, I don't know the name of it. A boy plays the electronic 80's simon game until he beats it. When he beats it, a portal opens up in his bedroom and he walks through it. His parents have to beat it to follow him.
Posts: 3 | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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Do you know that it's a movie? There are an awful lot of people who look for things that were part of a TV series like 'Amazing Stories' or 'Twilight Zone' (80's version). You could try the plot synopsis' for those on the IMDB.
Posts: 3383 | From: England | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 21
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hi can anyone help me im looking for the mane oof a 80's fil where these monsters with little heads live in the ground or sumwhere and capture children to drain their essence and drink it.. im also pretty sure the kids have wings but cant be 100% thanx craig
Posts: 1 | From: essex | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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hey people whats up, movie I'm looking for was from the 80's ,perhaps late 70's. The movie started with kids playing in a self build spaceship (a fake spaceship just for playing) that was standing in the yard of one of the kids.(they were playing like they were in a space war). But most scenes I remember were from those kids doing crazy things with there skateboards; like 2 skateboarders next to each other holding arms and hangin verry low to the road while going pretty fast down a road.And one of the kids building a giant skateboard while the others visit him. I think its possible that the actors were french-canadian speaking actors. I think it ended with a skate contest,but not shure. The kids were 12 to 14 years old I think...
Thanx in advance!
Posts: 4 | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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hey thanx logan5 ; BUT I went true it on the tube,but its not that one,although It was pretty close,with the skateboarding parts and the 2 kids building that soapbox (or what is it, didnt see the ending of the film) similar to what I remeber as kids building a giant skateboard in the movie Im looking for. And the kids playing in a spaceship didnt come up... Im pretty shure Im not mixing up 2 movies... but Thanx again! cheers
[ 19. February 2010, 02:08: Message edited by: Skip ]
Posts: 4 | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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I really need help with this one... Its a movie about a guy that grew up in the era when there was no television only radio... He narrates through out the movie. In one seen he sees his neighbor changing from the window in his room, i want for say it takes place in a place like Brooklyn cuz there's a like a Train. In the and his brother signs up to the military. One big thing about this movie is the music they play in it I think its from the 20's or 40's. Any clue???
Posts: 2 | From: California | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
maybe even Brighton Beach Memoirs? if it isn't Radio Days? I was gonna suggest both Posts: 2912 | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 26
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i think its the brighton beach memories one, I'll rent them both just to be safe thanks guys! aTomiK and Muffy
Posts: 2 | From: California | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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The movie I am looking for is not any of the Indiana Jones or Crocodile Dundee movies. But it seemed like a spoof of them. It takes place in South America. Near or looking for an Inca or Aztec temple(s). The one scene that sticks in my head takes place near a river? There are about 5 people around and not all of them are good. The good one(s) pass out at some point. I've often wondered if the lead guy is the same one that played the lead role in the Allen Quartermain movie. Anyways any help would be wonderful. Thank you all.
Posts: 10 | From: Florida | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
quote:Originally posted by Lady Redheart78: The movie I am looking for is not any of the Indiana Jones or Crocodile Dundee movies. But it seemed like a spoof of them. It takes place in South America. Near or looking for an Inca or Aztec temple(s). The one scene that sticks in my head takes place near a river? There are about 5 people around and not all of them are good. The good one(s) pass out at some point. I've often wondered if the lead guy is the same one that played the lead role in the Allen Quartermain movie. Anyways any help would be wonderful. Thank you all.
I do believe that it is Firewalker. but just in case i am going to re-watch the Quartermain movies to be sure. thank u guys for your help. Posts: 10 | From: Florida | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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since i had such good luck before, im going to ask about one more movie. its from 89 or 90 a warewolf movie. I remember a blond actress in a cabin in the woods with a German Shepard. At some point a dark haired man shows up, may be a brother. the guy is staying in a silver camper.
i know the movie is NOT silver bullet or wolf. again any help would be loved.
Posts: 10 | From: Florida | Registered: Feb 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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