I don't think Kris or Matt will make the final two... they are very similar to each other and I reckon they share a fanbase.
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I don't understand the appeal on Allison either, she reminds me of the girl who was the nurse on last season- I think her name was Amanda- she had black and blonde hair- they can sing Janice Joplin stuff and that's about it.
Posts: 13484 | Registered: Aug 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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are they doing famous songs from movie soundtracks?
i didn't hear about it on last week's show, but i read it online.
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
You're welcome.
I hadn't heard anything about next week...usually Ryan tells what it is at the end of Wednesday's show. Movie soundtracks could be good.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Yes it's movie night. Adam can do Mad World again since he did the version that was more true to the version used in 'Donnie Darko'
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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i wonder what the song choices will be. i was reading the american idol website and people were saying that certain songs should just be off limits - I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, by whitney houston - MY HEART WILL GO ON by celine dion
i kind of agree with that. i hope they get creative.
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
I agree re songs off limits...seem to hear the same songs from year to year...same ol same ol. I wonder what options they have when choosing songs...and are poor choices sometimes reflective of poor options? I also hate when they make the contestants sing crap they don't like....yeah...they can get creative with some stuff....but why not let them do what they do best...songs they love and want to sing. More specifically, I dislike when they have theme nights that just arn't Manilow night! Now don't get me wrong....I'll shamefully admitt that I like some of Manilow's classics....but only when he sings them. Hopefully we'll see some 80's movies spotlighted....
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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as usual I await to see what Adam is going to do next. Good or bad he'll make it memorable.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by Ronnie: yes, this passed weekend!
Aaaaah, congratulations Ronnie!!! I'm happy for you. Long life, happiness and luck! Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Very intrigued by them having Quentin Tarantino as the mentor this week. He definitely knows the right songs to use in his movies, it's like his songs are actual characters in the movie instead of being just in the background.
Allison--"I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" another solid solid performance from her. This girl should be a serious contender just not sure she has connected totally with the voting public yet.
Anoop--"Everything I Do I Do For You" another boring predictable song from him, lets see how he does. Not bad but just more of the same. Hopefully will be in the bottom
Adam--"Born To Be Wild" Back to his rocker ways!!! Pure 100% Energy!!!! The guy never ceases to amaze. He always seems to pull something amazing out of thin air out of every song that just leaves me with my mouth wide open.
Matt--"Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman" The Bryan Adams songs aren't being too kind to the competitors. Very boring and ordinary performance. Probably will be in the bottom three again.
Danny--"Endless Love" I didn't really feel the passion that should be associated with this song. I feel this was a misstep for him. But so far it seems that he can do no wrong in the voters eyes. Should still be safe but I feel his momentum is slipping.
Kris--"Falling Slowly" zzzzzzzzzzzz. This song did nothing for me. Could be on the chopping block.
Lil--"The Rose" this is brutal. I think it's time for one of my early favourites to go home. Most disappointing contestant of the season.
On The Chopping Block: Anoop, Matt & Lil
Going Home: Lil
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Allison - one of my favs, but I felt she was out of key. Singing a song that I'm really sick of hearing.
Anoop - not a fav of mine...but I thought his vocals were pretty good
Adam - cool as usual
Matt - not a fan
Danny - OK
Kris - gotta disagree with Randy...and Sam...I love this song and I thought he did a great job
Lil - disappointing as usual
I agree with Sam's chopping block. In order...I'd like to see Lil go, then Anoop, then Matt.
Our top three will be Adam, Allison, and Kris
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Ya know, I was hoping Lil would do the song Not Gon' Cry (Mary J. Blige) from the movie Waiting to Exhale. That would've been a good song for her. I really like The Rose, but I thought she was pretty pitchy throughout. And what was up with Paula's critique of her? She never made any kind of comment about how she sang the song. I agree, Sam, she's become a big disappointment. Now for the other contestants...
Alison--good job I thought. I could see her going to at least the top three, but I don't think the public likes her too much.
Anoop--my mom liked him, but I thought he was just okay--kinda boring actually.
Adam--meh, he's okay I guess. He's a lil too theatrical for me.
Danny--I liked it, thought he did a good job. I think the song was pretty personal for him.
Matt--meh, okay I guess. Could've been better.
Kris--sigh...wonderful as usual!!!!!!! I had never heard the song but I thought it was really beautiful. Of course, I think I would like him if he got up there and sang his ABCs...
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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My favorite was Kris, I liked that song-I had never heard of it ever.
Quentin Tarantino is really a strange person, I have never watched any of his movies...there is absolutely nothing appealing about any of them to me, there is nothing he did tonight that made any sense when it came to giving direction on what to do with the song...anybody could have said and done what he did.
Just because he directed movies, how did that make him know anything about music, he didn't write the songs for his movies or sing any of them.
Posts: 13484 | Registered: Aug 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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I have to remember to record the results show tomorrow night because of my new job that I started on Sunday.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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good job on having tarantino as the mentor! i love his song selections in movies. i was listening to my death proof soundtrack today..he's brilliant.
Allison - yuck. perhaps it's time for her to do a PINK song or something. i don't like her and i didn't like her performance tonight.
Anoop - (agree with you sam).. more of the same. but he was better tonight.
Adam - awesome as always. i want to be at his show!!
Matt - so so...
Danny - didn't like his performance... yet again.
Kris - i don't recall hearing this song but it was nice.. i loved it and him lol *heartbeat*
Lil - horrible. tarantino told her to not make the switch so obvious in the middle of the song when she goes gospel. she didn't listen one bit! he called it perfectly. i love THE ROSE.. beautiful song, and she jacked it up. she must go.
sammy, what's the new job?! write me back!
you know, the just totally flew through tonight's show. why did they even add the 4th judge again? they are going over the time slots and rushing through everything lately... the "judging" is a big part of this show and they are cutting us short now, yet manage to rape us with commercials... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Actually I'm working two part time jobs at the moment
In late February i started working at Auntie Anne's a pretzel making kiosk in the mall which i don't really like. Not enough hours, not that great of pay and no possibility for advancement but it's very convenient for me to get too.
On Sunday I started working at KMart as a cashier. Right now it actually pays less than my other job and I do have to take the bus to get there but I feel that in the long run it will be a much better job that has more chances to make more money and to advance plus I will get more hours. So Kmart I made my primary job and will only work at the pretzel place sparingly.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i thought most of them were the same old thing tonight and boring boring boring!!!! i think lil or anoop will go home then matt next week kris is okay but he won't win in the end it will be between adam and allison i thought danny screwed up his song alot last night although i do like him he will probably not last too much longer either i wish they would let them sing newer upbeat songs too so sick of these old love songs every season getting old real fast!!!
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Time for my usual live review from the couch!
Allison - this is a song that can be a disaster, I hope she brings it. I love the verse, I've never heard it sung so tenderly. But the chorus is the true test of this song, and overall she did it pretty well. She was definately feeling it, and although I heard at least one bum note at the end of the bridge, she recovered quickly. Consistancy is Allison's biggest weapon in this contest.
Anoop - another song that's hard to pull off, it's so connected to Bryan Adams, I've never heard anyone sing this on Idol. Anoop has definately learnt that he is safest with ballads. And he did another good job, I liked it. I liked the arrangement, and Anoop put a lot of feeling into it. I was thinking all week that it's Anoop's turn to go this week, but he may have just saved himself.
Adam - OK, the moment I've been waiting for! OMG I couldn't take my eyes of the screen!!!! This guy rules!!!! Lots of exclamation marks!!!! Adam can do no wrong, another brilliant performance. I wasn't feeling Adam during Hollywood week and the semi final, but he's totally killing the competition for me now. I'm still predicting my Adam/Allison final 2. I don't think Adam would be upset by Simon's comment about the Rocky Horror Picture Show, considering his theatre background.
Matt - Getting the show back on the power ballad train... this started pretty well, yet another song where it's vital to show you're feeling it, but it got messed up a little in the bridge and he even hit some bum notes. Ha, Randy just said the same thing! While not a bad performance, it' the weakest of the night so far.
Danny - wow, I thought the producers would give him the pimp spot (final performance) to drum up support for him against Adam. Only 5 times in American Idol history has the performer in the pimp spot been in the bottom 3, and only once has that performer been eliminated (Anthony Federov in Final Four week, back in Season 4.) Anyhoo, back to Gokey. Endless Love. Please shoot me now. I even hated when Mariah sang this song, and I love Mariah. OK, was thankfully light on cheese, but I agree with Simon, it's nice to hear some criticism aimed at him.
Kris - this is a beautiful song, it won best song at last year's Oscars. That was really beautiful. I don't get why Randy didn't feel it, I definately didn't think it was pitchy at all. His best performance of the season.
Lil - I often performed this song at weddings, it as a popular choice for the signing of the registry. I'm glad Quentin suggested adding more gospel to it, I think it really suited it well. Lil has been slipping each week, promising to "bring it" the next week, but I have a feeling we've seen the best of her. Not her best performance, not her worst, but she isn't growing and won't last much longer, sadly.
Best of the night - Kris, Adam, Allison
Bottom 3 - Lil, Matt, I can't pick a 3rd everyone else was too good!
Should go - I've been saying all week that now that Scott's gone, it's time for Anoop to go. But, after tonight I have a feeling it will be Lil
OK, now I can read all you guys' comments, I don't read them before I watch the show.
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Congrats on the jobs, Sammy!!!! Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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next week, they are doing disco numbers! paula said there will be no mentor, but she is going to choreograph the dance moves for the tuesday and wednesdays shows. i don't know what she meant exactly. i only heard her talking this morning, on phx morning radio talk show, which she calls in to regularly.
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