what did everyone think of the last girl.. the one with no shoes? simon liked her appearance.
some of the girls from last night, had different voices. i wonder what will happen if they make it in the top 12 and are asked to do rhianna songs? sometimes people are one trick ponies ya know?
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I liked the last girl too. I thought she was a pretty good singer. There's something about a girl who is bare footed that really has an effect on me. But on the contrary I also like a girl in nylons and high heels.
I think in the auditions the best course of action is to sing a song that's not too obscure that isn't overly difficult but not too easy either. Try not to add too much of a personal touch to it either just sing the song the way it was originally sang so you can show off your potential.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I never know where half of the song choices come from...I don't know if they are new songs or what, but they pick some of the strangest stuff.
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you know what bugged me about last season? no offense to beatles fans..but why would they make them do beatles songs 2 weeks in a row. most of the contestants had a hard time with those.. except david archuletta.
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Ronnie, a bunch of people on the Idol message board complained about the two weeks of Beatles last season. I thought it was too much as well.
I thought that girl was barefoot but my mother insisted she had sandals on, LOL. I thought she was pretty good.
Have ya'll noticed that they are ending each night's auditions with some type of trial or tragedy story? Like the blind guy, the guy who took care of his mom, the blonde girl last night...
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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They never say what happened when the windows collapsed, they didn't even act like that was any major thing.
That girl ..I think her name is Alexis-the one that gave Simon the middle finger- she came on again- with a new makeover-which she didn't look as weird...she said at the end she had over 2,000 "fans" writing in support of her. That is EXACTLY the kind of sick world we live in. Why would anyone ever encourage someone to behave like that?
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
alexis is a flake simon recognized her from last season as soon as she walked in!!! i thought the last girl was good too and from the night before david osmond which we all knew he would get the ticket being a osmond but he does have a good voice too
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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I thought that was pretty cool of Simon to call that one girls boss to help her get her job back.
Wtf was up with that guywho came in as a big ipod?
Can't believe they gave a golden ticket to that 'comedian' guy in NYC
I thought they were a little too harsh on the girl who came in with her brother; granted she got her ticket but I felt she was better than they gave her credit for. Her little brother rocked.
I knew that once that one girl mentioned that she's won over 700 singing contests that she would suck.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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ehh..I've already stopped watching the show.
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
I thought the girl with the little brother was good, too. I mean, if they can give a golden ticket to that awful comedian then they may as well give them to everyone, ya know? I thought the last girl was good, too. She's not gonna sound like Whitney because she's not Whitney. And it was nice of Simon to call the girl's boss. I personally like Simon...most of the time, LOL.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I actually think that Simon is a good person. He's just brutaly honest.
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i love simon and i agree i just think he is very honest and i love to watch the faces he makes when people are singing very funny i did notice that he does not laugh at people as much as randy and paula and i like that even though alot of them are laughable they should hold back on that!! i feel bad for them when they do that!! i also think simon is very nice looking too!!
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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I can't believe they gave the comedian guy a ticket either.
I thought the girl with her little brother- was way better than alot of people- expecially for 16 years old.
I like Simon too....but he can be super mean at times.....I think he's trying to make people snap back to reality...but he could do it in a nicer way.
Maybe he thinks if he's too nice, they won't listen.
I don't like when they laugh and giggle at people either.
I am not sure if I like Kara- at first I thought she was Ok, now I think she tries to deliberately attack Simon just to show she has a mouth on her....but then she talked about Simon kissing her...and she looked like she'd be all for that.
I liked the big Pink Easter Bunny who grabbed Simon and shook him.
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i noticed that about kara also isis!! i also think paula is alot more quiet now that kara is there? do you think maybe she is threatened by kara? i hope not paula is strange at times but i still like her better on the show dee
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Wow...that one girl who begged and pleaded with the judges, that was not right...if they over turned their decision on her-then everyone who ever was on that show should have a chance to come back, so I am glad they gave her the boot.
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Yep, that's right. I'm just not sure about Nick/whatever he calls himself--the comedian guy. They put him through, but I just don't see it. And the guy who screamed through his audition--didn't see that one, either.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Seems like they were pretty generous overall. They said that the Hollywood round started off with 147 contestants and after the two days there was still 104 remaining.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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i thought they did good by giving those few people second chances, because it was obvious they could sing..they just made a bad choice in overdoing it i think.
i don't know about that comedian guy though. his wonky personality won't get him very far... and his voice is just ok.
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i agree isis that girl that asked for a second chance was pitiful and then when she said it was her husband's birthday that topped it off the judges said oh come on right away!! if she watches herself she will see how sad she really was i am sure!! as far as the comedian guy i don't see it either? i like about 10 of them mostly guys except for rose and , jackie and emily i think they have great voices tonight looks like it will be a good show too!! okay so who thought bikini girl was good? i thought she was okay but i don't think she will make it all the way ! Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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I think the girl said it was her cousin's birthday- because I thought that was even more lame.
My favorite person the guy who looks like Robert Downey Jr. (The one who's wife died).
The Bikini Girl wasn't as obnoxious last night as she was before. I think that Kara and Paula are trying to not pick on her as much, because they don't want to come across as being jealous. That would not be the way to judge a person.
There were alot of people that got the boot, that I never saw on the show.
You just see them leaving.
The one guy that said "you all suck as judges", then he told Simon he had cheap taste in clothes...that was a sore LOSER...I have no clue why anybody would do that....even if you had a slight amount of talent to make it that far, anyone else who sees you act like that...they won't want you around them.
It was weird that the Comedian guy - Nick- the one who changed his he looked so much younger when he took his glasses off. I would have guessed his age to be in his 40's. I can't believe he has to be in his 20's to be on the show.
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I like Lil Rounds I believe that's her name she's the gal who lost her house to the tornado. I also like the girl with the Janis Joplin type voice. I also like the guy whose wife died.
I think the producers are purposely keeping some of the better ones under wraps for the time being.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Yeah, Lil Rounds was good. I also liked the guy whose wife died. The one guy with all the tats, who said that he'd had a hard life and music made it better or whatever, I didn't really like his voice.
I think Bikini Girl could sound a lot better...I think that if she makes it further that some guys (not all guys!) will vote for her just because she's Bikini Girl. It'd be the same way if there was a half-naked hot guy on there--a lot of girls would vote just because of that. I go for the voice and talent--I could care less what they look like or what they wear.
I think they're purposely keeping some of the better ones under wraps, too. Like the blind guy--isn't he supposed to be really good? I missed his first audition, and I know he made it through last night but they didn't show him.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Ah, the drama of Hollywood week! So what did ya'll think? Did the Castro kid make it through?
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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? Lambert The oil drilling guy The guy who's wife died Jasmine Lil Rounds (didn't see her tonight)
Glad to see bikini girl leave.
Tatiana & Matthew(maybe Nathan) both need to keep the mouths shut
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I don't know all their names....but tonight when the one girl (that giggles about everything)...she tried to change groups, and they took her in to another group, and then she left them...and went back to her original group..I thought what a jerk she was. She didn't care about anyone but herself. Nobody that has that kind of attitude deserves to have fame and money.
I couldn't believe Katrina Bikini, she couldn't get up out of bed...what a bum.
There have been many times in my life I have gone 48 hours...and plus- without any sleep...sometimes you do what you have to do. They are young and healthy, and can live on a few hours sleep.
The group that had only 3 in it, that were at the very end....I thought the black girl with the red hair- would get through- I wanted to see that whole thing again, because I didn't think she was singing off key on purpose -for the other girl- I thought the blonde girl was off key all on her own...maybe I heard the wrong person. But they sabotaged each other. The blonde girl was terrible. I can't believe she made it.
I liked the group that were all guys and the one girl rapper.
I can't believe they forget the words, and some of them sound worse than when they auditioned by themselves.
Some of them just start humming words....
How do they get the songs ...I thought they were given a song, and that's why they goofed the words, because when they audition they sing songs they have memorized....but I thought they don't have a choice in the group singing....but several groups were singing how come there was a duplicate song?
I can't believe they don't know the words to "Don't Stop Thinkin about Tomorrow" -by Fleetwood Mac.
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