Just wondering what are your opinions on MAD MAX III, especially on its final action set-piece (Underworld fight/The Chase scene)... too bad the movie is STILL so underrated... what a shame!
Let me know, thanks...
Posts: 10 | From: Italy | Registered: Nov 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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She's with you, but she's thinking of Jake Ryan....
Member # 1715
I like 1 & 2 better than 3. Somehow though whenever 3 is on TV I end up watching it. I used to really dig Mel Gibson.
Posts: 4913 | From: New York | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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Welcome to the board! I love the Mad Max films and I'll have to check your site out. Thanks for the link!
Posts: 2242 | From: Here | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I dont like any site that has pop ups on it especially spyware like Gator!!
Posts: 264 | From: Bainbridge , GA | Registered: Jan 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I think the Mad Max series is the only trilogy to feature three classics.
Posts: 10 | From: Italy | Registered: Nov 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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TIME OUT!!! Wait let me scroll down and see that I read that correctly.
Huh???? The only trilogy with three classics?
Star Wars, Empire, Return of the Jedi? (a smaller set of a total of 9 but still growning up is the first trilogy that you learn about)
Hell, I'll even give my due to Mr. Fox and Back to the Future.
Sorry for going off the handle, I love The Road Warrior don't get me wrong.
I know Mr. Entity that you are entitled to your opinion, but I couldn't just sit here and not defend other trilogies. Now if you are going to say that it was much better than the Scream trilogy, that is absolutely true.
We are DEVO
Posts: 4228 | From: Home of the big landfill | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 8
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I partially agree on this, but partially. Keep in mind the last TWO INDY movies weren't as successful or "popular" as the FIRST ONE. RAIDERS was revolutionary. The last two were derivative --- really great movies, but derivative.
Every Mad Max movie managed to create a new "trend", picturing a new scenario in a very successful way. Every Mad Max movie created a genre into itself. That's why they're still part of the same trilogy, but also three separated brilliant classics which should be regarded as such.
As far as concerning the STAR WARS TRILOGY, the last two movies were just follow-ups to A NEW HOPE, and not new directions originated from the original concept (my fave is RETURN, anyway).
Posts: 10 | From: Italy | Registered: Nov 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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In my opinion, the Mad Max series is the greatest film series ever, unlike say, Star Wars episode 1 and 2, Jaws 3, The Godfather 3, Halloween/Friday/Nightmare etc...Mad max movies have only gotten better each time.
So yeah, I'm waiting (and hoping) to see what Miller can do with Fury Road.
Posts: 146 | From: Pluto | Registered: Jul 2001 | Site Updates: 0
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Just checked out the MMBT page... what a beautiful CHRISTMAS surprise !!! When I watched in awe my beloved site listed there... I felt proud. No hypocrisy. I mean, 80s MOVIES REWIND is a sort of holy bible, and I'm happy to be one of the prophets (ehm... one of the angels?
Thanks. Thank you so much.
MERRY X-MAS to all my 80ies brothers, and most of all wish the birth of a new, peaceful world.
And remember... no matter where you go, here you are !!!!!!! Posts: 10 | From: Italy | Registered: Nov 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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I know the conversation started quite a while ago, but it went right by me.
quote: RAIDERS was revolutionary. The last two were derivative --- really great movies, but derivative.
Raiders was revolutionary??? It's a throwback to those old serials from the 30's and 40's. Hardly revolutionary. Immensely entertaining.
quote:The only trilogy with three classics? Star Wars, Empire, Return of the Jedi?
Out of the original Star Wars Trilogy, only TESB could be classed as anything near a classic. Star Wars, itself is fair to good. ROTJ is crap.
Posts: 125 | From: Surrey, U.K. | Registered: Aug 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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I love the whole Star Wars trilogy. You're right Banshee, TESB is the best outta the whole series! That's the one that I can watch over and over again without getting sick of it. The other two were great but TESB is the best.
Posts: 2242 | From: Here | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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My only problem with TESB is that the movie works too much as "passage" between first and third chapter.
Posts: 10 | From: Italy | Registered: Nov 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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