posted 20 October, 2008 07:24
Opinions vary of course. Death Sentence wasn’t great, but to me it was pretty decent. On the other hand I didn’t really think The Happening was all that much.
Oh no, don’t tell me we’re growing apart now? Posts: 1058 | From: Echo Beach, far away in time | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 8
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posted 20 October, 2008 07:31
i wondered the same thing when you finally saw valley girl and told me you didn't think it was all that hehe. (grrrr...) just kidding.
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quote:Originally posted by pettyfan: Just watched Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. I thought it was pretty good. Some parts of it were funny. I could've done without the greaser/prep fight scene, though.
It was kind of "expected" but it was needed to escape the bad guys... Other than that it was a good flick though... You just to suspend reality a bit. Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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posted 20 October, 2008 11:07
Rob Stewarts documentary SHARKWATER.... I urge everyone to see this film. It is not some discovery type shark doc. It is an excellent and important film for everyone. I learned alot, and was pretty damn distgusted with the human race, and what "we" are doing to the animals and eco system in the oceans. Watch it if you get a chance, you won't regret it.
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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80'sRocked Play it Loud, Play it Proud
Member # 6979
posted 20 October, 2008 15:45
Last night I saw Shoot 'em Up 2007, with Clive Owen. Great action, but not much else. Not that good.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
posted 22 October, 2008 04:52
Planet Terror - I really didn't expect to like this at all but it was a total hoot, loved it, madness Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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posted 23 October, 2008 01:29
30 days of night and The Dark Knight.
Posts: 64 | From: weston,wv | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Contains 0.2% of Rewind Riboflavin
Member # 1471
posted 25 October, 2008 06:06
i just watched the strangers unrated very good and the first season of reba i love that show
Posts: 1270 | From: GA the peachie state :) | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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She's with you, but she's thinking of Jake Ryan....
Member # 1715
posted 26 October, 2008 06:56
FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL. The story wasn't bad but as for being a "comedy" ? I laughed ONCE.
[ 27. October 2008, 06:00: Message edited by: mamamiasweetpeaches ]
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
posted 26 October, 2008 13:06
quote:Originally posted by Rainbowbrite22: i just watched the strangers unrated very good and the first season of reba i love that show
I want to see that. I guess I'll have to watch it when it comes on PPV. Is it worth buying?
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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posted 26 October, 2008 18:00
I just watched Nights in just came to my movie I went with my husband and my friend and her husband. It was only 1 hour 37 minutes long. They played commercials for 20 minutes before the movie- and showed one previews- and it was for James Bond.
The movie was pretty boring...I kept waiting for something really amazing to happen...but it was pretty bland. My friend told me her daughter just saw it and she bawled the whole way through it...I didn't. I didn't expect the end. I never read the book-it probably was better than the movie. I did like seeing Diane Lane working in a B & B, and I have been to the Outerbanks, NC- and have driven past some of the places that they showed in the that was cool.
I thought they made it be way too big of a deal over nothing. I didn't connect with any of the people in the movie- to actually feel anything one way or another about it.
Has anyone else seen it yet?
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Contains 0.2% of Rewind Riboflavin
Member # 1471
- The Ruins (sort of ok) - Stay Alive (loved it!!!) - Pathology ( very disturbing movie, I hated it)
Posts: 1058 | From: Echo Beach, far away in time | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 8
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
posted 27 October, 2008 06:02
MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN - Very gory and violent Horror film. I quite "enjoyed" it. I watched it with a bunch of friends - one of which was my sister who usually hates Horror movies and even SHE sort of got into it. Not for the squeemish though.
Posts: 4913 | From: New York | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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Given the choice, Duckie would have been Luckie...
Member # 2288
posted 27 October, 2008 06:03
hey pettyfan i say buy strangers its great me and my husband loved it
Posts: 1270 | From: GA the peachie state :) | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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posted 27 October, 2008 07:39
I watched these over the weekend:
- Hulk 7/10(latest one)- Good action CGI, better than the first one. Ed Norton did a good job...
- National Treasure 2 6/10 - About the same as the first one. Maybe not quite as good
- The Happening 7/10 - I liked it. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad. The plot was kind of a novell idea.
- Iron Man 7/10 - It had some really cool scenes. Not as good as all of the hype but I liked it. Downey was very good.
- Bucket List 6/10 - I was a little disappointed with this one. I really thought it would be a lot funnier. It was a good story though. Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
posted 27 October, 2008 13:32
quote:Originally posted by mamamiasweetpeaches: MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN - Very gory and violent Horror film. I quite "enjoyed" it. I watched it with a bunch of friends - one of which was my sister who usually hates Horror movies and even SHE sort of got into it. Not for the squeemish though.
I want to see Midnight Meat Train!! Did you go to the movies or was this on DVD?
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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She's with you, but she's thinking of Jake Ryan....
Member # 1715
posted 28 October, 2008 04:11
It was a DVD my sister borrowed from someone she works with. methinks it might have been a bootleg? But the quality was great so I'm not sure.
Posts: 4913 | From: New York | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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posted 28 October, 2008 06:00
Sounds like a porno from the 70s... Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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She's with you, but she's thinking of Jake Ryan....
Member # 1715
posted 28 October, 2008 07:33
oh yeah, the guys I watched it with made PLENTY of meat jokes the whole time it was on.
Posts: 4913 | From: New York | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by Rainbowbrite22: hey pettyfan i say buy strangers its great me and my husband loved it
I’m planning on seeing it tonight. Glad to finally hear something positive about this movie.
Posts: 1058 | From: Echo Beach, far away in time | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 8
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