Has anything from any of the programs you watched when you were younger lingered with you as particularly scary, even today, perhaps? I can list 3 specific examples of my own, even knowing back then everything would be all right in the end:
-the climax of The Real Ghostbusters' Mrs. Rogers' Neighborhood, wherein the demon Watt (a.k.a the titular Mrs. Rogers) possesses Venkman to open up the containment unit to give him a ghost army. The posession is done quite unnervingly, Peter does seem in genuine pain when he tries (ultimately unsuccessfully) to fight the possesion (having him repeatedly switch from normal voice to demon voice while he fights Watt for control of his body doesn't seem right either), and Egon's One Chance of the Week (TM) to save the day--setting one set of proton beams on Venkman's frequency and the other on Watt's to try and split them apart--sounded legitimately dangerous even back them (Egon even admitting as much with, "But if we mess up, Peter may go all to pieces--literally."), to the point where you think for a minute that maybe this time things won't quite work out (although of course the plan worked flawlessly in the end),
-The Purple Smurfs--more or less the entire episode. As a kid, you hate to see friendly, inviting characters suddenly become threatening, and watching the entire Smurf village slowly succumb to the purpling, GNAPing plague that starts from one bite from a Bzz fly is discomforting; indeed, I still can't bring myself to watch this one today (in the original Peyo comic story this was adapted from, they turned black from the fly bite; this was changed to purple to avoid any claims of ethnic insensitivity, but frankly purple is just as unnerving a color to change them to),
-more realistically, the cliffhanger of Part 1 of The Glo Friends Meet the Glo Wees. Give credit to the My Little Pony and Friends staff for drawing up some pretty intense for the target audience cliffhangers for each serial chapter of both the main series and the secondary ones, but this one was probably the most intense of all; discovered in the climax spying on the Molegans' latest tunnel efforts, our heroes are chased by them--to rather ominous music that goes non-stop to the final fadeout, I may add--and trapped in a small cave. Things then go from bad to very much worse when Smasher trips and smashes his lantern, quickly (too quickly?) starting a raging forest fire all around. Fire is universal; we all fear it in one way or another; perhaps some of you have even unluckily lived through one yourself. What could be more unnerving than to see sympathetic characters apparently completely trapped by very ominously animated flames, going into the To Be Continued tag crying out for help that we know full well isn't there (the Molegans having already bailed on the scene to save themselves)? Probably the fact it took me 20 years to find out exactly how they did get out of it (which was admittedly a bit of a cheat, but that's another story for another day) adds to this one as well.
Posts: 2561 | From: Pennsylvania | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe cartoon freaked me out in the 80s....
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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I think i saw The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe as a kid.
Posts: 6 | From: Scranton, Pa | Registered: Oct 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Selling underpants to geeks since 1984...
Member # 679
I remember running out of the living room and yelling with fear, the first time I saw the Sleestaks on Land of The Lost! I did not like the look of them or the hissing sound they made. Scared the crap out of me ...
Come to think of it, I don't like them to this day...notice how their eyes are big & black & alien like? Hmmmmm...nope!!
Posts: 2234 | From: Shopping at the Galleria! | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Even though they were just voice actors, the delivery and "acting" to create the voices for G I Joe...well....that was just plain scary....but I just couldn't stop watching!! Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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