Series of penguin-related movies for me....
Last week watched Happy Feet 2 in 3D. it was OK, not as good as the original, which was.... original. This one lacked some of the charm for me.
Mr Popper's Penguins. Jim Carrey's funniest for a good few years, maybe even his funniest since Liar Liar. I was pleasantly surprised at this - I was expecting not very much....
Posts: 3646 | From: Shermer, IL - where else? | Registered: Mar 2001 | Site Updates: 37
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Straw Dogs
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Watched 8 Mile. Hadn't seen it since it first came, 10 years ago. Reminded me of all the 90s rap songs I loved. Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Great movie with some disturbing scenes. Bravo Reznor and Ross on the soundtrack too.
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Warrior was my fave movie of last year and I'm annoyed it never did better at the box office...
Angry Noms Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4
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Not sure about anywhere else, but where I live, Warrior was never even advertised? But I saw the Footloose preview on all channels, every commercial break. HA.
Posts: 4807 | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 39
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
The Baby's Room (2006) - Starts off with a couple with a baby moving into a new house and first they hear voices on the baby monitor, then the guy sees a person sitting next to the cot on a video monitor. Genuinely creepy at times. It all gets a bit nuts in the last half hour or so but works. Love all the flicks off of this Spanish '6 films to keep you awake' set Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
The Children (2008) - I love this jolly New Year film, little kids getting sick and attacking their family in the snow Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Highwaymen - Yikes. I watched this just cos Colm Feore was in it and Robert Harmon directed. It was truly horrible and Jim Caviezel, what a joke of an actor he is Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
quote:Originally posted by Helen_S: Decent Howard The Duck is superior
I hope your not besmirching the good name of Howard the Duck? You're walking a fine line Helen... people get snuffed out sometimes... not saying there's a connection... but people get snuffed out...
Hand over your bag of smileys.
Posts: 3383 | From: England | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 21
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Yeah, i can be mean when it comes to Howard the D. He (it?) is not a very good friend of mine. BTW, the D in Howard the D. is for dull... Ok that was mean. Time to put on my happy face Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Black comedy at its best, IMO. Definitely not for everyone though.
Posts: 731 | From: Racine, WI | Registered: Dec 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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"House of the Dead" (2003) from director Uwe Boll. Very horrible film based on a video game which is why Boll needs to stop making movies.
Posts: 4548 | From: Willimantic, CT | Registered: Oct 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
The Hours - What a draining, wonderful film. Everybody was so good. I sobbed.
Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Veronica .. I'm interested in "Young Adult", the previews look darkly entertaining. I think Ronnie saw it too, I wanna hear what she thought about it.
I've watched:
Hanna (2011) - I just couldn't get into it. I really liked the premise, but the movie felt poorly executed.
The Fighter (2010) - it wasn't what I was expecting, but I still thought it was quite good. Of course I must warn you that I'm a Mark Wahlberg fan. It all started with the 90' s movie "Fear" with Reese Witherspoon where he played a charming psycho.
A Christmas Carol (2009) - amazing animation.. really popped on my tv screen.
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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It is a story of a young girl who goes for a holiday with her friend and wind up getting kidnapped and forced into sex slavery and the father's, played by Liam Neeson, fight to get her back.
It was a dark brutal film that gave an insight into a work that is very prevalent, very lucrative, but also very clandestine. A world that consumes so many innocent people. It was fast paced, action packed and Liam Neeson brilliantly portrayed the one man army who said "No" to the evil who slithered through a very callous world in a fight to save his daughter's life.
If you're a fan of gritty action thriller's Taken is well worth watching.
Posts: 239 | From: Ireland | Registered: Mar 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
Hanna (2011) - I just couldn't get into it. I really liked the premise, but the movie felt poorly executed.
Valley, i´m interested to see Hanna because the first part of the film was shot here in northern Finland.
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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