I watched a little bit here and there. I did get to catch Kelly- I thought she was awesome. Whoever said above that she can sing anything and make it sound good was absolutely correct!
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Oh, btw, I thought a certain someone claimed to be anti-racist, but can't handle listening to rap? But I guess if it was Salt n Pepa or Breakdancin' or Electric Boogaloo, or sumting like that, it is okay.
Posts: 2289 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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heartless is great song. i love that whole cd.
he sings a lot, he hardly raps on that album. i wasn't crazy about kanye before but i understand him a bit better now, and his music.
and yes, THAT is music. if you don't like it fine, but going out of your way to make fun of the whole thing in numerous posts is silly. just let it go?
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I usually don't bother with the American Idol thread but upon reading it found tons of racist overtones in Fe Fi Fo Yo. I'm not even African American and it offended me. Like him or not the man's found the key to success.........
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Where does racism and rap music come in to play in anything I said.
I don't care what race a person is, for them to talk like a moron...there's plenty of white rappers- like Eminem who talk like morons, and the music from Breakin is not full of Ebonics- so it's not even in the same kind of category of whatever it is that Kayne West is doing. I don't care what race, nationality, whatever ...I am talking about sounding like you don't have a brain in your head.
Me saying that proving a point...that you can stick the word YO, in anywhere...when you can't think up a word to put there...just add in a few more Yo Yo's, and you got a song. That's a cop out for writing music.
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I didn't get to see the performance or results show until yesterday, so here's my 2 cents.
Overall, the quality of the show was very high, even Jorge, who was very cheesy, at least sang well.
I think it's a very strong Top 13, but my only worries are about the implications of Scott and Danny - that they will go far or even win because of their sob stories.
I didn't like Adam, it was too over the top, but I thought Megan's "Rockin' Robin" was adorable and left of centre.
I fast forwarded through Kanye's performance coz I just cannot stand him and his ego, but Kelly Clarkson was awesome! My life would suck without Kelly Clarkson!
As far as this "Ebonics" thing goes - it's just made up words used to seperate one group of people from another, not necessarily in a good way. I think it caters to the lowest denominator, and is actually fairly insulting when big superstars like Kanye and Diddy use it to sell records.
But is "Yo" an Ebonics word? I think it's fairly broad spectrum now.
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Even though Breakin's music wasn't ebonics, it branched out later on to become what is today's modern hip hop as a lot of current hip hop stars cite is as an influence so technically your a hip hop fan I guess. It's no more insulting to use ebonics to sell records than it is to use sexuality to sell them(Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Spice Girls, Ashley Simpson, Jessica Simpson, etc.). That's pretty much catering to the lowest common denominator. Let's put someone without any talent in next to no clothes and make out like they have a talent. We'll cover up this lack of talent through revealing clothing and package it...........
[ 15. March 2009, 11:47: Message edited by: MotleyRulz ]
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Pop stars with next to no talent using sexuality to pander to men is catering to the lowest common denominator.
I couldn't agree with you more.
It's exactly the same as urban gangstas with next to no talent mumbling about pimpin' out their ho's!
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Country week yuck...definitely not my cup of tea. Well hopefully some of them will pick some good Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson or Patsy Cline.
Michael--Fast lyrics but didn't challenge his vocal range. Country seems to be his comfort zone but not sure how America will like it. Could be a possible candidate to get cut.
Allison--Where did this girl come from? I don't even remember her from her audition or Hollywood week and here she just gets better and better every week. Feel she's developing into a darkhorse candidate.
Kris--I just don't feel for this guy. As usual with him it wasn't terrible but not memorable at all. Definitely safe to stay.
Lil--Definitely her weakest performance to date. Should be safe and if not I feel the judges would use their power of veto to save her. Still feel Michael is the top candidate to go home.
Adam--Amazing!!! Not the traditional version of Ring Of Fire but I'd expect nothing less from him. I can't wait from week to week to see what he does next.
Scott--Another safe song. He's turning to be kind of boring. Still think Michael should go home as of this moment.
Alexis--Not impressed. She didn't do what she should have done with that song. Between her and Michael to go home at this moment.
Danny--Good as always. So far the safest pick to stick around.
Anoop--Very Solid. Can never go wrong with a Willie Nelson song.
Megan--Very Good; especially since she has the flu. I was going to say she was having pitch problems until they said she had the flu. I love her singing style. Shes quirky and cute.
Matt--White soul boy with an another awesome performance. Him and Allison are the two dark horses.
On the chopping block: Michael and Alexis
Ironic since I felt that going into tonight they would have been the two most comfortable with the country genre.
Going Home: I'm guessing Michael
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I think Anoop did really good- I was shocked-I thought he could be the next to go, but I think it could be Alexis (which I liked her), or it could be Michael.
I like Kris alot.
Megan is so different, she reminds me of someone from a different time period, just the way she sings-is so unique- and I like that sound. I love when they sing older songs- those songs have meaning to them.
I didn't know the song that Kris sang-but I really liked it- that's the kind of stuff I wish I heard on the radio today.
Adam, reminds me of something from the 80s, that song sounded like something from Siouxie and the Banshees. I liked it. He's pretty darn cute. Why can't he be on the radio now...that kind of stuff is what should be out there...these people actually are singing great...they are so much better than people that have actual recording contracts already- they are way better than Kayne West.
I was talking to my mom about the whole Ebonics thing, because I saw Chris Brown doing an interview with Tyra Banks , and he sounded stupid, and I think the whole ebonics thing is a way of making it be OK to be stupid. Don't people want to sound intelligent when they talk?
Showing kids that it's OK, to walk around sounding like an idiot, and yet that dude is a millioniare- I think it sends a really bad message out there.
I don't even like hearing Randy saying "Dope" and "Dawg" all the time, if he did it every once and awhile that's one thing, but it's like every other word, and I like Randy.
I don't like any of those girls mentioned who are singers today- I think they are totally terrible role models, and horrendous singers. Britney Spears is a giant embarrassing mess.
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good show - i love country music and appreciate singers like randy travis who have been around singing good music for decades, to help coach the singers.
Michael--blech, i don't like him. perhaps he thought just because country is his type of genre of music.. he didn't have to try that hard? i don't know, i hope he goes home. and his smarta$$ comebacks when the judges were critiquing him.. dude shut the eff up. you're supposed to stand there and take the may not like it, but tough shizz. he ticked me off.
Allison--she did a good job. it wasn't a very stand out performance, but still good. i feel she should return next week.
Kris--great, great job! i loved him and i love his song choice plus the way he sang it. he'll definitely be back next week - good.
Lil--she was ok. i know she tried but i agree with the judges, she could have chosen a better song to sing. i love martina's music, but that song is pretty flat until you reach the chorus. and that's the only exciting part.
Adam--wonderful. i love the arrangement for the song, and i love his vocals. he did something different and it worked. he reminds me of a young, michael damien (his looks). i know it was a little strange, but his performance stood out.
Scott--boring. boring. boring. time to go home, i think.
Alexis--love the song, jolene. but she didn't do a good job singing it. i thought the whole song was bad. but i think she'll return.
Danny--still don't like him, much. but he sang the song very well at the end. the beginning was boring and low. but still, i know he'll be back because he's already a favorite.
Anoop--i thought it was ok. i didn't think it was the best vocal of the night. but he did ok. i didn't love it, but i didn't hate it either.
Megan--much better this week, she looked gorgeous. i loved her vocals. i think she sounds like the music that came out of the 30s and 40s... that old classic jazzy swing big band type stuff. i loved it. patsy cline songs suit her well.
Matt--i had the tv turned down when he sang, so i didn't hear him too well. but it sounded like it was good?
the contestants bothered me tonight because i just don't get the constant.. "i had fun" thing. well, that's great and all, but they aren't being judged on having fun. a handful of them talked back and and kept saying " i was going for something different"... it's kind of pointless to whine about that as an excuse as to why they didn't do so great.
other than that.. tonight's show was good.
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I think that way too Ronnie...but it's the same with the judges...they tell them to pick different songs- and then when they do ...then they say they shouldn't have picked that one. I think if they are a good enough singer the song shouldn't even matter than much.
I didn't like Lil singing Independance Day- she can sing, but there was something "off" about it.
I thought Michael was being mouthy too...he said "if we were all perfect, we wouldn't need this show."
That is some degree....but that's because how is a normal person suppose to break in to that industry any more. It is so commercialized.
It is amazing to me, what these people looked like before they get them all glammed up.
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i am not a country music lover at all but i loved danny, alexis, and adam and allison the rest were okay but really not that good? i didn't see michael as i was switcing back and forth to the hockey game but i don't care for matt either i just don't think his voice is that good? if i could guess i would say anoop or michael will go home tonight? but who knows?
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Well if you look at it like that, if they're a good enough singer, then they shouldn't have to go on the show in the first place. I'll always be a fan of old school country (Willie, Whitley, Merle, Waylan, Cash, Williams, Twitty, etc.) but this crap that's packaged and called country these days in no way resembles country. Our country music forefathers who have since passed probably roll over in their graves every time the "next big act" gets a contract in Nashville or anywhere else for that matter........
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
First off let me say that I'm a fan of Adam (and yes he is cute, whoever said that ). BUT BUT BUT I thought his rendition of Ring of Fire was HORRID!!! Ugh! I really liked Kris...the song he sang is actually an old Bob Dylan song. I like Lil' Rounds as well but I really didn't like her version of Independence Day. I really liked Anoop's performance as well. I didn't like Alexis' version of Jolene. I thought it was missing'll be interesting to see who goes tonight.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Man, I just could not get into it last night... Turned it off... Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Adam's rendition of Ring Of Fire sounded like the Tea Party...a Canadian band. Could have been good, but a little too over the top...IMO.
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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I think Brad Paisley is awful, I don't like his music at all. I have no clue how he got so big, and he's not attractive looking , even slightly. So I am not sure of his appeal.
I absolutely LOVED Carrie Underwood singing "I Told You So". I would buy that song. Did she just do it for the show, or did she release that on an album? That song is so nice, and the lyrics were so emotional and I loved how she sang it....I thought of Kelly Clarkson after that, and that dumb song she sang, and I thought how can anyone hear a beautiful song done like Carrie Underwood just did, and then hear that other song by Kelly Clarkson, and think it was any good?
Carrie Underwood is a way better singer than Kelly Clarkson.
There are beautiful songs out there, that can be done different or sang differently, and yet we keep getting all this Hip Hop junk.
I think this whole new rule of them saving someone, is a bunch of about putting the pressure on a person- Alexis had to have been so nervous- you could tell in her voice. I think that's mean to do.
Alexis reminds me of Debbie Harry. She has that look.
I can't believe how old Randy Travis is looking.
I use to LOVE country music in the 80s and the 90s. I loved The Judds, Alabama, Reba McEntire...I loved Garth Brooks- Brooks and Dunn, Aaron Tippon, Clint Black, Patty Loveless, Tanya Tucker, Sammy Kershaw, Lorrie Morgan, Alan Jackson, Vince Gill, and I loved Blackhawk.
My Aunt always had a thing for George Strait. My mom use to like Ricky Van Shelton and Dwight Yocum. I have no clue what happened to country music either.
I loved the Judds ...Why Not Me, and Grandpa- those are such good songs, and Alabama- I love the songs She and I, and the Closer You Get....they were great.
I saw Exile in concert a few years ago at a Fair, and they did music that I guess what sort of country, I love the song "Kiss You All Over". Those are great songs.
That's why I complain so much about today's stuff- there just isn't anything good, and there's no talented singers.
Did you guys ever hear this song by Bucky's called "Different World"- it reminds me of the stuff we talk about on here:
My predictions for the two on the chopping block were spot on, I just wish Michael would have been voted off instead of Alexis. I think Alexis would have a better chance in the long run.
Posts: 4742 | From: Cell Block 6 | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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i'm a little surprised that alexis went home already. she didn't sing jolene too well, but i thought scott or michael would have gone home instead of her.
i'm glad kris and adam are still in the running. those 2 are my faves... so far.
Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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I'm watching Idol right now, so here's my brief immediate thoughts...
Michael Sarver - bland song, fast lyrics don't make it interesting. I hate when contestants talk back to the judges, it comes off as ****y and historically could lose him some votes.
Alison Irehita - I don't know the song, but she did a great job. Reminded me a lot of Kelly Clarkson, with the strong but not overpowering vibrato in her voice. A definate contender. Put a blonde wig on her and she'd look like a human sized Olsen twin.
Kris Allen - Another song I don't know, it was really beautiful. A nice vulnerable performance (and haha I typed vulnerable before Paula said it). I'm glad Simon liked it
Lil Rounds - I know this has been done on this show a few times, but it never sticks in my head. Lil is better than that song. I hope her fanbase votes for her. I agree with Simon (cause he's almost always right) in that she perhaps should have R'n'B'd it up a little bit. What was the song Nelly did a couple years ago with some country singer?
Adam Lambert - Randy Travis = not impressed. I've been waiting for Adam to impress me, and he finally did. I thought he was fantastic! It had all the Adam queerness but wasn't so over the top like his "Satisfaction"or "Black or white". It left Kara "confused but happy" - I guess that means she's on whatever Paula is on!!! For once I disagree with Simon when he called it indulgent - this was Adam slightly toned down, and was much less indulgent than his previous performances which were praised for their uniqueness.
Scott McIntyre - another song I don't know. I want to see the back of Scott for the same reason I didn't like Archuletta last year - nothing against his singing, but the penchant for inspiration songs is so calculated it's a real turnoff. His singing was always OK, nothing to write home about. Too bad his cute brother wasn't there to help him on stage.
Alexis Grace - The vocals weren't perfect, but I enjoyed the performance. It was nice to see a different side to Alexis, and I enjoyed this more than Brooke White's version last year. She doesn't know what "soundalike" means?
Danny Gokey - again, like Scott McIntyre and David Archuletta, the inspirational and God songs are grating on my nerves. He's a sweet guy with a friendly personality, but I'd hate to see him take this out by cashing in on his late wife. But he's a much better singer than Scott, and it was endearing to see him so nervous to perform in front of Randy Travis. His voice got amazing as always about halfway through, and he's so adorably handsome. I probably won't remember this performance, but I did enjoy it.
Anoop Desai - I hope he does better than last week. Wow, that was stunning. He's never shown that much power or tenderness in his voice before, it was beautiful! Definately the standout performance of the night so far. I didn't know Johnny Cash had performed this song, but my favourite version is by the Pet Shop Boys.
Megan Joy Corkrey - A good choice of song for her unusual style. She doesn't stand a chance of winning, but I like her, even last weeks "rockin' robin". Oh, I'm disappointed, she didn't go to well. She seemed on autopilot, there wasn't a lot of sassiness in there. Looks like she's sick. The judges disagree with me, which is a relief. I hope she sticks around.
Mat Giraud - another damn inspiration song by my 2nd least favorite Idol Carrie Underwood (Taylor Hicks being my most hated). Really nothing special, but I like the vibrato in his voice. Was it a short song, or did it just go nowhere? Should keep him safe, but won't earn him any new fans.
To wrap it up, the best performance of the night was Anoop, followed by Adam's Ring of Fire.
Bottom 3 predictions - it's hard to pick the who'll be in the bottom this week, but coz I have to, I'll say Alexis, Megan and Lil. If Lil is eliminated, I'm pretty sure the judges will use their "save" power to keep her in, coz she's too good to lose this early.
PS did anyone notice how obvious that weird little divot was tonight just above Paula's cleavage? I remember reading about it a few years back on plastic surgery sites. It reminds me of the little "spoon" thing the Cardassians had on their foreheads on Star Trek! What am I on today? This must all sound so bizzare!!!
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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