Thirtysomething is an ABC television drama that aired from 1987 to 1991. It details on the lives of seven friends in their thirties living in suburban Philadelphia.
The series' main cast members were Ken Olin (Michael), Mel Harris (Hope), Timothy Busfield (Elliot), Patricia Wettig (Nancy), Melanie Mayron (Melissa), Peter Horton (Gary) and Polly Draper (Ellyn).
It won numerous Emmys throughout its four season run including one for Outstanding Drama Series in 1988. The show's title coined this term as well as "twentysomething" and has last a legacy after it went off the air. All four seasons are available on DVD between August 2009 and November 2010 under the Shout Factory label.
Posts: 4123 | From: Willimantic, CT | Registered: Oct 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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No offence, but I would rather hang myself than watch an episode of this show again.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Best show ever. Haha. It doesn't help either that I am two months away from turning 30 either. My god. All downhill after that.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
I didn't expect such whole hearted agreement Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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You could expect to be begging for a frontal lobe labotomy after watching.
Nah, t vs p is in a league of it's own. T vs p is the best idea for a series ever conceived IMO.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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quote:i have never seen this. if i were to watch what could i expect?
You could expect yuppies in high-cut jeans and sweaters emoting about their failure to connect with each other on the level they desire, mixed with a general disappointment in 'thirtysomething' life in general... for many many episodes. It's like committing suicide by jumping out of a window, and falling very, very slowly.
Posts: 3383 | From: England | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 21
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OMG. I reckon that is the funniest comment/review I have read since being a member. Classic stuff. Any further elaboration would be most welcome.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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Logan is always full of great funny comments! I would have to agree too! I didn't like this show when it was on in the late 80's. One of my college roomies used to subject us to it every week. We only had one tv at the time in the living room, so there was no escaping unless I went to study in another room, lmao! It was just a depressing show. It totally made me rethink ever getting married, that's for sure. The married couples were just miserable on this show. Btw, I have been happily married for 13 1/2 years. We are not anything like those miserable people on Thirtysomething, lol.
Posts: 2287 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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you know the description sounds like greys anatomy except they are doctors and there is a politcal message in each epsiode
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Even though I was in my thirties when that show came out, I never watched it.
To me, my favorite 80's show about "yuppies" was "L.A. Law".
Posts: 3385 | From: Sacramento, California, USA | Registered: Sep 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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Good Package, I HATE Greys Anatomy too! My husband and I watched about 15 min. each of two different episodes and had to turn it off! It was awful! Doctors having sex in the broom closet and cheating spouses, etc. I thought it was going to be a serious drama, and it turned out to be a crude soap opera with poor acting. Don't get me wrong- I am not a prude, I enjoy shows like Dexter, Weeds, Eastbound and Down, etc. But that silly show was so bad. It's all the bored mommies who watch it. They're brains are already fried.
Posts: 2287 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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yeah their supposed to be doctors, yet they all act like teenagers in high school
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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might as well call it saved by the bell: the surgeon years
Posts: 1605 | From: Lake Chicamocomico | Registered: Feb 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
I used to see glimpses of this back in the day, but have never seen an episode. I guess by the looks of the reviews...I never will. Who wants to watch a show where the characters are the same age as we are now....and they are depressed and unhappy. Congrats Pitts on 13 + years. The 30's are treating me good as well....with my wife for almost the exact amount of time....literally...13.5 years! Although 30's are soon to end...well....not for two more years...just sayin'!
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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My 30's are just about to start, but I am definitely not buying the box set of this show to kick it off. That's for sure.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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Bernie, I think we need to have a Thirtysomething viewing party in your honor as you travel into your thirties, lol!
Posts: 2287 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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While you guys are watching I will be hanging myself in the shed Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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