Great movie 80'sRocked.One of the best this year imo.
I just looked at"Taken" at a friends place tonight.Really a Steven seagal movie in spirit,but with a serious topic (Trafficking) made believable.written by Luc Besson &Robert Mark Kame.Liam Neeson does some very nice acting in this one.I`m not a very violent guy.And it`s Rated PG-13,however i could tolerate even a bit more violence just this one time A few pointers in the story maybe,but good enough to get in my collection A.S.A.P Worth looking into guys.
[ 18. September 2008, 14:22: Message edited by: bandit ]
Posts: 362 | From: Third rock from the sun | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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80'sRocked Play it Loud, Play it Proud
Member # 6979
Petty....No Country for Old Men is showing on Starz this month. I already watched it 3 times and put in on DVD. Like I said, it is so good it will blow you away. Brolin is also at his best in this one.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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THE INTERPRETER.. Don't like botox face Kidman, Don't like grouchy old, sucking on a lemon Penn, needless to say.... didn't like the movie! I expected a tighter story from Pollack!
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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quote:Originally posted by JAY LEE: THE INTERPRETER.. Don't like botox face Kidman, Don't like grouchy old, sucking on a lemon Penn, needless to say.... didn't like the movie! I expected a tighter story from Pollack!
"Don't like botox face Kidman, Don't like grouchy old, sucking on a lemon Penn,"
Ahhh, hahahaha... You crack me up man! Never change my friend. I needed a good laugh... Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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80'sRocked Play it Loud, Play it Proud
Member # 6979
Last night I saw Stranger Than Fiction 2006, for the first time. Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifah. It was nice to see Ferrell in a somewhat different role. I quite enjoyed it. Very amusing and entertaining.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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Kill Bill Volume I Kill Bill Volume II Death Proof [I love Quentin Tarantino]
Posts: 13 | From: Massachusetts | Registered: Sep 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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American Gangster 2007. Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe. Another good one.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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I watched "The Brave One" last night. It actually wasn't that bad of a movie. But it is exactly like how all new movies are to me...I( can never connect to any of the characters in them. Most of the people in newer movies hardly have any screen time. Mary Steenburgen was in this movie, and it was nice to see her again in something...but you barely see her. Also, Jane Adams was in it...she's been in a billion movies...but she had all of 30 seconds in the movie.
The violence was bad...but it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be...even though I did cover my head and didn't watch much of it.
They moved the movie along really fast...and that's another thing about movies that are new...that bothers me...
They always leave alot of unanswered questions.
I am glad they didn't leave what happened to her dog... a mystery.
The thing I didn't like about the how real it is...because crime is becoming so out of control...and when she starts killing people, I felt like everyone else did...they deserved it, and I thought I hope she kills all of those men who killed her fiance.
They really made New York City look like the craziest place on Earth. If crime is happening all the time like that, I never understand why people stay living there.
The fact that those creeps video taped what they did...that was creepy ...but I can see that happening today, and it is scary.
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I tried watching Michael Clayton tonight...I saw the beginning, then I got a phone call, and missed some in the mom kept watching it, she said none of it made any sense and she couldn't even begin to fill me in on what I missed, and she'd have to watch it over to try figuring it I kept watching it from when I came back in, and I saw it up to the was totally boring. It didn't matter if I missed the middle, because it was stupid.
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It wasn't boring or hard to follow you just have to watch it closely. It would be hard to follow a South Park episode if you watch the beginning and miss the middle and catch the end let alone a good movie like Michael Clayton. What was stupid about it and how do you know if it was stupid if you missed alot of it?
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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80'sRocked Play it Loud, Play it Proud
Member # 6979
I could see Michael Clayton being a bit tough to follow at first, but as you keep watching it, it all starts to make sense. You really need to see the whole movie to fully understand and appreciate it. I thought it was a pretty good flick.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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Well...just like the movie- you missed the middle part of my post...where I did say that my mom continued to watch it...while I was on the phone...and she said it didn't matter that I missed the middle, because she couldn't follow it at all, and she said it was stupid.
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No I read your post its just that most people watch an entire movie on their own before making an assumption on what others say ......
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I went to see the matrix with my mother and stepfather sitting next to me.They were complaining loudly between them self the whole time i just had to go one more time alone to get it all,and really appreciate the movie Posts: 362 | From: Third rock from the sun | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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80'sRocked Play it Loud, Play it Proud
Member # 6979
Martian Child, 2007. John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Bobby Coleman, Amanda Peet. A bit cheesy, but worth watching one time.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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I never understood the Matrix...I remember I tried to watch it...and I hated it...and I wouldn't even be able to begin to try and comment about anything that was in it, because I couldn't understand 1 thing about it.
I missed about 1/2 an hour of Michael Clayton...
I thought after watching the beginning...when they show his car exploding...and then they go back 4 days prior to show what led up to the car exploding...well those 4 days are the parts I missed...which once you know the end and what still never answered I wanted to know...why all of a sudden would he just happen to decide right then and there to get out of the car, and walk up on a 3 horses that are standing there in the middle of nowhere...and he just stands there staring at the horses...then his car blows up.
They never even tell you who's horses they were, and why he got out of his was just too weird.
Did they ever say in the movie if the man that hit the guy with his car...if the guy lived or died?
What happened with that? I forgot to even ask my mom about it, because I actually didn't even care.
[ 24. September 2008, 05:56: Message edited by: ISIS ]
Posts: 13484 | Registered: Aug 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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80'sRocked Play it Loud, Play it Proud
Member # 6979
quote:Originally posted by ISIS: ...why all of a sudden would he just happen to decide right then and there to get out of the car, and walk up on a 3 horses that are standing there in the middle of nowhere...and he just stands there staring at the horses...then his car blows up.
They never even tell you who's horses they were, and why he got of his was just too weird.
This movie is quite complicated and you have to pay attention to every detail or you can get lost quite easily. There were times when I was a bit lost(especially around the first half hour or so), but as you keep watching, it starts to make more sense. It probably will make more sense if you watch it again in it's entirety.
As far as the horses go....this part is kind of left open to interperetation and is a hot topic in many messageboards. Why did he get out of the car to look at the horses? For one, you must have missed the part where Clayton is in Arthur's apartment after he died and he was looking through a book. In that book, there was a picture of a hillside similar to the one the horses were on. There was also a picture of a horse in that book. The reason the car blew up is because the people who were trying to kill him, wired a bomb into his GPS. I'm guessing that you must have missed that part too. Seeing that you say you hated the movie, you probably won't watch it again. If you do though, it will probably be more enjoyable and make more sense. Hope this helps.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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i watched SAVING GRACE (2000) yesterday. hehe great little unknown movie. it made me laugh continuously.
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quote:Originally posted by 80'sRocked: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face=""Century Gothic", Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face=""Century Gothic", Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by ISIS: ...why all of a sudden would he just happen to decide right then and there to get out of the car, and walk up on a 3 horses that are standing there in the middle of nowhere...and he just stands there staring at the horses...then his car blows up.
They never even tell you who's horses they were, and why he got of his was just too weird. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face=""Century Gothic", Verdana, Arial">This movie is quite complicated and you have to pay attention to every detail or you can get lost quite easily. There were times when I was a bit lost(especially around the first half hour or so), but as you keep watching, it starts to make more sense. It probably will make more sense if you watch it again in it's entirety.
As far as the horses go....this part is kind of left open to interperetation and is a hot topic in many messageboards. Why did he get out of the car to look at the horses? For one, you must have missed the part where Clayton is in Arthur's apartment after he died and he was looking through a book. In that book, there was a picture of a hillside similar to the one the horses were on. There was also a picture of a horse in that book. The reason the car blew up is because the people who were trying to kill him, wired a bomb into his GPS. I'm guessing that you must have missed that part too. Seeing that you say you hated the movie, you probably won't watch it again. If you do though, it will probably be more enjoyable and make more sense. Hope this helps.
The scene with the horses makes sense but you really have to pay attention to get it. It is explained in the movie. I thought it was a good flick. I had to explain it to my mom because she really didn't get it either. Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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This is a gruesome, sick, violent, and quite awesome vampire movie. ISIS, you would love this one. Would probably keep you up all night. Starts off a bit slow, but it picks up quite abruptly and then there's non-stop, bloody action til the end. Perfect flick to watch this time of year.
Posts: 3614 | From: Caught Somewhere in Time.... | Registered: May 2008 | Site Updates: 101
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