i was forced to do so at first, and wasnt old enough to make a good case for anything else to watch, not that my mom would listen anyway, after awhile i knew all the characters, picked up on the storylines, i started to get sucked in.
at my house we watched the cbs line up, as the world turns, guiding light and such
what all did you guys watch, what did you like what did you dislike, did you as well wish not to watch it and then after sitting through a few days of it, start to take intrest?
those shows were good back in the 80's and 90's, before alot got canceled though they went downhill
one of the characters i liked best was roger thorpe on the guiding light, always rooted for him, he fell off a cliff and survived, used to work for the CIA, did all kinds of great stuff
what was your favorites?
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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I think that two soap operas are well worth watching (and I'm really dating myself here): "Dark Shadows," Dan Curtis's way-ahead-of-its-time Gothic horror drama. I just watched a couple episodes last week (there are tons on NetFlix), and I'm still very impressed. Yes, sometimes the cheap sets and the camera jiggle, and the writing has a lot of padding to fill 22 minutes, five days per week (People seem to repeat things a lot in the "Dark Shadows" universe--"I smell the lilacs." "Yes, the smell of lilacs!" ROFL), but this show had some brilliant plot lines and acting. And the two spinoffs movies were pretty memorable too.
I also really liked "Edge of Night." Again, this was not your typical soap opera. It was a mystery/police procedural, also with excellent acting and ingenious plotting. The head writer was the late, great Henry Slesar who wrote some stuff for "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," "The Twilight Zone," and "Batman," and co-wrote the wonderful horror movie "Murders in the Rue Morgue" (1971).
What my choices have in common is that each had an extremely talented show runner/head writer and an offbeat premise--they are in categories of their own. These two really were the top of the soap opera class.
Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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i will have to give those two a go, hear alot about dark shadows, there is a movie coming out in the future that's got johnny depp playing barnabus collins, michelle pfieffer supposed to be in it too.
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
I watched a lot of the Brit and Aussie soaps since I was a kid, but gave up on them all a few years ago. It just got ridiculous with how much they were on, sod that
I've only seen the 90's Dark Shadows show. I liked that.
[ 05. December 2011, 13:07: Message edited by: Helen_S ]
Posts: 4056 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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The 90's remake series was pretty good too. I know that Burton and Depp loved the original show, hence, their upcoming 2012 movie version, though I'm sick of seeing Depp do Burton movies with weirdo make-up. Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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i remember watching "the edge of night" since my mother watched it. i don't remember much about it except that i think it was creepy. i also remember watching the whole "luke & laura" thing on general hospital. me and my best friend watched one called "santa barbara".
Posts: 675 | From: Miskatonic University | Registered: Jul 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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