Help - Movie i'm trying to track down is an 80's movie. Its about a blonde teen girl who has the perfect life and look. The movie starts with her at a mall with her mom and best gal pal (I think) and she's getting her long blonde hair done. A teen boy spots her and declares her his perfect girl, tries to catch her to chat and loses her in the mall. The chase begins. The girl however decides she hates her perfect and boring life and rebels by chopping her hair, punking up her outfit for the day and convincing her still preppy and reluctant best girl pal to go along on an adventure with her which turns out to be sneaking out to an amusement fair (I think). Guy with crush and his best bud (obligatory nerdy sidekick) go to same fair, he spots girl and her best galpal but doesn't even recognize her (isn't into the look) while she likes him. Boy instead starts pursuing her gal pal who is not into him while girl tries to lure him. I rememeber a scene on one of the amusemenet park rides where (I think) the boy finally realizes punk girl is actually his dream girl from mall. Please help!! I'd like to purchase this flick (which is pure cheese but my kinda cheese) and am hoping to get a title and then (hopefully) buy it...thx Posts: 6 | From: Canada | Registered: Apr 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Ok, i've searched every friggin movie database I can google and every 80's site for this movie. Hopefully you guys can figure this one out. Its like a horror\comedy.
The main character is a teen named Eddie, and finds a crack in his basement with fog constantly coming up from it with some weird black dude who warns him about something taking over. Strange things begin to happen to the house and Eddie's family. They all eat candy & sweets for breakfast! One fat guy has a tug boat or something in his stomach and when he opens his mouth you hear the horn blow! Eddie then aquires powers and mind control. He asks his mom for cheeseburgers for breakfast and she's in shock at his request but then he concentrates and all of a sudden she's cool with it and says "Yes dear!" but she cooks them w the plastic still on the cheese lol. Main part I remember when the mother & father find a giant pea pod like cocoon in the basement. I think it used to be a person but it changed?? they open it but its just pods, and the mother said "I HATE VEGETABLES!" Eddie finds that there is another world in his basement and the black dude & some woman tries to convince him to come over to their side. But he just wants to be a normal kid. At the end, Eddie gets a coin with a demon's face on it from his grandfather to fight the evil entity. I dont know how but Eddie defeats the entity and everything goes back to normal.
So yeah lol. Very wacked out movie. My brothers and I cannot remember it! We've asked everyone we know but no one else remebers it. Please help! Thanks in advance.
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Help, i think this is an 80's movie, but probably a tv movie. I'm sure it has Sam Waterston in it. I'm not sure of the plot exactly, but all you see of the 'bad guy' is a pair of legs coming downstairs, finally the police get their man and the female lead feels safe again. But right at the very end you see the same pair of legs coming downstairs and the camera pans up to his face. Not much of a plot, but i'm pretty certain it was Sam Waterston.
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i need to find out what this movie is!!!it is about ,i believe a school of kids see people in the woods who are wearing of them a clown mask. then i think the masked men terrorize the student and the teacher,until of course the students and teacher fight back. i hope you can help me.
Posts: 3 | From: hammond , in | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by don swanson: i need to find out what this movie is!!!it is about ,i believe a school of kids see people in the woods who are wearing of them a clown mask. then i think the masked men terrorize the student and the teacher,until of course the students and teacher fight back. i hope you can help me.
sounds like the Australian movie 'the Fortress"
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I think this is an 80's movie it is one of my earliest memories anyways here goes.
It begins at what I think is a train station, a couple are hidden away and the girl pulls out a spider/trantula and puts it on his skin as it crawls around it disappears under his skin and you can see it crawl around.
Another part I remember is the main character is young 20s person, and he is fighting a bunch of freaks/monster like characters, one of them eats bugs he slashes his stomach and towards the end and a bunch of bugs dump out.
I remember the trantula/spider thing being a big thing in the movie cause if you did it you could join the group of freaks, and the main character was offered and did it but realized they were all monsters and had to kill them or something.
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Hi All! I'm new, and need help IDing a movie. I have very little detail about the movie:
Takes place in New York City, about a girl who ran away from home (New Jersey) to live in NYC. I believe she was into the Ramones and hung out at the lead singers apartment. And if I remember correctly, her name is Lisa, but I am not positive about that.
The girl, who is the main character, was kicked out of her apartment and locked out by the landlord because she wasn't paying rent. She then went back to Jersey to ask her sister for rent money.
She ends up living in a car with her good friend who loves her (a guy) in a field somewhere around the city. She was if I remember correctly badly beaten up at one point in the movie.
Typical 80s movie--the wardrobe, music, and all.
I cannot remember anyone that was in the movie. All one-hit wonders I believe.
Anyone know what I am talking about?
Posts: 1 | From: NYC | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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ok. i apologize for this but i dont remember much about this movie. i believe its an 80's movie where some people(not sure how old) try to raise money for something and design these swimsuits at the end of the movie and when the people start swimming the swimsuits start to deteriate and everybody's laughing. there it is. i hope someone can help with so little information.
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quote:Originally posted by Gwyneth: Hi All! I'm new, and need help IDing a movie. I have very little detail about the movie:
Takes place in New York City, about a girl who ran away from home (New Jersey) to live in NYC. I believe she was into the Ramones and hung out at the lead singers apartment. And if I remember correctly, her name is Lisa, but I am not positive about that.
The girl, who is the main character, was kicked out of her apartment and locked out by the landlord because she wasn't paying rent. She then went back to Jersey to ask her sister for rent money.
She ends up living in a car with her good friend who loves her (a guy) in a field somewhere around the city. She was if I remember correctly badly beaten up at one point in the movie.
Typical 80s movie--the wardrobe, music, and all.
I cannot remember anyone that was in the movie. All one-hit wonders I believe.
I got TWO Movies that I can't find the title too...
The first may be easy...but it's about a boy who deliver a pizza or food (can't remember) to an old house and theres a beautiful woman there and they get in on, and after bites him. A vampire hunter comes and kills the women while he runs away. That's where his strange journeys begins how he starts to turns pale, drinks blood (which he gets from a supermarket), wears sunglasses while the vampire hunter is after him.
The SECOND film is about three girls who just graduated from high school, one of the girls is teased for being the only virgin to graduate that year. Anyway they go to this resort to work (i think) and live in a cabin for there summer vacation. They meet this other girl who is the same age has them but is a mistress to a drug dealer - which they don't know. She invites the girls to a party and its a party for women to entertain men but the police come and they get thrown in jail. Anyway towards the end they all meet someone and become good friends.
Any idea on what these two movies are?
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quote:Originally posted by Honeybee: I got TWO Movies that I can't find the title too...
The first may be easy...but it's about a boy who deliver a pizza or food (can't remember) to an old house and theres a beautiful woman there and they get in on, and after bites him. A vampire hunter comes and kills the women while he runs away. That's where his strange journeys begins how he starts to turns pale, drinks blood (which he gets from a supermarket), wears sunglasses while the vampire hunter is after him.
The SECOND film is about three girls who just graduated from high school, one of the girls is teased for being the only virgin to graduate that year. Anyway they go to this resort to work (i think) and live in a cabin for there summer vacation. They meet this other girl who is the same age has them but is a mistress to a drug dealer - which they don't know. She invites the girls to a party and its a party for women to entertain men but the police come and they get thrown in jail. Anyway towards the end they all meet someone and become good friends.
to honey bee.. thats the movie!! thanks for coming up with the title with so little info!!
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Hello. I have been "lurking" in this message board as an unregistered user for close to a year, hoping that someone would post the questions I had in mind. Some were already answered in this forum. This is such a valuable 80's resource site! I have a few left that were not asked by other people:
(1) This was a horror flick, starring some mean teenage girls. One of them, a beautiful black girl, always had a toothbrush in her mouth. The setting was in a school, and I vaguely remember some zombies attacking the mean girls. The last scene I remember was that of the toothbrush falling down on the floor, to signify that girl's death. I thought it was Evil Dead 2 but I looked through the Net and couldn't find evidence that it was indeed Evil Dead 2.
(2) Another horror flick, with a man inviting girls to his apartment, only to feed them to his "pet" bed. The last scene had him being invited to a woman's apartment, only to have her "pet" fridge eat him.
(3) A touching story about a teacher (?) who befriended a girl with cerebral palsy who was a huge Elvis Presley fan. The young girl died on Christmas day.
(4) An action film with terrorists, I think, but the only scene I vividly remember is of a blonde guy in shorts riding a skateboard down a road (he was a bad guy). A car rammed him, which threw his body into the air, and if that wasn't enough, a guy shot at his body using a rocket launcher or bazooka and caused the body to explode. That gave me nightmares for days!
(5) I keep remembering the title as "Emissary," but searches on the Net proved fruitless. A teacher routinely visited a young boy (her student?) who was sick. Before entering the room, she would always shout "company!" Soon after, she died. The last scene had a strong wind carrying with it dead leaves, slowly rustling up the boy's bedroom. Then you'd hear the dead woman's voice say "company!"
(6) Sci-fi... similar to the body snatchers concept. A boy goes to his neighbor's house and gets attacked by a tennis player (?) who lunges at him. Soon, the neighbor explodes.
I'm sorry if the descriptions aren't too clear, since that's all I could remember. Thank you. Thank you especially for this site.
[ 23. June 2008, 11:51: Message edited by: quiddie ]
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I need help finding a movie. I think it is called "Diamond's are a girls best friend" In the movie one of the girls are wearing underwear that says "I love you".
Posts: 6 | From: San Antonio | Registered: Jun 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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80'sRocked Play it Loud, Play it Proud
Member # 6979
quote:Originally posted by I need help finding a movie. I think it is called "Diamond's are a girls best friend" In the movie one of the girls are wearing underwear that says "I love you".
Hi, I'm looking for two movies I grew up watching that I unfortunately remember very little about.
1) To the best of my recollection, a couple kids rent or somehow get a hold of a video-tape, take it home and play it. The next thing I remember is them going into the television through the screen. I remember there being a long, endless corridor lined with doors. They are going into the rooms beyond the doors, looking for a way out probably. In one room, they are confronted with a rising flood of popcorn that threatens to drown them.. That's about all I remember apart from being slightly creeped out by the movie as a child.
2) Aliens / gremlins threaten to take over the earth (?), and they're starting with one kids family. At one point in the film someone tells him that the food his family is about to eat and the only way he can save them is by urinating on the food. Time stops, and as he's urinating on the food, time starts again and he is caught.
So vague.. if anyone has any idea I'd be incredibly thankful. I've been describing these vague recollections to people for years in hopes of finding them.
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quote:2) Aliens / gremlins threaten to take over the earth (?), and they're starting with one kids family. At one point in the film someone tells him that the food his family is about to eat and the only way he can save them is by urinating on the food. Time stops, and as he's urinating on the food, time starts again and he is caught.
Its Troll 2 - youtube it for the best scenes.
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I've been trying to find this film ever since I saw on telly in the 80s - but I can't find it anywhere! Hope you can help me!
I can't remember that much of it but here goes:
It's a teen flick, it's about a group of guys in high school (they're a mixed group of nerdy guys, white, black, chinese), one of them was always dressed in John Taylor-style (from Duran Duran)- the fedora, the shades, long coat, the works. One night they drive around town in one of guys' van and the John Taylor lookalike crashed it. The black guy owned the van, the only one of them who owned a car/van. The next day, they see their friend (the black guy who owns the van) flipping burgers somewhere (by the beach I think?) and they laughed at him (all harmless fun). They ask him why he's flipping burgers and he replies: "Because Duran here smashed my van!" pointing at his friend behind him.
Posts: 2 | From: London, UK | Registered: Jul 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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