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Author Topic: The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame
Chris the CandyFanMan
Those Ain't Pillows......
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But apparently Cetera will not be joining his bandmates for the induction (although Danny Serafine will), so it looks like the rift may be too deep to mend.
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Ace Rewinder
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The 2016 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Photos on GettyImages

The 2016 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Photos on WireImage

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Ace Rewinder
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Rock Hall of Fame inductees "incredibly diverse" but uniquely connected

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2016: Will Peter Cetera and Chicago reunite?

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2016: Rob Thomas to perform with Chicago

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Pearl Jam, 2pac and the potential Class of 2017

15 Artists Eligible for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Next
In advance of the 2016 induction, we look at who might join the ranks through 2021

Inside Cheap Trick's Unlikely Renaissance
After years playing state fairs and rib cook-offs, the power-pop warriors finally got a call from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

5 Things You Didn't Know About Chicago
From the meaning of their song "25 or 6 to 4" to why Peter Cetera won't reunite with the band

5 Things You Didn't Know About Cheap Trick
From Kurt Cobain being a fan to how they invented classic album concert

It’s about damn time Chicago made it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
By Barbara Hoffman April 8, 2016 | 5:45am

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Chicago’s Robert Lamm Talks About Rock Hall, Peter Cetera and More

Chicago’s Robert Lamm Talks About Rock Hall, Peter Cetera and More

One point of excitement for fans was the fact that it looked like Peter Cetera might take the stage with you guys at the induction ceremonies to perform. Now it looks like that’s not going to happen. What was it really that went down behind the scenes that brought things to that conclusion?

In a nutshell — and I really don’t want to talk too much about it — I would say that Peter didn’t understand that this was a band honor, that it was the band Chicago being inducted. He was proposing to bring his band to play when he sang a Chicago song. So you know, it got very strange. But I think in a nutshell, he didn’t or doesn’t get that it’s a band thing — it’s not about any particular guy.

If I’m correct, you’ve had some contact with Peter in recent years, haven’t you?

Oh, yeah.

It seemed like there was a slight amount of water that had gone under the bridge after all of these years.

Yeah, you know, I was very surprised at his attitude.

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Peter Cetera won't be reuniting with Chicago at the ceremony. His trophy will be mailed. Cetera and Chicago couldn't agree on which songs to perform and in which key. Cetera wanted to perform 25 Or 6 To 4 in the key of E, because of his old age he can't hit those high notes anymore. The band doesn't want to change the key for Cetera. The key of E is too high for the horn section because of their old ages. Cetera also asked the Rock Hall producers to let him perform separately from Chicago at the ceremony, but the Rock Hall turned him down.

More from Cetera here:

February 25, 2016

Regretfully, I’ve decided NOT to participate in the 2016 HoF induction ceremonies. I appreciate the award and I want to thank all of you who voted and finally made it happen.
Many of you will be disappointed and that’s understandable. Quite frankly, I’m disappointed as well. There comes a time when you need to make a decision based on what’s best for you without worrying about the consequences and this it that time.
Every idea or suggestion I offered about how it could work musically was either rejected or changed by the shows producers. Together with the fact that while I sent those same emails to the group, the only reply I ever received back from them was a very snarky “Take a chill pill dude!” Whoa! Really?
At this point in my life, I really don’t care to reintroduce the same negativity, misplaced egos, and petty jealousies I experienced years ago.
I’m very happy right where I am now, touring and playing my music with a band I love. You should all come and see us if you have the chance and please check my site for performance updates.
Peacefully moving on, Peter

February 10, 2016
Make that 27! Happily moving on!

February 8, 2016
I just sent this to the RnR hall of fame people. This is the the short high road nice version of what I really wanted to say. I’ll post that response at the appropriate time. Ciao,

Hello Alex and Joel!
Unfortunately, this scenario doesn’t work for me. I know we all did our best to make it happen, but I guess it’s just not meant to be.
Personally, I’m frustrated and tired of dealing with this and it’s time to move on. I have a life with two beautiful daughters and a solo career and its time to get back and give them all the full attention they deserve.
Thanks for all your help and consideration! Have a great show and please send any individual award I receive to the contact you have for me.
All the best, Peter Cetera

February 5, 2016
Hello everyone! I know you’re all waiting to hear what’s happening with the Hall of Fame. I know how frustrated you all are, but trust me, no one is more tired and frustrated than yours truly. I had a conference call with the musical department today and I’ve presented another song option. Right now it’s about a fiddy fiddy chance that we can hammer something out by the weekend. Frankly folks, Im done if this doesn’t work out. Here’s hoping this one works…Ill let you know either way ASAP…Ciao, Peter
Ps. As of today it’s now down to 25 per cent chance of happening.

January 6, 2016
Hello Everyone! I’ve just sent this mail to everyone involved. Hopefully it will answer all the questions concerning my participation in the Hall of Fame induction..Thanks

Hello Robert, Danny, Lee, Walter, and James. I’m sending this to you and Danny since yours are the only email addresses I have. Please forward this to everyone.

First off, congratulations all around on this long overdue honor. While our fans believe we should have been inducted years ago, they find it harder to believe that we haven’t even been nominated in all that time. Oh well, we are now!
All the credit goes to those who voted for us in overwhelming numbers during the recent poll. They alone deserve our thanks for finally making this happen.
I know we all look forward to speaking that evening and I’m sure we all wish that Terry was there to join us. That can’t happen unfortunately, but I have one thing that can.
As a finale, we can walk onstage together one last time as a group, I’ll strap on the bass, and we can do 25or6to4 in the key of E. I believe it would make for one fantastic Hall of Fame moment and satisfy those who have always wanted some sort of reunion.
Along with your current members, I would also like us to invite past members Laudir de Oliveira, Donnie Dacus, Kenny Cetera, Chris Pinnick, and Bill Champlin to join us up there as well on the song. They’ve all contributed to the legacy of the group and I think this would be a fitting way to honor them.
In the end, this should go a long way towards healing old wounds and showing solidarity on that night. At least I hope so!

See you all in Brooklyn, Peter

December 30, 2015
I’m getting ready to post my reply to the Hall of Fame about my participation for the show. It should happen within the first week of the new year. Tell your friends, relatives, Romans and of course countrymen. see ya, P

December 23, 2015
Yes, that’s right. Tell all your friends, tell the press, tell radio, TV, newspapers, why you can even tell The Pres, Hillary, Trump everyone. I will make an important announcement on this site after the New Year that will shock the WOOORRRLLDD! Ok, maybe not the world but at least maybe parts of the USA and Canada!
Ill have a statement that will come from me and me only regarding my participation in The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Until then, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and Ill speak to you shortly after New Year’s day with my earthshaking announcement regarding the Hall Of Fame! Ciao, Peter

October 24, 2015
Hold your horses all you folks that are so excited about this Hall of Fame voting. Let me remind you that whomever has this vendetta that has kept the original Chicago out of the HOF is still in charge. We should have been in years ago of course and that’s my point. They have put in so many who don’t belong that it’s an insult to think that they might have to be forced to at least finally put us in the nominee category. Also, this fan vote only counts for ONE vote out of the hundreds of voters out there so there’s still a chance for them to finagle their way out of “letting” us in. I also heard something about Chicago fans cheating by voting early and voting often! Keep it up because you never know what might happen!
Ciao, p

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Ace Rewinder
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The 2016 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Order Of Inductions And The Presenters

01. Lars Ulrich inducts Deep Purple
02. Steven Van Zandt inducts Bert Berns
03. The Black Keys induct Steve Miller
04. Kendrick Lamar inducts N.W.A
05. Rob Thomas inducts Chicago
06. Kid Rock inducts Cheap Trick

[ 08. April 2016, 18:42: Message edited by: BabyLove19781999 ]

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Rock Hall Live on Periscope

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Rock Hall - Chicago - Rob Thomas Live - Periscope

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Rock Hall Induction Ceremony 2016 Wrap-Up: Cheap Trick, N.W.A. and More

Rob Thomas took the stage to speak about Chicago. He called their late leader Terry Kath “One of the best and most underrated guitarists of all time.”

“If you’re going to take the name of one of America’s great cradles of rock, blues, jazz and soul, you’ve got to be a great band. This is not a soft rock band, Chicago was a rock and roll band with horns!”

“Let’s talk about the kind of stones that these guys have. Their first album was a double album. Balls of steel! Second album: double album. Third album: double album! The titles, Chicago, Chicago II, Chicago III: f—ing fearless!”

“People say a lot of things about Chicago, and ‘badass’ is generally not one of them. But when they met Jimi Hendrix he said that their guitarist is better than him. That’s badass. So if you say Chicago is your mom’s band, then I want to party with your mom!”

Keyboardist/singer Robert Lamm said, “I’d like to first thank the audiences that come to see us year after year.” He thanked all the current and former members of the band, including bassist/singer Peter Cetera, who famously decided not to attend.

Lee Loughnane said, “I’m blessed with three things: music my trumpet and the guys in this band,” and later joked, “I want to thank my ex-wives for making sure I have to keep working!”

Former drummer Danny Seraphane introduced himself, “I’m Danny f—in’ Seraphine! I’m gonna get to play with my band for the first time in a long time. I wanna tell you a story about a band of brothers. 1968 we’re at a Dodger game, they were playing the Cubs, Peter gets in a fight with a marine — bad idea — he got his jaw broken. Ten days later he was on the road. When Rob [Thomas just] said we were badass… yeah we were a badass band!” He also noted that Lamm broke his leg in a basketball game — “white men can’t dunk, Robert!” — the band missed one gig and then the band hit the road for another six weeks.

Mentioning the band’s late guitarist Terry Kath, he said, “I miss him every day.” Soon the teleprompter flashed a “PLEASE WRAP UP” message. “‘Please wrap it up!’ F— you! I’ve been waiting 25 years for this!”

Finally, Kath’s daughter Michelle said of her father, “He would be beyond honored and extremely excited.”

The band, with Danny “f—in'” Seraphine, played “Saturday in the Park,” and were joined by Rob Thomas for “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is.” They finished with “25 or 6 to 4.” Like Deep Purple and the Steve Miller Band, the current lineup of Chicago does the band’s legacy proud.

Chicago's Robert Lamm Talks Peter Cetera Absence at Rock Hall
"If Peter didn't want to play or couldn't play or couldn't sing or whatever, at least he could have stood with us," co-founder says

Chicago became one of the more controversial groups in this year's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame when Peter Cetera, the band's co-founder and primary vocalist, decided to skip the induction altogether due to an impasse with the band over the group's performance.

"I appreciate the award and I want to thank all of you who voted and finally made it happen," Cetera said earlier this year. "Many of you will be disappointed and that's understandable. Quite frankly, I'm disappointed as well. There comes a time when you need to make a decision based on what's best for you without worrying about the consequences and this [is] that time."

Co-founder Robert Lamm showed up and spoke about the induction, reuniting with old friends and Cetera-gate.

How did it feel being onstage? Was it similar to what you thought it would be?

Well, I really didn't have preconceptions to what it would be. I did know that rehearsal and sound check went really swimmingly yesterday. But I was still jangled from having felt so nervous about speaking. By the time it was time to play, I still had some nerves. And I never do! I get excited before I go onstage and play, but I'm not usually nervous. And I'm still nervous! Right now! It was that gripping, "Am I worthy?" thing that we get in the middle of the night from time to time. Am I worthy? Because I want to be worthy.

What's the experience been like for you to be here? Who have you met that you haven't seen before.

We met Cheap Trick for the rehearsal for the finale. And that was lovely. I met Sheryl Crow for the first time. I love Grace Potter's work, so I got to meet her. Met a couple of the N.W.A crew.

Were they familiar with your work?

I'm sure. Yeah. Actually, when I was standing downstairs in the hallway, Steve Miller walked in. I haven't seen him since 1969. He just looked at me, gave me a big hug and said, "Why has it been so #@+%$## long?" I told him that I had the poster of the show where he opened for Chicago. He had the poster, I had the poster and we were both considering bringing it along with us for each of us to sign. But it was better seeing him and seeing how well he's doing and watching his performance. It was great fun. That was my favorite performance of the night.

How'd it feel without Peter Cetera at the event?

The Deep Purple guys aren't playing now, but it's just the fact that they stood up and stood with the band and accepted the honor. And it is an honor [and] that's the way it should have been. If Peter didn't want to play or couldn't play or couldn't sing or whatever, at least he could have stood with us. I think he certainly deserves it. I think it's unfortunate.

Did he want to change the key of "25 or 6 to 4" or something like that?

Yeah, and it's not like a half step either way. He wanted to drop it down from A to E. So it's a big jump. [Drops voice] That's down here. And normally, if it's just a four-piece band you can do it, but with horns, you got to transfer those… It's not something that we wanted to do for a one-off.

There was a lot of back and forth on if he would come or not.

Well, we made it clear to him that he was welcome. I made it clear, and I perhaps spoke out of turn by giving interviews after it had been announced that we were going to be inducted. I was asked, "Are Danny and Peter going to play?" "Well yeah, I think so," and he got completely crazy about it. Like I shouldn't be speaking for him. I wasn't speaking for him. So I apologized. I'm sorry if he felt I overstepped my responsibility. Anyway. That's all insignificant stuff. It would have been lovely to have him here, and we've always made that plain.

Now we just have to find Donnie Dacus.

I saw Donnie last week! Yeah, He didn't have enough tenure to be here. And really, I think this honor was more about the first seven, eight albums, anyway. So …

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Lars Ulrich inducts Deep Purple - Complete Speech

"Every hard rock band in the last 40 years, including mine, traces its lineage directly back to Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple," says Metallica's Lars Ulrich

Damn right!

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Videos from an audience member at the 2016 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony. All inductees.

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[ 30. April 2016, 10:22: Message edited by: BabyLove19781999 ]

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Nominees for the 2017 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame


Bad Brains
Joan Baez
The Cars
Depeche Mode
Electric Light Orchestra
J. Geils Band
Janet Jackson
Jane’s Addiction
Chaka Khan
Pearl Jam
Tupac Shakur
Joe Tex
The Zombies


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The 2017 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Inductees

Electric Light Orchestra
Joan Baez
Pearl Jam
Tupac Shakur
Nile Rodgers

[ 13. January 2017, 18:26: Message edited by: BabyLove19781999 ]

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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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eh... Tupac ?? [Confused]
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Tupac does NOT belong in the ROCK Hall of Fame. The HOF is a big joke anyway. Went there once about 16-18 years ago and it was as if the 80's rock scene never existed. Pfffft
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I haven't been able to log in for a couple of years.

The Rock And Roll Hall of Fame Inductees


The Cure
Def Leppard
Janet Jackson
Roxy Music
Stevie Nicks
The Zombies


Bon Jovi
The Cars
Dire Straits
The Moody Blues
Nina Simone
Sister Rosetta Tharpe

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Official Fan Vote Leaderboard

Official Fan Vote Leaderboard

01. Pat Benatar
02. Dave Matthews Band
03. Depeche Mode
04. The Doobie Brothers
05. Judas Priest
06. Kraftwerk
07. MC5
08. Motörhead
09. Nine Inch Nails
10. The Notorious B.I.G.
11. Rufus featuring Chaka Khan
12. Soundgarden
13. T. Rex
14. Thin Lizzy
15. Todd Rundgren
16. Whitney Houston



[ 04. November 2019, 21:41: Message edited by: BabyLove19781999 ]

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Thanks for sharing Babylove.
Every time this site goes down, I have to come up with a new name and password. I was Pittsburghgirl, then Pghgirl, now Pghgurl. Ha ha.

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Originally posted by Pghgurl:
Thanks for sharing Babylove.
Every time this site goes down, I have to come up with a new name and password. I was Pittsburghgirl, then Pghgirl, now Pghgurl. Ha ha.

You should be able to login to your original account. Just send F-R the email address you used and they will send you your password.

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I did that last time it went down, but never received an email. I sent numerous requests. Oh well.
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Originally posted by Pghgurl:
I did that last time it went down, but never received an email. I sent numerous requests. Oh well.

It's working now. That's how I got back in.
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Depeche Mode
The Doobie Brothers
Whitney Houston
Nine Inch Nails
The Notorious B.I.G.
T. Rex
Jon Landau
Irving Azoff

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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Postponed Due to Coronavirus

“Our first concern is to the health and safety of our attendees and artists,” Hall of Fame President Joel Peresman says

They are postponing the 2020 induction ceremony because of the coronavirus!!

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony 2020

The health and safety of our fans and visitors is our highest priority. Given recent news regarding coronavirus and the urging by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine regarding large public gatherings, we have made the decision to postpone the 2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Induction Week festivities until later this year. Additional details, including new dates and ticket information, will be announced shortly and shared directly with ticket holders and supporters. Details of the rescheduled HBO live broadcast of the event will be announced at a later date as well.

This week Cleveland Mayor Frank G. Jackson issued a Proclamation of Civil Emergency with the goal of minimizing the impact, severity and duration of COVID-19 as it spreads. “To me, the most important thing is minimizing the impact [of the coronavirus]" said the Mayor. County Executive Armond Budish also issued a State of Emergency declaration yesterday that helped inform our decision.

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Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony, Set To Air On HBO, Rescheduled For November 7, 2020.

Dennis DeYoung On Doing One Last Styx Tour, Possibility of the Rock Hall


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