i saw the castro brother in the preview for next week's show so he must have made it thru? i am glad bikini girl left she was very selfish and was so into herself it was pathetic and i am sorry but her voice was not that good! i think she was just there to be on t.v. that was it!! i felt bad for emily and rose i liked them and now they are gone too?? but danny did well and so did jeremy and jackie all in all it was a good show last night very entertaining lol!!!
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
I liked Rose too--I feel that she was a victim of group week.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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i'm borderline on the robert downey jr. look-a-like.
there was a guy in one of the groups with brown boots on, black punkish hair and was tall.. my goodness he had the best voice out of anyone last night. i don't even think they said his name?
the first group that got up and sang with the female rapper, that was awesome.
a couple other groups did good too, but the group with the boy who was crying, the ones that were arguing all night... i didn't like anyone of them.
i think the group with rose and bikini girl would have been better without the bikini girl. i cannot believe they all just looked at each other when simon asked them to name names of who was screwing things up...
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Don't think I wouldn't have been pointing fingers at the screw-up, LOL. I agree, Ronnie--bikini girl did screw up her group. I think they would've been just fine without her. And that crying boy--Nathan, was it? Good grief he got on my nerves!!
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
oh yes nathan is a doozy he has been crying since the first time he was on the show?? and riptide the guy with the brown boots his name is adam and i like him also he has a great voice and i think he will do well singing alternative rock myself!! i did feel bad for rose and i agree with you all if bikini girl was not there they would have done so much better that was just not right?? dee
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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so far what I've seen tonight is that the talent pool for the guys is a lot better than the talent pool for the women. I still like Jasmina and Lil for the women I've liked both of them since their first auditions.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Well I'm upset that the Castro kid didn't go through. I swear if that whiny azz Tatiana makes it past tomorrow night I may just quit watching! She is so damn whiny and personally I don't think she can sing. And Nick/Norman...WTF do the judges see in him???
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I like Nick/Norman. The one I can't stand is Nathan along with the forementioned Tatiana.
Can't remember his name but the blind guy is truly in his element when he's behind the piano. I previously really liked him during his initial audition but seeing him tonight makes me think he's a strong candidate to go a long way in the competition.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I think a lot of them seem like good honest people that I want to succeed.
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I am not saying they aren't good people...they just are kind of Blah...there's nobody really interesting in an IDOL sort of way. They haven't got to do too much yet, so I am hoping that part changes. I like seeing their background stories, from where they came from, and who their families are.
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i agree tatiana should have gone home last night she is very annoying and so is nathan he is a drama queen!! i also agree with you there are more guys that are better this year glad adam, danny, and jasmine made it not sure if jackie made it but i still like her too? i forgot the blind guy's name too but he is great also!! not sure if i will watch the 2 hour show tonight but will definitely watch the end to see who else goes home!! Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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I like Blindy, I like Danny now but I'll get annyoyed by him quickly I think.
I don't like Tatiana but I'm fascinated by her personality. She's emotionally on the edge, and I can't wait to see which way she falls off.
I love Nick/Norman, he's a nice guy and lots of fun, but whether a character can make it through, I'm not sure. It almost happened here in our first season of Australian Idol, when gender illusionist Courtney Act narrowly missed out on a spot in the Top 10.
Nathan annoys me, he's such a drama queen. I really like Jasmine, and Lil. I forget the girls name right now, she's the one who sang her own song in the auditions - I was disappointed that she got knocked out.
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
What is the blind guy's name?? Anyhoo, I agree with Sammy--he's truly in his element behind that piano. Except for Tatiana and Nathan (who may calm down who knows) I don't see anything wrong with them "personality wise." As for Nick/Norman I just want to see him perform as NICK. Then I might just like him. Buffalogirl, Jackie made it through.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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i'm not sure who i like at this point. i think i won't know until the top 12 are announced. i was surprised that the girl who sang her own song at the end of auditions, went home. there were a few people they kept that i thought didn't deserve to go through...especially tatiana - YUK!
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Not so sure that the blind gentleman would appreciate being called "Blindy". It's the same as calling someone in a wheelchair "Crip". Tatiana is a total psycho. She needs to go. I can't believe they kept her. The producers probably held onto her for ratings. And that Nick/Norman guy needs a shrink too. Does he really have multiple personalities, or what is going on with him?
Posts: 2289 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Pitt, I think they both just want attention. I don't think Tatiana will make it past tonight.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I hope she doesn't. If Nick/Norman would ever sing just as Nick I think he could go further. Unfortunately right now I think nobody will be able to take him serious no matter what he does. He seems to be a favourite of the fellow contestants though, they sure seem to be getting into it when he's performing.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I know it's not nice to call him Blindy but it's just a way of remembering who he is. There are a lot of them this year whose names I can't remember.
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I can't believe they sent Jamar home either.
My husband had been watching it, and then he said he couldn't watch any more, he thought they treated the people like dogs, and that it was mean the way that they psyche them out, letting them hang there.
I can't believe they kept Tatiana mom said...when they do stuff like that, it's not about singing...if they are keeping her around to see what kind of a fool she makes out of herself.
There were alot of them that I couldn't believe they kept...the one guy who forgot his lyrics, and he got up and left the keyboard- they gave him another chance...they gave that one girl who already had a recording contract- and she goofed the words up twice- that made no sense at all...they kept Nick/Norman- I can't believe he is under 28 years old- he seems way older than that.
I was glad Frankie left-I didn't like her at all.
I knew at the end that both of those guys would go through...I like the guy who works on the oil rig-I think his name is Michael- I liked that he told them thank you...on either way it goes..that was nice.
I think they booted Jamar- because don't they do a wild card-where they can vote to bring back a certain person? Maybe that's what they think will happen. It's getting pretty predictable.
What did you guys think about the 2 blonde girls? Simon wanted the prettier one...but the other one sang you guys think it is fair to pick someone based on what they look like over how they sound?
I have no clue how they are choosing people this time, because there are some that are complete maniacs and can't sing well at all, and they are letting them through.
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Well by far this is the dumbest thing Idol's ever done! C'mon, people--Tatiana?? WTF were they thinking? I was nervous at the end, because I like both Matt and cute oil driller guy (what's his name?). I can't believe Jamar went, either.
As for the two blonde girls, Jenn and Kristen, I liked Jenn much better. Kristen has an attitude, and I think Jenn was really the better singer. I remember all of Kristen's drama during group.
I cannot take much more of Nathan's whining either! Grow up!!!
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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