posted 31 March, 2021 06:21
Easy question.... but maybe hard to answer. I'm trying to think back to when I was a kid, to give my best answer. I think I will have to say the Goonies. I watched that so many times as a kid and many as an adult. I'm going to think about this more and may change my answer, but that's my gut call.
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posted 31 March, 2021 10:18
Good question gecko. It comes down to 4 in the running.. NL Vacation, ReaL genius, Karate kid and Fast Times. Im not sure but im gonna go with Vacation.
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posted 31 March, 2021 12:36
There are so many....RAD, The Goonies, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Revenge Of The Nerds, The Princess Bride, Transformers, The Neverending Story, D.A.R.Y.L., Date With An Angel, Child's Play, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Beetlejuice, Batman, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Conan The Destroyer, Tron....the list goes on. I think Disney's Flight Of The Navigator might be the winner though. When people ask me what my favorite movie was as a kid that one is almost always the first to come to mind.
[ 31. March 2021, 12:45: Message edited by: Pyro ]
Posts: 1802 | From: Planet Druidia | Registered: Jan 2009 | Site Updates: 3
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posted 31 March, 2021 18:48
Fast Times, Less Than Zero and Back To School and The Goonies.
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posted 01 April, 2021 04:37
There's a bunch of titles i watched dozens of times :
Revenge Of The Ninja (first movie i ever took home from the videostore), The Terminator (third movie i ever took home from the videostore), Beverly Hills Cop (one of the first films i actually had on tape myself as a kid), Battletruck (which i had recorded from the RTBF Belgian TV station), Mad Max II; The Road Warrior (first rented it from the videostore, and a bit later on had it recorded from Belgian TV), Big Trouble In Little China (which i took home from the videostore when it was brand new to rental-tape, and later taped it from Belgian TV as well).
Also Teen Wolf and Weird Science (both aired on Dutch TV from the Veronica broadcast network during their annual 'May month / Movie month'), My Science Project (first rented it, later taped it from Dutch TV), and The Breakfast Club (which i first saw at my cousin's house when it had just come out, but it wasn't until it aired during the early days of Dutch commercial TV in '89 or '90 that i had the right age to fully comprehend it, and watched it over and over again.. and again.. and again).
Funny thing is that now -as an adult- i watch a film once or maybe twice, and again in a couple of years or so.. but back then -as a kid- i literally watched the same film like 8 times in one month. But i guess this must sound familiar to you guys as well, right ? Posts: 2176 | From: The Netherlands | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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posted 01 April, 2021 09:02
Yep, back then if I loved a movie I'd watch it all the time! Ha!
My other movies in consideration were, Karate Kid, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Funny Farm, Great Outdoors, and Back to the Future.
Terdnthepool - when you mentioned NL Vacation, that made me think, I never thought about Christmas movies. That automatically has to put Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story right up there.
I'm sticking with Goonies but I'm definitely rethinking it more!
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posted 01 April, 2021 15:19
Oh yes, Back To The Future, how could I forget that one? Just a couple years ago I finally realized it's probably my #1 favorite 80's movie in general. So yeah, that one would be right up there with Flight Of The Navigator.
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posted 06 April, 2021 18:22
Same here. How could I forget BTTF and The Karate Kid. I’ve watched them multiple times.
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posted 07 April, 2021 23:48
Same as others, BTTF, The Karate Kid, Fast Times, Teen Wolf, Indiana Jones, Flight of the Navigator, Ghostbusters, D.A.R.Y.L.....
But there are 2 I have watched more than any Ferris Bueller and The Goonies, I think The Goonies may edge it by a nose.
posted 08 April, 2021 06:32
Tough call, but Spaceballs probably holds the honor for me
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posted 10 April, 2021 00:45
Weekend at Bernie's. I realized lately that I've memorized a lot of the movie.
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