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Author Topic: Last 20** movie you HAVE seen
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 - posted 11 May, 2016 12:37      Profile for Crash   Email Crash   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Yeah, "Here's another direct-to-video-on-demand special. I'll do it" seems to be his motto.

You can only sink as low as Eric Roberts if you take a check from Tom Six for a Human Centipede sequel. LOL

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 - posted 14 May, 2016 15:34      Profile for Pittsburghgirl   Email Pittsburghgirl   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I liked Thomas Jane in the tv show Hung, which I felt didn't get a proper ending.
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 - posted 14 May, 2016 15:47      Profile for Pittsburghgirl   Email Pittsburghgirl   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I watched Into the Wild(2007), starring Emile Hirsch, with supporting roles played by Katherine Keener, Kristen Stewart, Hal Holbrook, Marcia Gay Harden and William Hurt. I read the book back in the late 90's or early 2000's. The movie was excellent, followed the book fairly well, and it was directed by Sean Penn. I thought Hal Holbrook should've been nominated for Best Supporting Actor. His performance was so great, brought a tear to my eye. Anyone else seen this movie or read the book?
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.... has green eyes as well....
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Member Rated:
 - posted 16 May, 2016 08:02      Profile for aTomiK     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Watched The Guest (2014) and what a fantastic thriller it was!

Great setting (New Mexico, halloween time), excellent cast (Dan Stevens is amazing, all did very good job), cool plot and wonderful synth soundtrack
(composer Steve Moore used the same type of synthesizers that John Carpenter and Alan Howarth used for composing the score of Season of the Witch).
You can´t get much more 80s than this. Even the Snoot Entertainment logo in the beginning reminds me the classic Cannon Group.
So yeah, loved it all the way.

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the young warrior
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 - posted 16 May, 2016 10:07      Profile for the young warrior   Author's Homepage   Email the young warrior   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
The Guest is a really great 80s throwback,the female lead I'll have to look up her name reminded me a lot of a young Gwen Stefani,loved the soundtrack as well and found the ending to be quite comical where a certain someone can be seen making a crafty getaway!

Atomik have you got Cold Day In July as I really dig that film also,I reckon chances are you'll probably like it it's Don Johnson along with the great Sam Shepherd and Nick Damici who is also in a werewolf movie I picked up a while back called Late Phases:Night Of The Lone Wolf which was a neat little horror with mostly practical effects!

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the young warrior
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 - posted 16 May, 2016 10:13      Profile for the young warrior   Author's Homepage   Email the young warrior   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Pittsburghgirl:
I liked Thomas Jane in the tv show Hung, which I felt didn't get a proper ending. - Hung TV trailer.

Never seen this show before Pittsburghgirl, it looks alright actually and quite good fun!

[ 16. May 2016, 13:46: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575

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Member Rated:
 - posted 16 May, 2016 10:39      Profile for aTomiK     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
She´s Maika Monroe and she was pretty good also in It Follows. And you´re right, Maika looks a lot like Gwen especially in The Guest.
The ending was so 80s, i loved it!

I have Cold in July blu-ray.

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 - posted 21 May, 2016 13:06      Profile for J2ME     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

Drive (2011)

"A mysterious Hollywood stuntman and mechanic moonlights as a getaway driver and finds himself trouble when he helps out his neighbor."

Superb.  -

A Real Hero


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 - posted 22 May, 2016 06:32      Profile for P_a_u_l   Author's Homepage   Email P_a_u_l   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
The Martian (2015) with Matt Damon and a host of others.....

Simply put, it's what Gravity could/should have been had they not thrown out the science.

This is the best movie I've seen from Damon, the support cast is excellent, and the scenery and tension is great.

I can't give it top marks, however, because there are still one or two major flaws in the logic and science, the biggest one being when the airlock / HAB entry tube decompresses and explodes, the tear in the wall shows air flowing in...

I appreciate this is a major plot enabler, but it's too forced, and actually spoiled the movie a bit for me.

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the young warrior
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Member Rated:
 - posted 25 May, 2016 15:03      Profile for the young warrior   Author's Homepage   Email the young warrior   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
None of these are overly amazing or anything but there still enjoyable enough to at least warrant a viewing,in all truth there actually pretty good!

I won't go into plot details as it's getting pretty late and I'm about to toture myself with a viewing of the first of the Ghoulies movies.


Adult World (2013) A comedy drama Starring Emma Roberts and John Cusack or as he is known on the poster - John Cusak [Big Grin]

And even stranger the cast listing below the pics has the cast for a completely different movie altogether - Stuck In Love starring Gregg Kinnear and Jennifer Connelly [Confused] - Adult World (2013) trailer.


Say When (2014) aka Laggies aka Girls Only aka Grow Up which is also a comedy drama starring Keira knightley,Chloe Grace Moretz and Sam Rockwell. - Say When (2014) trailer.

And lastly


The 2014 military drama Good Kill concerning drone strikes in Afghanistan starring Ethan Hawke,B rice Greenwood and January Jones. - Good Kill (2014) trailer.

All three in my opinion are certainly worth checking out!

[ 25. May 2016, 15:57: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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 - posted 29 May, 2016 05:14      Profile for Johnny Roarke is reckless   Email Johnny Roarke is reckless   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

The Black Panthers ; Vanguard Of The Revolution (2015)

Feature-length documentary about the rise and fall of the Black Panther party.

I'm not really interested in politics or Black Panther ideology, but i do have a fascination for this specific period in time.
And for that reason alone, Black Panthers is well worth seeking out, as it provides an in-depth look at political and racial
turmoil during last century's most turbulent times (late 60s, early 70s).

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 - posted 03 June, 2016 03:46      Profile for P_a_u_l   Author's Homepage   Email P_a_u_l   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by P_a_u_l:
The Martian (2015) with Matt Damon and a host of others.....

Simply put, it's what Gravity could/should have been had they not thrown out the science.

This is the best movie I've seen from Damon, the support cast is excellent, and the scenery and tension is great.

I can't give it top marks, however, because there are still one or two major flaws in the logic and science, the biggest one being when the airlock / HAB entry tube decompresses and explodes, the tear in the wall shows air flowing in...

I appreciate this is a major plot enabler, but it's too forced, and actually spoiled the movie a bit for me.

Watched this again last night (I love having friends with proper cinema rooms) and need to add another niggle...

Everything seemed so ... easy, I guess. No sooner was a major problem identified - which if unresolved would have resulted in his death - Damon announced in the very next shot that it was solved. He kind of did that time and again. Which began to grate a little, as I really wanted to enjoy the movie as much as I did the first time - but somehow didn't....

Still better than Gravity by a factor of at least twenty, but as good as Apollo 13? I'm not sure...

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 - posted 03 June, 2016 05:01      Profile for Chloe     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
The Gift (2015)

Wow! This is a brilliant movie! I totally recommend this one.

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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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 - posted 08 June, 2016 04:24      Profile for Johnny Roarke is reckless   Email Johnny Roarke is reckless   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I watched 21 Jump Street (2012) on Dutch TV last night. It didn't really do anything for me in the beginning,
but it got funnier as it went along. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with the original TV series though.

The cameo appearances by three of the original cast members (including Johnny Depp) were fun,
although i do wonder why the filmmakers decided to let officers Tom Hanson and Doug Penhall get
killed during the finale of this movie adaptation.
I know it's a comedy.. but to fans of the original TV series, it does leave a bit of a bad taste this way.

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April Fool
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 - posted 11 June, 2016 16:31      Profile for April Fool   Email April Fool   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Money Monster- and I didn't like it, have no clue why anybody would ever sit through it twice.
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 - posted 26 June, 2016 11:48      Profile for J2ME     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

The Conjuring 2

"Lorraine and Ed Warren travel to north London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by a malicious spirit."  -

Independence Day: Resurgence
"Two decades after the first Independence Day invasion, Earth is faced with a new extra-Solar threat. But will mankind's new space defenses be enough?"  -

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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575

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Member Rated:
 - posted 27 June, 2016 02:09      Profile for aTomiK     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
So, it´s that bad? [Smile]
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Member Rated:
 - posted 28 June, 2016 07:46      Profile for aTomiK     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Well, just saw the tv-spot and even that sucked so i believe you J2ME that a turd is a turd [Big Grin]
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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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 - posted 30 June, 2016 03:59      Profile for Johnny Roarke is reckless   Email Johnny Roarke is reckless   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

Tropa De Elite 2 (2010)

Deeply disturbing and extremely violent look at widespread corruption within Rio De Janeiro's police system.
Very realistic, shot documentary style, Tropa De Elite 2 was the highest grossing movie in Brazil !

If you have never heard of this before, i urge you to check it out. Highly recommended !

Check out the trailer :

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the young warrior
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 - posted 03 July, 2016 05:13      Profile for the young warrior   Author's Homepage   Email the young warrior   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

Watched the Really funny 2013 Irish comedy The Stag about a group of guys taking a very reluctant groom on a nature trek up into the hills around Dublin for his Stag Night,unbeknownst to most of the group at first is that the bride has talked her nutty as a fruit cake brother nicknamed 'The Machine's to tag along with them!

Starts of slowly this one and for the first 15 minutes I wasn't so sure on it but it soon picks up and just gets funnier & funnier as the movie Progress's especially once the nutty brother 'The Machine' turns up on the scene!

Beautifully shot in and around Dublin plus superbly acted I really did enjoy this film and I would say it's one that's a bit of a hidden gem and does come very highly recommend! - The Stag (2013) Trailer.

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Leo Logan
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 - posted 08 July, 2016 18:01      Profile for Leo Logan   Email Leo Logan   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Say It Isn't So (2001) starring Chris Klein, Heather Graham and Sally Field.

A young animal trainer named Gilly and a hairdresser named Jo fall in love, but a private detective informs Gilly that he and Jo are actually siblings! But when Jo's real long-lost brother comes along, Gilly travels back to Jo's old hometown to inform her the truth and stop her from marrying her ex-con boyfriend to supposedly hilarious results.

Largely unfunny comedy that tries to put incest as its main subject and fails at all fronts.

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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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 - posted 11 July, 2016 10:52      Profile for Johnny Roarke is reckless   Email Johnny Roarke is reckless   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 

Narc (2002)

Gritty cop drama starring Jason Patric and Ray Liotta.

Lots of foul language and nasty violence, but well acted by the two lead actors (especially Patric).

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.... has green eyes as well....
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Member Rated:
 - posted 18 July, 2016 00:39      Profile for aTomiK     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Watched The Wolverine (2013) which was pretty decent but not as good as i hoped.

The film is mainly based on the classic 1982 Claremont/Miller Wolverine limited series.

I liked the japanese cast and the locations and the Logan/Mariko scenes were good but otherwise the feel just wasn´t right.
Too many pointless action scenes i suppose.

I see that they are filming another Wolverine adventure at the moment.

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 - posted 20 July, 2016 22:08      Profile for Crash   Email Crash   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Ghostbusters reboot. OK, OK, before you start, it's not a stain on the classic original and is passably fun entertainment. I like the four leads very much, though Kristen Wiig, after doing some good work in indie stuff like The Skeleton Twins and Welcome to Me, is the least impressive. She's back to doing that little awkward voice of hers, and she's pretty much lost in all the big action set pieces. For once, Melissa McCarthy underplays effectively and doesn't do her usual one-note, loud, obnoxious, flailing about performance. Leslie Jones tones her loud schtick down too and gets some laughs. Chris Hemsworth, playing probably the stupidest male movie character since Bill Pullman in Ruthless People, gets a laugh every time he opens his mouth. But the star-making turn comes from Kate McKinnon, who steals every scene she's in, whether she has dialogue or is just in the background standing around. It's such a nutty, inspired performance that the brilliant McKinnon is an instant star. What makes her great is that she will do anything for a laugh--including making romantic eyes at Wiig for no reason or eating a can of Pringle's potato chips at a tense moment--and literally gives a demented performance for an audience of one, herself. (I dare you not to laugh as she dances across the room to Rhythm of the Night by DeBarge, setting things on fire with a propane torch.) She's something to see and single-handedly elevates the movie which misses a lot of opportunities to be really good.

Most disappointing, and the less said the better about it, is Bill Murray's cameo. I have never seen such a dispirited performance by a major star. Murray looks like he'd rather be doing anything other than be in the film. After he phoned in his performance in St. Vincent and struggled through the horrid, laugh-free Rock the Kasbah (a movie that actually made the charming rascal Murray unlikable), this is his third strike. It's heresy to suggest it, but perhaps it's time for him to retire and rest on his laurels.

[ 20. July 2016, 22:24: Message edited by: Crash ]

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the young warrior
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 - posted 23 July, 2016 09:09      Profile for the young warrior   Author's Homepage   Email the young warrior   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I expected this (Ghostbusters) to get absolutely torn apart upon its release especially judging by all the hate towards the trailers and the idea of an all female Ghostbusters team but it seems to be picking up some quite favourable reviews from the critics though I have noticed some very mixed feedback from the general public!

In all truth I don't know why they bothered having Murray back just for a small cameo especially as his heart never seemed to be in it in the first place and did I read that right Crash about Melissa McCarthy underplaying it now that is a first!

Yeah I did think from the trailer that Rock The Kasbah looked a bit crap!

[ 26. July 2016, 09:48: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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