I consider the Breakin' 1+2 double feature to be among the best guilty pleasure releases of 2015 ! Posts: 2176 | From: The Netherlands | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Indeed Johnny. Though, if you look back at some of my old posts....I despise double features!! I like them honored on their own...but couldn't pass this one up!!
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Also recently got Indiana Jones trilogy on Blu-ray...Boxing day sale at Wallymart....under $6 each! And separate copies...just as I like em'!! *I passed on Crystal Skull for $10!!!
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Picked up on DVD - the Kentucky fried movie,restless natives and - across the tracks,also got - boyhood starring Ethan hawke and the lovely Patricia arquette on blu ray.
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Picked up on DVD - the Kentucky fried movie,restless natives and - across the tracks,also got - boyhood starring Ethan hawke and the lovely Patricia arquette on blu ray.
Just reading about - boyhood what I picked up cheap in the sales and from I've read so far it sounds like a 3 hour (well not quite 3hr - 165 minutes in total) snoozefest!
I know it took 12 years to make but does it also feel like it takes 12 years to watch - Anyone checked this one out yet?
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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I picked up the 1993 Alicia Silverstone thriller - the crush on dvd and also the 1990 dudley Moore,Daryl Hannah comedy - crazy people also on DVD.
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Also got a - critters fridge magnet which is now attached to my metal door coat hanger.
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Just ordered - Scarecrows (1988) on blu ray from scream factory - a cool low budget horror flick!
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Yeah I really enjoy - crazy people devo,old dudley made some fun comedies back in the day,black moon rising is a pretty cool flick terd,I reckon chances are you will like it!
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
New entries: Beverly Hills Ninja (1997), Lady Chatterley´s Lover (1981), No Worries (1994), The Four Minute Mile (1988) and Grand Theft Auto (1977).
Posts: 7053 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Just picked up Wall Street on Blu-ray for $3, and I rolled the dice on V I Warshowski (sp?)...a Blu-ray that didn't identify the date on the back...I thought it was from the 80's and for $3 was willing to chance it. DANG IT!!! It's 1992! Thus, cannot stay in my collection! I'm a rare breed of cell phone haters who only carries a flip phone form work....but times like these I wish I had a fancy phone with data to check these things out! Oh well...
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Still never seen - wall street after all this time,I need to check it out,I've seen - Tommy boy and - black sheep starring Chris Farley and they were both good fun but have never seen - be very hills ninja before!
I picked up a couple more movie fridge magnets -
The sleepaway camp and - chopping mall,also got - first blood and - the warriors and stripped the magnet of the back and stuck them to the side of my DVD shelf below -
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Also picked up - the quiet - awesome film with some very disturbing themes (dvd),rollerball (blu-ray) and the very entertaining 2014 slasher - girlhouse (DVD).
This is something I picked up for my son (8yrs old) the other day,its not a movie but -
A marvels comic book on how to draw all the different characters,this first issue was only 99 pence so really good value!
[ 24. January 2016, 06:25: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Cool magnets Warrior. Is this a series, or only come with DVDs? I've got home made jobbies...my wife has some graphic design background, so basically prints any image I want and turns them into magnets (you can get magnets at the dollar store with a sticky side, so you just stick the pics on them). I've got an entire fridge full in addition to my file cabinet at work...tons of images from the 70's and 80's...entertainment for my mind!
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Yeah kevdug I just pick up the odd one every now and then from eBay,there not overly expensive but make for a pretty cool decoration,I always like looking at the artwork on my DVDs/blu rays but as some of my shelving is not very deep I can't have much in the way of front facing artwork and only get to view the spines of the cases so at least this way I can see some of my favourite cover art even if it is in a much smaller format!
That's cool that your wife can make up the magnets for you and that your not limited in your choice!
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Future Hunters 1985 with Robert Patrick, linda Carol,Ed Crick.
I never heard of it but being from the 80s thought I would give it a shot. .99 cents. Anybody seen this?
Posts: 1989 | From: The deep end | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 14
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Future Hunters looks fun, never heard of it before.
Just got these (sorry about the pic quality):
Out of Season (1975), Bird (1988), The Richard Pryor Show collection (1977), the original Tinker Tailor Soildier Spy series (1979) and sex comedy Come to My Bedside (1975).
Posts: 7053 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Picked up a couple of horrors - the butterfly room,the taking aka the taking of Deborah logan,my wife purchased a blu ray of - the visit the other day while out doing the weekly food shopping,I also picked up a new Michael Douglas thriller - beyond the reach and also a revenge thriller - bound to vengeance.
The taking ,butterfly room and beyond the reach were only £3 pounds each,bound to vengeance was £5 so not bad value overall,the only one I've checked out so far is - the taking which I thought was pretty decent!
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
Just got To Live And Die In LA and The Man From Snowy River on Blu-ray. Don't remember too much about them (I recall liking Snowy River as a kid), but willing to take a gamble at $5 each....
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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To live and die in LA I think is a great film and on blu as well for 5 dollars is a steal!
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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