has anyone noticed they changed the name of the sci-fi channel to sy fy? what's up with that? they are saying on the commercials that it is a all new channel? did someone else take it over or what? i have noticed they brought back tales from the darkside today and the x-files show which i love? gonna watch the bone collector tonight at 8;00 p.m. love that movie and of course bill wants to watch angelina joli lol!!
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
It's the same channel, they just changed the name.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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It was a lot funnier than I had anticipated. I would definitely watch this one again.
Posts: 339 | From: New York City | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Eurotrip--so I've seen it like 20 times now but it's one of my favorites. It's really funny.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by pettyfan: Eurotrip--so I've seen it like 20 times now but it's one of my favorites. It's really funny.
Did you catch that on cable yesterday? Me too. The part where the little German kid was goose-stepping around in the background had me rolling.
Posts: 835 | From: Hawaii | Registered: Aug 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
Yep, I did. The song's just so darn catchy..."Scotty doesn't know, Scotty doesn't know, Scotty doesn't knooooooow." Hee hee.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
we watched the fight club the other night bill likes it i have seen it a couple times just too wierd for me though i will stick to my scary movies lol!!
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
- Nothing new here. Another movie about the corruption in the LAPD. But i gotta say that this was very entertaining. Very violent too. Keanu Reeves was so serious, no Bill & Ted happy go smiling here. Give your brain a rest and enjoy the ride!
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Livin' next door to the Klopeks
Member # 2260
I watched Fingerprints. I'd never heard of it till I saw it in the Dish Network TV Guide. Very good movie.
Posts: 2902 | From: Home Sweet Home | Registered: Jan 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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we rented haunting in connecticut from the red box and watched it saturday night eh okay not really scary and it seemed like there were a few things in there that were taken from both the exorcist and the amityville horror even though it is suppose to be a true story?
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
has anyone seen this movie ? Zoom with chevy chase and tim allen (2006) we watched it last night it was kinda corny but cute movie if you have kids it had to be the latest movie chevy made as he is alot older looking and heavier in this movie but i would recommend it if you have kids good family movie!! lol
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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I watched Perfect Stranger with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis. What a waste of time. Halle looked good, but that was about the only thing this film had going for it. By the time the requisite big twist ending got trotted out I was so far removed I couldn't have cared less.
Posts: 835 | From: Hawaii | Registered: Aug 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Halle's never been about any acting skills that's for sure........
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I watched Premonition this weekend. It was so so... 5/10. Too predictable, inconsistencies in the storyline etc... Crappy ending.
Sandra Bullock used to be so promising... Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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I agree jdoc, I didn't like Premonition either. I had watched it ignoring anything the critics said about it, because I don't always rely on critics. I have seen alot of movies that I really liked that were originally panned by the critics, but this one deserves a 2/10- you were generous!
Posts: 2313 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i still think sandra's best role was in speed!! although she was pretty funny in that movie where she was in the pageant? sorry forgot the name of it brain freeze!! dee
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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BODY OF LIES: Decent CIA thriller, but the tacked on romance angle killed the movie for me! It sort of redeemed itself in the end though.
TAKEN: Cool euro action with one bada$$ Liam Neeson! The french are kicking Hollywoods a$$ in the action department, more and more....! watch B:13 or THE NEST or this movie for proof!
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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IN THE VALLEY OF ELAH: Pretty boring and unoriginal! Didn't like the resolution to the whole "murder mystery". But the little touch with the flag in the end was poignant.
THE WRESTLER: uughh.... Clichéed with stereotypical characters. Of course they exist in real life, and if you do something new with them, that's fine... but they didn't here. I could predict the outcome of EVERY SINGLE SCENE!!!! And I really hate that. Mickey Rourke was good, and the 80's hairmetal soundtrack was cool.
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by JAY LEE: [QB] IN THE VALLEY OF ELAH: Pretty boring and unoriginal! Didn't like the resolution to the whole "murder mystery". But the little touch with the flag in the end was poignant.
Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
i started watching this movie from 2005 last night on turner movie classics it was called Be Cool with john travolta, danny devito, james woods, uma thurman etc. i never saw it before but i did miss the ending not one of john's better flicks kinda wierd i did like the dance scene with him and uma again at the bar though those two can dance lol has anyone seen this flick?
Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
The Card Player - This Argento film is so daft but very entertaining. It's about a maniac kidnapping women and killing them via webcam if the police lose to him at internet poker The dead bodies are really yuck. It has a very funny ending.
Posts: 4057 | From: uk | Registered: May 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804