Dogtown and Z Boys- the documentary about the skater/surfer culture in Santa Monica. I missed the first 10 minutes of it though. I want to watch it again already!
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Pitt, I liked Dogtown and Z-Boys. Did you ever see Lords of Dogtown?
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Ok nothing else on so i watched a Miley Cyrus film called The Last song and it was actually pretty good bit of a tear jerker may have shed one or two lol
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petty, I saw Lords of Dogtown when it was released on dvd. Up until a few months ago, I did not know that the one guy named Stacy had made the documentary Dogtown and Z-boys. I keep looking for it to come up again on Movieplex! And I would love to watch Lords of Dogtown again, because now I know a little bit more about each person. I might see if they have it at our library.
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Skyline (2010) sci-fi B movie would be quite impressive in 3D, only bought it cos i liked the 3D cover, quite disapointed by the end
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Okay-ish movie about a Roman soldier trying to regain his family's honour. Not a bad way to spend a lazy afternoon but I preferred Centurion. 6/10
This is what happens when people betray their NOMS Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4
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quote:Originally posted by amaranth: Skyline (2010) sci-fi B movie would be quite impressive in 3D, only bought it cos i liked the 3D cover, quite disapointed by the end
Could have been soooo much more but you're right, the end was a real let down.
(SPOILER ALERT: Glad they didn't go with the predicatble, 'mankind wins against a far superior technology' scenario though...)
ps Battle Los Angeles was a much better movie than this, yet apparently the Strause Brothers dropped out of that to make Skyline, go figure....
Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4
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Nativity (2009). Fairly low budget, British family movie starring just about everyone on british tv.
A simple storyline - The teacher at a small primary school becomes director of the school Natviity play by default, and finds himself up against his old acting buddy, who is now the head of the local private school for rich, talented kids. In a fit of envy whilst being told how wonderful the other play will be, he blurts out a 'white lie' that his ex-girlfriend, now a big hollywood producer, is coming to see the play, together with plans for a movie. Thing is, some white lies become bigger and badder the longer they thrive..... and seeing as there has been no contact with the old flame in five years, it's going to be hard getting through this one.
I saw this with no real expectations, but the performances, the storyline, the kids and the honesty of it all made for a really good, really funny and quite poignant movie, so it gets an 8/10 and a recommendation that you add it to your Netflix queues...
Posts: 3646 | From: Shermer, IL - where else? | Registered: Mar 2001 | Site Updates: 37
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
I watched Diary of a Wimpy was so funny...I was never interested in seeing it till I saw previews of the new one out at the movies. I also watched two horror movies, Let Me In (oh I hated was so sloooowwww IMO) and Room 33. Room 33 could've been better than it was, if there were better actors in it.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Veronika wants to die (2009) Sarah Michelle Gellar Depressing story about suicide that turns into a film about actually living,worth a watch
Posts: 456 | From: Scotland uk | Registered: May 2010 | Site Updates: 0
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Hobo with a Shotgun (2011). Rutger Hauer is a hobo with a shotgun dispensing his brand of vigilante justice one shell at a time. This was the highly acclaimed faux Grindhouse trailer made into a feature film by two Canadians from Nova Scotia. It was pretty much as I expected. While Rutger Hauer is sincere in the lead--he just wants to get enough money to buy a lawnmower and open a business--the film is pretty much the trailer expanded to 86 minutes. It does have some very cute, funny things in it--and Hauer has that wonderful, classic speech to the newborns in the hospital--but it's just an excuse for way, way over-the-top violence, more than in any other Canadian film I've seen. The film is also too technically proficient to be a lost 80s grindhouse film, but the two guys are filmmakers to watch.
Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Hot tub time machine (2010) John Cusack- quite a good time travel movie, where they end up back in the 80s and try not to change things to determine their future
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
I finally got around to "Hot Tub Time Machine" too. For a movie with possibly the silliest "high concept" plot ever, it's pretty funny and entertaining in an extremely low-brow way. Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Blessed (2009) a really depresing australian film about children and their mothers
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Laconic and self-contained, Edward Wilson heads CIA covert operations during the Bay of Pigs. The agency suspects that Castro was tipped, so Wilson looks for the leak. As he investigates, he recalls, in a series of flashbacks, his father's death, student days at Yale (poetry; Skull and Bones), recruitment into the fledgling OSS, truncated affairs, a shotgun marriage, cutting his teeth on spy craft in London, distance from his son, the emergence of the Cold War, and relationships with agency, British, and Soviet counterparts. We watch his idealism give way to something else: disclosing the nature of that something else is at the heart of the film's narration as he closes in on the leak. -- IMDb
Paranormal activity 2 - boring to start with but starts to warm up and ends of being not too bad
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Hop (2011) James marsden really enjoyable easter film, as EB the reluctant easter bunny to be great soundtrack too
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
I watched "Chloe" with friends.. wow.. somebody should have warned me.
The sad thing is that I thought it was an entertaining movie, though it was a bit uncomfortable to watch with friends. I figured it out early, but kept squirming in my seat worried Skip and Suzi had forgotten the party cups again.
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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The Fighter- excellent movie. I can't believe how well Christian Bale got into character. He definitely deserved the Oscar. I was in complete awe when I watched the extras and they interviewed the "real" ****ey. Wow. Even ****ey's sister said that her family mistakenly thought that Bale was really ****ey at one point during filming in a house.
Posts: 2313 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Also watched Unstoppable starring Denzel Washington and Chris Pine. Filmed here in Western PA and parts of Ohio. The male newscaster in part of the movie was Mike Clark, our local news anchor at WTAE Channel 4 news. He is a very nice guy. I waited on him a few times when I used to work in the mall, and he used to joke around with me about some of the crazies that I always somehow managed to get stuck waiting on, lol. Anyhoo, the movie was good. Some parts were kinda unbelievable, but eh, it's just a movie.
Posts: 2313 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Whip it- such a fun movie, its really made me want to get a pair of roller skates lol wonder if its any good for losing weight?
The blind side- another great movie love Sandra Bullock in this such a good actress, totally reccomend this love a true story
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