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Author Topic: FAQ: Check this FIRST if you're looking for the name of a movie...
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Okay, here we go with the first ever film FAQ here at the Rewind... All of these are actual questions asked and answers given with a pinch of editing for good measure. I wanted to put this up as quite a few of the movies get asked about again and again... [Wink]

Q: A movie with female characters, a dark-ish PG comedy. What I remember is that the womans sister dies and the slightly excentric sister who practices some witchcraft tries a spell one night round her sisters grave and the spell brings her back! I seem to remember a huge party where the so called dead sister turn's up (it may have been her wake) and her husband is a doctor... of plastic surgery I think.

A: It was Shelly Long, And the movies name was Hello again. I hope this helps you out... Great Movie.

Q: The movie was about groups of people (about high school to college aged) placed in "teams" that compete against each other on a scavager hunt. They divide into 4 different teams. A red, blue, green and yellow team and their goal is to find clues for this game and to win.

Forgive me, but I don't remember exactly what they were hunting for - but I do remember some scenes in the movie.

I know one team was a team of girls, and one team was a little "nerdy", and one of the teams drove in a van. Also, I think one of the locations that these teams were looking for a clue was in a brewery. And I believe the scavenger hunt ends at a hotel or motel.

A: The name you were looking for was MIDNIGHT MADNESS, 1980 starring Michael J. Fox. The blue team (the "bad" team) drove a van, the red team drove scooters (lead by Eugene of "Grease" fame) the yellow team (the "good") was headed by a young Michael J. Fox, and the white team, i forgot what they drove but they teamed up with the red team... great movie!

Q: Co-worker brought up a movie from the 80s and no one knows the title. We are all going crazy. So please help!! This movie is about baboons in Africa in a draught who go crazy and start attacking larger animals & people. Movie may be set against a backdrop of the apartheid situation. Also, one co-worker thinks it may have been a sequel, but has not a clue about what the original movie may have been. Anyone have any answers?

A: The movie is called "In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro" from 1986.

Q: I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding the title of a movie I saw in the 80s. It was one of those teen dance movies that were a popular genre back then. The movie deals with a dance marathon between several dancing schools. That is about all that I can remember and it's not "Girls just want to have fun". Hope somebody knows what I'm talking about! Thanks!

A: This sounds like "Heavenly Bodies".

Q: I am looking for the name of a vietnam war movie I have only seen the end of on TNT. the end is of the soldiers in a jungle and a plane is going to drop napalm (I think). One of the soldiers has been hit by the enemy and is lying in an open area. He begs his buddy to kill him before they drop the napalm. He tells his friend that if the rolls were reversed, he would do it for him. I have searched far and wide and have come up with nothing --please help.

A: "The Big Red One" with Lee Marvin and Mark Hamill or maybe "Siege of Firebase Gloria" from '89?

Q: I wonder whether anyone can help me. I remember seeing a movie years ago about a kid who gets sent to a sort of science school. He is put in a room with a loud, partying science guy who is operating a remote control sphere of some description. There is also a scene in the film where all the students freeze a stairway with some sort of chemical and ski down it. Oh yes, they also keep some sort of chemical in a fridge in tubes. Can somebody please help me find the title of this film, it's driving me insane.

A: "Real Genius" with Val Kilmer.

Q: Late 80s. two couples came separately to a love boat type cruise. It was a
weird, racy movie. An older man and a younger beautiful model type woman and
then a newly married couple. The older man worships his wife and tells his story to the younger man in a bar. As he narrates the stories, we view them on the screen. At the same time, the two women get to know each other. In
one of his stories he tells of a golden shower that his wife gave and he loved it. Increasing their love bond or whatever. At the end, the two women end up exploring each other and at the very end the older man and young beautiful woman end up killing each other.

A: Is it 'Bitter Moon' directed by Roman Polanski and starring Hugh Grant, Kristin Scott Thomas and the gorgeous Emmanuelle Seigner (from 'Frantic')?

Q: It was about a 4 kids going to college and I believe the have a points system for sleeping with different women, in the begining of the movie they are driving to the school and end up switching shirts with some girls.

A: The movie you are thinking of would might go by the title of "Joysticks".

Q: A cartoon and all I remember is this kid who had a magic bag. When he'd pull things out of it, the things would grow to full size. Then he could shrink them back again to put them back in his bag. This one has been buggin me for years, Help!

A: "Sport Billy" from 1982.

Q: I've been looking everywhere for an old animated movie I saw while growing up (back in the day of beta machines) the main character I believe was named Orion (I think the name of the movie shared this name) since it was about him achieving his destiny with a bladeless hilt (the blade appeared when he desire to attack someone).
It starts out in mines where robotic "machine-men" force humans to mine. (according to galactic law its suppose to be the reverse). "Orion" digs his way to the surface of the planet where he encounters mutants that want to chop him up for parts and he meets Dag Debreenie (spelling) a mercenary akin to Han Solo of Star Wars.

Basically it's him, Dag, and a fembot protocol droid to stop the master robot from conquering the galaxy...

A: Starchaser: The Legend Of Orin. Made in 1985, it was a joint Korean/US movie.

Q: Another animated movie, similar in style to Starchaser: Legend of Orin and of the sci-fi genre. This one featured a rather lean guy in bluish armor who was trying to save his people from the "Nothing Men", a force of black colored armored suits empty except for a small chunk of reddish matter stored in each suits "head".
Throughout the story we see the main characters people as basically primitive almost medieval in time period using birds and giant crab like creatures to defend thier Matriarch's castle (oddly enough shapped into the upper half of a woman).

In his travels to find out where this invading force is from and why they turn people to stone he befriends a group of mutants, deformed people that live in gaves with the potential of psionic powers, and a woman who he gets captured alongside (and she spends 90% of her role half naked...guess halters/bras weren't invented on this world).

Together they discover the Nothing Men report to a huge brain that exists far out into the ocean, however this "brain" is not the creator of them, they have come from that world's future where the brain controls everything but needs life force to stay alive, since nothing but it and the Nothing Men exist in its time it sends its troops to the past to get what it needs.

Any thoughts on the name of this movie? I'd love to give a hint what it might be but this one I cannot even remember the basic parts of the title...

A: Light Years (1986). It starred the voices of Charles Busch as the hero, Gemmen, and Glenn Close as his beautiful, unclothed assistant Ambisextra (don't ya just love these names!)

Q: There was a movie where a band of crazy lookin ships all group together to fight a common enemy?? I remember one part especially when a ship gets damaged and this alien pilot flies into a sun drinkin booze and singin.... It wouldnt be a Battle Star Galactia movie would it?? Or was I drinkin and singin when I watched this??

A: Roger Corman's classic Star Wars ripoff "Battle Beyond the Stars" [Smile]

Q: I saw a movie when I was younger. I would like to watch it again but I need to find out the title.

It starts off with a boy who goes walking through the woods and then falls and lands on a silver flying space ship. He gets in and flies it throughout the movie. There are animals from different planets in it, and he takes a liking to one which he keeps in his backpack. The boy and the flying saucer were captured by the military or something. They end up escaping. I remember a scene where the saucer flies into a body of water and stays under there.

The saucer had a chair and control arms that raised up from out of the floor, which the boy used to fly it.

At the end of the movie, I believe he goes on a boat with his family and at the very end he discovers that the creature he liked was still in his backpack.

A: You are looking for Flight Of The Navigator, which is reviewed here on this site - use the navigation bar in the lower left corner.
It's a great fun movie. Enjoy again!

Q: In this movie was a boy who played this space fighting game. This game was actually used to recruit people for an intergalactic battle squad. the boy then went on to save the universe.

A: "The Last Starfighter" of course! -It is on the movie list to the bottom left. Click on the name to read more.

Q: In this movie there was a boy who wanted to grow up. He then finds a magical fortune teller and recieves his wish.

A: "Big" starring Tom Hanks...

Q: An eighties film i really for the life of me remember the title, Its set in a school/monastry for boys, the headmaster figure is a tyrant. It has the dad out of home alone in it. The story is that the boys rebel and the truth is un-covered. im pretty ceratin it has andrew McCarthy in it but im not sure. Maybe also matt dillon. Does anyway know the title?

A: Sounds like "Heaven Help Us"

Q: Ok, I'll try and describe's about a girl in her teens that is trying to get into a specific college but it is quite sexist and will not allow a girl in so she dresses up as a boy and gets accepted. She then meets a boy that she develops a friendship with but he thinks she is a 'he'. And then, da dum, she falls in love with him but find herself in a dilemma as she wants to remain in the school but loves this boy so much so she finally does tell him, and he's shocked as you can imagine but I am sure that it was a happy ending. I would so love to see it again and I remember watching it when I was about 10/11 so thinking about 1985/6 time. Anybody know the film?

A: "Just One Of the Guys" from 1985

Q: Ok this is hard. I saw a film as a kid that scared me to death and has stuck with me. I saw "The Stepford Wives" recently, and the similarity is so very strong. All I remember is people (just women?) being internally modified into kind of cyborgs that look normal. I don't think they are "replaced" as in The Stepford Wives. At one point I remember a girl in hospital you get to see in mid-transform, uncovered by her boyfriend? It ends in a kinda warehouse chase with these semi-androids chasing right onto the bonnet of a car. Hard to remember, tenuous I know, but I gotsta know what this was!

A: "The Stepford Children" A TV movie made in 1987.

Q: There was a girl that was trying to get her wish or something and she had to get to this place for it to be granted. The two kids go through a magic mirror and they are in this world where there are like little people sorta like cabbage patch kids. I think she had to get past a woolly mammoth type creature and she finally gets to the place, a castle maybe, and she has to use this key to open up this glass case... The glass dome lifts off and there is a fruit tree underneath... the fruit glistens and she picks off a piece and eats it and I think her wish comes true or she becomes a princess or something like that. If this is a real movie, PLEASE let me know what it's called...

A: This is just about the most commonly asked about movie on the board! The movie you want is a TV movie called "The HuggaBunch" (1985)

Q: For a few years now I've been plagued trying to remember the name of this movie. I think it was made in the mid to late 80's. It was about this little blonde girl who's friends with this Asian guy (and I think they're in Asia too, I'm not sure)who makes robots, and the little girl befriends one of the robots but they are soon on the run after the "governement" (I think) are afterthe robot. I remember at the end of the film the robot and the little girl get away and they have this big parade for the robot.

A: The name of the film was "Too Much" and it was made in 1987.

Q: There was this move i saw on video in the 80s which was (roughly) about a young american kid who was into heavy metal, and he played a record backwards on his record player to hear a message, then he unleashed a demon type character...

A: TRICK OR TREAT with Skippy from Family Ties, Gene Simmons and Fastway did the soundtrack.

Q: Ok, this was probably a TV movie. It was fantasy type film. What I remember most vividly was an elf-like character with pointed ears. He was an archer and used his weapon at superhuman speed. I know I'm not imagining it because I wanted to take up archery after watching it. In fact, my dad took me down to an archery school. I'm not sure but I think the elf-character died. That's all I've got. Any ideas?

A: "Hawk the Slayer" was the movie that fuelled a million archery dreams... [Wink]

Q: Pretty sure this was an 80's movie. very similar to stephen king's "cats eye". this told a few short stories. the one i remember is where a video game junkie was trying to reach a really high level on a game, and when he finally accomplished this feat, the level became real life with the video game characters coming to life and he shot up the arcade. i remember a video image of a face talking as well. hopefully someone can help! thanks.

A: "Nightmares" with a young Emilio Estevez.

Q: Like "Fuzzbucket", the movie is about a boy that finds this creature and at the end has to let him go back to its own kind...?

A: The movie you are looking for is made by disney it is called "Mr. Boogedy"

Q: No matter how hard I try, and can't seem to find out what this old horror movie was- it had to do with a couple of young adults (maybe college age) in an abandoned house. They die one by one, this creature killing them. One guy pushes his girl under the couch and she sees the thing in the hall way. Then someone goes into a bedroom and sees a headless corpse hanging from the foot of the canopy bed- with blood dripping into a metal basin. I cannot figure it out! aagh!!! please please please help relieve me of this torment!!

A: "The Unamable"

Q: I just have to know the name of this movie- I don't know the names of the actors, direcor, or the year it came out, but of course I remember the plot. Some guy plays chicken with another guy while competing for a girl, and he ends up driving off a cliff and dying. Then, he comes back as an angel and prevents his son from making the same mistake- I know it's a great 80's movie, so for all you trivia buffs, can you help me out? Please?

A: It is our old favorite "The Heavenly Kid"

Q: When i was little, I remember seeing a movie with a bunch of kids that built a spaceship out of varous things like bits of an amusement ride.... the most memorable was the two trash cans in the front. There were a lot of dreams and they found themselves on another spaceship. somehow they got home. the ship was floating over water somewhere in the movie. and there was a possibility of romance.

A: "Explorers" with River Pheonix and a young Ethan Hawke...

Q: I need help on the title of this movie I saw years and years ago. All i can remember about it is that this boys hair keeps growing and growing and can't stop. I also remember somthing about him carring his hair around in a red wagon if thats any help. I'm not sure if its a short film but I remember watching it on video about 12 or so years ago. PLEASE HELP.

A: The movie you're looking for is called "The Peanut Butter Solution" from 1985

Q: I'm trying to think of a movie that I wanted to watch when I was young, but I don't know the name. It was about some guy getting locked in a department store and I believe a mannequin came to life. It's not Mannequin 1 or 2. It's something like that. The only thing I can remember about it is that the theme song on the commercial was "She Drives Me Crazy" by the Fine Young Cannibals. Any hints will help. Thank You.

A: The name of the movie is Career Opportunities (1991) not an 80s movie but close! It stars Frank Whaley and Jennifer Connelly.

Q: ok.. there was an all girls private school... and they had a dance with a boys prison or something...and then a blonde girl and one of the prison boys meet at the dance and fall for each other.. but it is forbidden for obvious reasons. they fall in love and runaway together... and there is a big chase scene at the end involving a helicopter...

A: "Cry Baby" with Jonny Depp. It was a cheesy musical movie.

Q: I dunno if this is an 80's movie or not but this girl is going all over town lookin 4 this rockstar guy she likes and at the end she finds him like geting on to a personal jet or something and he is played by the same guy who is her best friend....

A: the movie was called 'Trojan Wars' also known as 'Rescue Me.' It starred Jennifer Love Hewitt and then boyfriend Will Friedle of 'Boy Meets World' fame.

Q: This movie is about a kid who has a secret passage to a monster world under his bed.He then finds a friend (a blue monster) who has a jacket they go thru a quest of adventures and at the end he and all his friends end up at the beach the blue monster gives him his jacket and then the call their mom and thats the end.

A: "Little Monsters" with Fred Savage from the Wonder Years.

Q: I am looking for a certain movie. It is an 80's comedy. It takes place in a high thing i do remember about the movie is there is a shop teacher that has a fetish for horse head bookends. Please tell me the name of the movie. Thank you.

A: This one is called "Student Bodies".

Q: I am trying to remember the title of this 80s movie. I don't remember too much about it other than a guy that was getting married but before they got married he went to buy a Lamborghini Countach like car. He was only going to buy the basic model but the sales woman got him all worked up into buying all of the options available. The car turned out to be junk.
The one line I remember from the movie was when he called the warranty information line and was told "I'm sorry Giuseppe cannot help you." Or something extremely close to that.

HBO played this movie all the time in the 80's.

A: The name of the movie you're looking for is called "It Takes Two".

Q: I just remember it vaguely but remember that is was hilarious. It was a bunch of unique characters going to driving school or something and something about having to past the test. Can anyone help?

A: Moving Violations is your movie... [Smile]

Q: I'm not entirely sure if this is an 80's movie or not, but here are the things I remember about it:

The main plot involves a group of junior high (?) misfits in a mostly white suburban community who like to cause trouble, do drugs, vandalize, etc. One of the misfits, the main character, runs away from home with his girlfriend. His parents are worried about him, and in one scene he returns home to grab a couple belongings, and leaves without saying much to his mother. Near the end of the movie, the group of misfits sets fire to their school and its surroundings during a PTA meeting or something like that.

A: It's called Over the Edge, and it's from 1978, 1979 or so. I saw it on HBO a couple years ago and pursued it on tape so I could see the whole thing. It was Matt Dillon's first movie - although he's not the main character, he plays an important role. (I swear all his early roles must have been those moody rebel characters!) This movie was actually based on true events - not as shocking to us today, perhaps, but it was back then I guess.

Q: In this movie she finds the spirit of a guy that had an accident or something, they fall for each other but at the end seems like he awakes (he was in coma the whole movie) and doesn't remember her or anything they did together, do you know the name?

A: It could be that you are looking for Somewhere Tomorrow. It's the only one I can find that matches your description at all.

Q: There was this one movie that had this guy that liked this one girl and they were in highschool -but she liked another guy. He was trying to get her not to but didn't have the confidence and then another part is that she had went with the guy she liked up in the football stadium where they do the announcements and she lost her verginity to him. And the guy that liked her was looking everywhere for her. A lot of cool 80's songs in it too. Help me remember the name I can't find it anywhere. I think its early 80's not sure.

A: "Last American Virgin" [Smile]

Q: My husband is trying to find the name of a movie he saw in 1980. It was about an aircraft carrier (?) that was caught up in a storm and came out of it in another time, 1941, right in the middle of Pearl Harbor. At the end of the movie, the aircraft carrier makes it back to the present, but a couple of pilots are lost. When they get back to shore the pilots pull up in a limo and they're 40 years older-Any help would be great!

A: The movie is called "The Final Countdown". It stars Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, James Farentino, Kathrine Ross and Charles Durning.

Q: All I remember of the movie was the first scene, then I was too scared and turned it off. It starts with all these kids in an abadoned building and they are all on the second floor. One little girl gets shoved out the window to fall to her death, then one of the kids throws down the window that she fell from and the glass lands on her dead body and cuts her to shreds. Then, it cuts to a scene where all the kids are grown-up. Sounds awful but its a real movie and I don't know the name. Can anyone help?

A: It is "Prom Night" [Smile]

Q: Need help trying to recall the name of an early 80's comedy "B" movie, featured on HBO sometime between 1980 and 1985. As best can remember, one scene took place in a hotel room between a young man named Duane and a blonde woman, big 80's hair, heavy make-up, southern accent. She says to him "Duane, you know I've slept with over 3,000 men", and he responds, "That's not a problem, that's a compliment." WHAT IS THIS MOVIE????

A: Honky Tonk Freeway with Beau Bridges.

Q: I hope this is even a real movie and that I didn't dream it up. Anyway all I remember is in the beg. two kids have to go live with their aunt and uncle maybe on a theme park thing like christmas park or something because both their parents died and they go to a new school where the bad kids which raise pit bulls to kill want to date the girl, or the lead guy does anyway but she doesnt like him so they decide to kill them...hmm hope someone can remember the name its driving me bonkers! THANKS!!

A: the title of the movie you are looking for is "The New Kids". It stars Lori Laughlin and James Spader. I never saw it, but I took a class taught by the guy who wrote it, got fired, then got his name removed because he wouldn't write a certain scene. A scene the film makers later decided not to add anyway. That's Hollywood for ya! Hope that helps ya! [Smile]

Q: I'm looking for a movie from the 80's. It's about a High School student named Jerry who is unfortantley going to get beat up by one of the toughest guys in school at 3:00. He tries to pay someone to kick this guy's butt, but it back fires. At 3:00 they meet in the parking lot and the bully has brass knuckles... That's all I remember if someone could help me with the name of the movie.. Thanks

A: This is one of our fave 80's movies. Its called "3 o'clock high"

Q: Okay, the movie is these two aliens beam down their alien son who winds up in a summer camp and this alien always is wearing a yellow rain coat... Please help me figure out the name to this d**n movie!

A: The name of the movie you are looking for is Meatballs 2. Originally called "Spacekid", they renamed it to capitilize on the Meatballs name. I actually found it funnier than the original. [Smile]

Q: This movie I believe was out in the 80s.. There was a girl who went to an all girls school and there was a boy who saw her taking pictures of herself in the forest and fell in love with her.. There was a school dance and they wrote letters to each other and secretly saw each other. He was in jail of some sort... Anyone know??

A: The movie's with Virginia Madsen and it's called "Fire With Fire" [Smile]

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Nomster V2.0
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Fantastic thread this one Nick, but you omitted The Hugga Bunch Movie and The Go Kids... [Big Grin]
Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Q. Do you know the name of this movie?

A. Yes. It's the Hugga Bunch Movie. Now, do you have any details to make me change my answer?


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Logan 5
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'Hugga Bunch' is there. 'Super Fuzz' isn't though.

It's worth mentioning that some of the films had different titles in the UK/Europe. Like 'Career Opportunities' which was called 'One Wild Night', and 'The New Kids' was called 'Striking Back'.

The film with the answer 'The Trojan War' is wrong. While I don't know what the actual film is (it might be Disney's 'Double Switch'), I know that it isn't the Trojan War.

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I only got about a tenth of the way through previous posts on the boards. The idea is to include them in a faq and then get rid of all the duplicates to save space... [Smile]

Any additions/suggestions/edits etc gratefully received [Smile] And if anyone wants to take over, sprude up, humanise and own this FAQ, then they're very welcome [Smile]

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Hambone Fever
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Nick, you've never seen the New Kids?

That is such an awesome movie, one of my favorites.

Great thread, keep up the good work.

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Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
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Nick this was a great idea! You should mark this thread Important so it will stay at the top of the board. Also, you should put the Amazon Link at bottom of your posting for quick reference.

So if Nick didn't answer your movie question already, please ask...this group loves that kind of stuff!

Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

80s Movie Guru
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Maybe you could do similar threads for the 70s and 90s boards (you could move "Over The Edge" to the 70s thread and "Career Opportunities" to the 90s thread).

Also, hyperlinks to the Internet Movie Database might be a good idea also.


John Kilduff...The Rock Steady Flamethrower

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Any and all of these movies that we have reviews for already have IMDB links (also to the trailer if they have one. But good point well made, John - anyone who reads a'What movie is this' post and feels led to respond, please can you grab the IMDB link as well when responding? It really helps a lot of the new people here, and may well encourage some of them to stay and become like some strange cyber-sibling, a new part of the family....
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Nice idea guys - 2 possible typo's:

The Unamable - should that be spelt 'The Unnamable' ? I'm not familiar with the flick but the title just doesn't look right?
River Pheonix - should be River Phoenix.

Roger Corman's classic Star Wars ripoff "Battle Beyond the Stars" - it might sound picky but a better description would be The Magnificent Seven in space. It's only a Star-Wars rip-off in that it's got spaceships.

Would it be worth mentioning 'Spacehunter' in here? - that used to be asked a lot quite a while ago.

For those of old enough to remember it might be worth mentioning that Starchaser was originally released in the cinemas in 3-D [Eek!]

Keep up the good work.

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Sorry Nick but wasn't the first film you mentioned about the woman dying and coming back to life called Death Becomes Her with Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn and Bruce Willis
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im sure this is an 80s movie it starts with a guy in a dinner then goes to leave and ansews a payphone the person who is on the other line called the wrong number but tells this man that the russians are going to lanch the nuclear missle he spends the rest of the movie tryin to get out of the country finnaly get his girlfriend and a pilot to fly them out but dont make it in the end does any one know the name of this movie? you can e-mail me at
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Logan 5
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It's called 'Miracle Mile':

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Right not sure if this film was from the eighties, i am sure it was.

Cannot remember much, but i know it had kids in it who played like a game of lacrosse on roller skates and they find this sphere thing. There is an evil guy as usual who has this machine that if you go on things happen to you that arent real like this one guy he makes him lye on it and then the guy has ants crawling all over him and that. Please can someone help me with this, its killing me that i cant remember more about it

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Devolution here,

I believe that is Solarbabies.

We are DEVO

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Help! I'm sure it's an 80's movie. This boy (maybe a small group of boys) builds a "spaceship" out of an old carnival ride. The spaceship is round and red and has light on the top. one of the boys reminds me alot of corey haim in "lucus" I think he has a rough home life and escapes with this "spaceship" except at the end it actually does work. This has been driving me crazy. Please help.
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Originally posted by Nick:
Q: When i was little, I remember seeing a movie with a bunch of kids that built a spaceship out of varous things like bits of an amusement ride.... the most memorable was the two trash cans in the front. There were a lot of dreams and they found themselves on another spaceship. somehow they got home. the ship was floating over water somewhere in the movie. and there was a possibility of romance.

A: "Explorers" with River Pheonix and a young Ethan Hawke...

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Here's one that I posted a few months back:

Q: I don't know very much about it, but I remember seeing bits and pieces of it on cable. It starts out with a girl on a beach who is kind of nerdy. I think her boyfriend breaks up with her. Then she goes on a wild adventure. At the end of the movie she's back on the beach and now she's not nerdy anymore. Her boyfriend tries to get back with her, but this time she turns him down, and someone says something like, "She has really changed".

A: Alien from LA

I finally bought it the other day and it was well worth it. It's one of those movies that are so bad that it's good. Cheesy story and acting, but so 80's.

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OK... came out somewhere between 84 - 86. The lead character was a cyborg w/ a eye patch and had no legs but had like tank treads for his lower half... sorry, but this is the most I can remember for now.

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It was a sci-fi, not short circuit... He was a cyborg, not a robot.
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The Wizard
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This film has been asked about several times, so here's a made-up question with the correct answer:

Q. I remember this film about a kid who finds a monster in the middle of a quarry lake.

A. It has 3 titles depending on which country you're in: Frog Dreaming (Australia, the original name), The Go-Kids (UK) and The Quest (US), it stars a young Henry Thomas of ET fame.

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I am looking for a movie that I have never seen. Sounds weird, I know. My sister-in-law said she saw this movie around the same time that Natural Born Killers was out. The only thing she remember about it was that a boy was given a silver saddle. Can someone please help me with this?


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Someone has gotta know this. I can't remember the name of this movie for the life of me. All I can remember is that in the movie the popular girl gets in a fight with her boyfriend and ends up with the geek, they end up running through a restraunt and she grabs wine at another persons table. They go for a drive to a place she knows and she ends up getting wasted on the way there. They park at a place overlooking the city and she ends up kicking off her shoes..... does anyone know what movie this is??
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It sounds a little bit like 'Dance 'Til Dawn':

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RE: Q: ok.. there was an all girls private school... and they had a dance with a boys prison or something...and then a blonde girl and one of the prison boys meet at the dance and fall for each other.. but it is forbidden for obvious reasons. they fall in love and runaway together... and there is a big chase scene at the end involving a helicopter...

A: "Cry Baby" with Jonny Depp. It was a cheesy musical movie.

Its Not "Cry Baby", but actually "Fire with Fire" as well.

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