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Author Topic: FAQ: Check this FIRST if you're looking for the name of a movie...
jdocster McFly you Irish bug

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I just saw this movie a couple of months ago...

It's "Secret Admirer"

BTW, the guy who owned the van is a white guy named Casey Siemaszko.

Good flick! [Big Grin]

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Thanks soooo much for that jdocster04!!!
Been trying to find out for years what this film was called [Smile] ))

lol @ owner of the van... sorry, I did say I saw it once and that 20 years ago

Am gonna see if this film is on DVD now ...

Thanks again!!!


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dr mike
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hello sorry but my english is really bad i dont remember the name of a movie was a bout of a gimnastic who represent the usa in a competicion i remember one of the prves was a cross a town of crazy killer people in europe in that town died the bad guy of the movie in the hand of the crazy people on pigs
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Rewind Curious
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I'm trying to find the name of a movie that has the following quote in it "call me, I'm walking again". I thought it was from Casual Sex? with Andrew Dice Clay, but I just watched it and did find the quote at all. Anyone know?
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Devolution here,

I believe you are looking for the Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) with Mr. Clay, a personal favorite of mine, although it is an acquired taste.

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Thanks. I bet your right.
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I found the title to #4 by typing "skateboard" and "rocket launcher" in google (at around the 6th page) - "Hard Ticket to Hawaii." I also found the title of #5 by accident! It's "Ray Bradbury Theater" and is similar to other 80s horror series like "Twilight Zone," "Amazing Stories," "Alfred Hitch****," and "Tales from the Darkside."

"Emissary" is just an episode, not a movie. I also read the synopsis of "The Crowd," which I'm now starting to vaguely remember. I also remembered "My Zombie Lover," which was an episode of "Monsters" starring one of the daughters from "The Cosby Show." I used to think that "Monsters" was part of "Twilight Zone," but now after seeing it in the 'Net, I know otherwise.

Now I'm starting to think that the bed that eats is not a movie but an episode. I don't know from what series, though. (I thought it was "Death Bed: The Bed That Eats," but I was mistaken.). - Found this! "Monsters: Pillow Talk!"

1 more movie to find! It's like an itch waiting to be scratched!

[ 25. August 2008, 08:46: Message edited by: quiddie ]

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Originally posted by MadMax11:
Someone has gotta know this. I can't remember the name of this movie for the life of me. All I can remember is that in the movie the popular girl gets in a fight with her boyfriend and ends up with the geek, they end up running through a restraunt and she grabs wine at another persons table. They go for a drive to a place she knows and she ends up getting wasted on the way there. They park at a place overlooking the city and she ends up kicking off her shoes..... does anyone know what movie this is??

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The movie you are looking for MadMax11 was License to Drive With The 2 Cory's and Heather Graham
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the vietnam movie your asking about is Flight of the intruder 1989 i think Starring Willem DeFoe, Danny Glover, Brad Johnson, Tom Sizemore!
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Hi, I'm looking for a movie for a friend. She remembers the 80's movie as a washed up boxer, black man in his 50's or 60's living down by the railroad. He makes friends with some kids and whips them into shape by making them jump over broom handles tied to a marry go round. That's all I have, can you help me? Thanks
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jdocster McFly you Irish bug

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Originally posted by dr mike:
hello sorry but my english is really bad i dont remember the name of a movie was a bout of a gimnastic who represent the usa in a competicion i remember one of the prves was a cross a town of crazy killer people in europe in that town died the bad guy of the movie in the hand of the crazy people on pigs

dr mike,

Your movie is called "Gymkata"... Here it is:


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not sure if this is 80's but think it is

a few young kids go on a rescue mission to north korea to save their father/s and end up using a firework display to fight the koreans... please help!!!!! and its not Iron Eagle...

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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
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Originally posted by LorieBnFL:
not sure if this is 80's but think it is

a few young kids go on a rescue mission to north korea to save their father/s and end up using a firework display to fight the koreans... please help!!!!! and its not Iron Eagle...

Your movie's The Rescue.
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i'm looking for a movie I don't remember the name but it was a comedy about teams or about four different colors and the race was sponsored by pabst blue ribbon beer
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DEVO Divine Moderator
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Devolution here,

I can't believe no one else did this.

Ok, it wasn't sponsored by it, but it was in the movie.

It's name....

Midnight Madness... with a very young Michael J. Fox.

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I only have a couple images in my head from a movie I watched as a kid. I think it's from the 80s, but could be late 70s. It could also be two different movies.

Image 1- there is a yard with clothesline-like lines running everywhere. children (possibly blind) connect themselves to these lines to get to different places outside.

Image 2- there's a guy, mentally slow, who wears two different color shoes. he hitches/ gets a ride from someone and they get into an accident. the driver is thrown from the car and the shoe man is thrown into the driver seat, so when the cops come, they think the shoe man had been driving.


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I am looking for a movie's name. It's a romantic comedy. I remember just the ending: the boy realizes that h is in love with his friend, and goes to tell her, but she is already leaving on a trip where she is to saty for a year (I guess0. He tries to catch her, but end up going after her at a Dock, where her ship is about to sail. He them shouts that he loves her and they jump in the water and kiss. The end. I thought it was a John Cusack's film, but I cannot find it. Does anyone know the name?

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Going to the Prom with Tommy
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Originally posted by mariafaria:

I am looking for a movie's name. It's a romantic comedy. I remember just the ending: the boy realizes that h is in love with his friend, and goes to tell her, but she is already leaving on a trip where she is to saty for a year (I guess0. He tries to catch her, but end up going after her at a Dock, where her ship is about to sail. He them shouts that he loves her and they jump in the water and kiss. The end. I thought it was a John Cusack's film, but I cannot find it. Does anyone know the name?

sounds like SECRET ADMIRER starring c. thomas howell and lori loughlin...

cute movie.
here' my info on the film: SECRET ADMIRER

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Hi, I'm looking for a movie, it's a movie about a bunch of dancers, I think in NYC, but I'm not sure, they all live together, they dance on the street for money and at the end they go to this big competition and win, it reminds me of Breakin' but that isn't it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Going to the Prom with Tommy
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Originally posted by Woody:
Hi, I'm looking for a movie, it's a movie about a bunch of dancers, I think in NYC, but I'm not sure, they all live together, they dance on the street for money and at the end they go to this big competition and win, it reminds me of Breakin' but that isn't it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

i'm pretty sure the movie you are talking about is FAST FOWARD
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yes, that is it!!! thank you so much! I loved this movie and now I can finally buy it on ebay or something!!!
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Going to the Prom with Tommy
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glad i could help! [Smile]
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Can any1 help, my brother used to have a wide collection of videos back in the eighties, and I remember watching one which I cannot remember the title, it was about 2 kids in spain I think who find work at a hotel or stay there and cannot afford the bill so they work as waiters and get up to loads of mischief there was also nudity in the movie one scene that I can remember was he was delivering a drink to a room and the woman is playing the chelo naked and he goes in and starts how do you helping her with her chelo hehe? does any1 no the name of the movie? thanks
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.... has green eyes as well....
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The movie is called Hot Chili (1985)

Crazy T&A flick [Big Grin]

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