Have you seen Killshot Valley? I, of course got it for Mickey Rourke, but Joseph's great in it too, along with Diane Lane. Entertaining little flick Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Muffy Tepperman
Leopard-print Leotard Wearer.....
Member # 1551
oooooo is that recommendation? or sarcasm? lol Do I need to look up Shivers? I trust your opinion miss Helen....... Posts: 2912 | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 26
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
"Slither" is a blatant rip off/homage of "Shivers," a/k/a/ "They Came From Within," which while enjoyable (Nathan Fillion is always good) can't hold a candle to the unique, startling--and sometimes disgusting--Cronenberg film. I am old enough to remember some of the controversy surrounding the original release of "Shivers," when Cronenberg was excoriated on the floor of Canadian Parliament. He got government development money to make the film, and most people at the time were simply appalled that their tax dollars were going to make sleazy horror films. Now "Shivers" is regarded as Cronenberg's first classic...It only took a few decades. Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
It's so good. I only like The Brood and Scanners slightly more of his films.
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Muffy Tepperman
Leopard-print Leotard Wearer.....
Member # 1551
Ok you guys have made me want to see Shivers but honestly they seem simliar but also don't seem similar? Was Shivers more of a horror film or was it funny? it sounds sexual and dark? Slither doesn't rely on the sexual bit?
Shivers plot:
Dr. Emil Hobbes (Fred Doederlin) is conducting unorthodox experiments with parasites for use in transplants, however, he believes that humanity has become over-rational and lost contact with its flesh and its instincts, so the effects of the organism he actually develops is a combination aphrodisiac and venereal disease. Once implanted, it causes uncontrollable sexual desire in the host. Hobbes implants the parasites in his teen-aged mistress, who promiscuously spreads them throughout the ultra-modern apartment building, outside Montreal, where they live. The community's resident physician, Roger St. Luc (Paul Hampton), and his assistant, Nurse Forsythe (Lynn Lowry) attempt to stop the parasite infestation before it overwhelms the city's population.
Slither plot:
A meteor housing a malevolent alien parasite called the Long One crashes into the town of Woodsville. Local Grant Grant (Rooker) is subsequently infected and killed by the parasite, which in turn takes over his body and absorbs his consciousness and memories. [2] With the alien now in control of his body, 'Grant' begins to slowly change into a hideous sluglike monster.
Soon the rest of the town are infected by the Long One's parasites and become zombies controlled via a hive mind connection with 'Grant', who plans to infect the rest of the world until he is 'all that is'. Its consciousness, however, is tampered with the real Grant's memories and his love for his wife, Starla Grant (Banks). It is up to a group of survivors lead by Woodsville's sheriff Bill Pardy (Fillion) and Starla to kill the Long One and stop the infestation from spreading any further.
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The Final (2010) a film of revenge against high school bullys, not a bad b-movie would of liked to see a bit more scare factor though
Posts: 456 | From: Scotland uk | Registered: May 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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Shivers is a straight ahead horror film, and if you've seen Cronenberg's early films, then you'll know exactly what to expect--creepy, startling, nasty, way-out-there stuff. The plot is a social-disease metaphor.
Slither is the lighter version of Shivers because it's played for laughs and without the sexual content. Actually, Slither is more like Night of the Creeps than anything, but, quite frankly, it can't hold a candle to Creeps, which I've always thought was one of the most inspired horror-comedies. It is extremely clever and mixes the horror and humor so well.
Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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The Mechanic starring Jason Statham. I'd give it 2 or 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars. I have yet to see the original in its entirety, which starred Charles Bronson. Every time I start to watch it, I never finish it.
Posts: 2313 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Finally watched Paul (2011) last night Simon Pegg, Nick Frost- Its not like their usual stuff its been a bit 'hollywooded' up but its actually a decent film- I like they made references to other sci-fi movies. I like that they still used stuff from there previous movies- anyone that knows their work will know what i'm talking about sausage! The alien Paul (voiced by seth rogan)was fantastic visually. Did my ears deceive me did Frost call Pegg ' Peggy' at the start when they just started driving the RV? anyone else notice. Recommend this film 4/5
Posts: 456 | From: Scotland uk | Registered: May 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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for about a good month my local blockbuster had next to nothing in that caught my eye for rental except for the brilliant the fighter with mark wahlberg and christian bale.
then within one week they have -danny boyles 127 hours,clint eastwoods hereafter starring matt damon,henry's crime with keanu reeves and james caan and lastly drive angry with nic cage and amber heard. so i done there 4 for £10 deal ,not bad really when you consider it costs about £10 per movie at my local multiplex theatre.
made for some great viewing and not a stinker amongst them!
[ 07. August 2011, 11:17: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Tonight I watched a nutty french horror, Inside and a fantastic Giallo, Eyes of Crystal Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Bad Lieutenant - This was great, Cage was good. Had that same dreary tone as the original with a few funny moments.
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The A-Team (2010) pretty good i would watch anything with Bradley Cooper!
Posts: 456 | From: Scotland uk | Registered: May 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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Just got through watching this one...and...ummm...yeah..can someone explain to me what this is supposed to be about?..I didn't get it. Posts: 1808 | From: Planet Druidia | Registered: Jan 2009 | Site Updates: 3
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Scot Pilgrim Vs the world- i found it boring and hard to follow kids liked it though
Posts: 456 | From: Scotland uk | Registered: May 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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Definately Maybe (2008). Enjoyable chick-flick, with a twist. Ryan Reynolds plays a guy going through a divorce, and on one of his scheduled sleepover nights, his precocious pre-teen daughter asks for the story of how her parents got together. What follows is a twisted tale of the three women in his life, and his daughter tries to guess which of the three (name changed) women turn out to be her mother. You never forget she's dealing with the break-up of her parents, but the tale of Emily, April and Summer draws you in.....
Posts: 3646 | From: Shermer, IL - where else? | Registered: Mar 2001 | Site Updates: 37
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
"Daddy, I can't believe you smoked and drank and were such a slut, but I still love you" Aww Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
Zodiac (2007) There's a part just past halfway that has me like Please end, but then it gets interesting again.
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Muffy Tepperman
Leopard-print Leotard Wearer.....
Member # 1551
It's not like I think Ryan Reynolds is such a hunk or anything but he seriously makes a movie enjoyable! Even that chick flick!
I watched The Descent for the first time.........scary and whoa, didn't play out like i'd expected really? As a teenager in Missouri we did bad things and broke into caves and I now get claustrophobia pretty easily.....I have my bubble! so only a few parts had me seriously breathing out the window Posts: 2912 | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 26
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
He's not as hot as Isla Fisher. Or (but not so much in this movie) Rachel Weitz. But certainly not as hot as Isla Fisher.
Did I mention Isla Fisher?
Posts: 3646 | From: Shermer, IL - where else? | Registered: Mar 2001 | Site Updates: 37
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
I watched Country was okay I guess...I'm still not really sure if I liked it or not lol. It was just different.
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