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As I've said before, folks need to stop with these cheap camcorder horror films. That style was dead immediately after the original Blair Witch.
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
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Yeah, the only one that I can think off the top of my head that worked quite well was As Above, So Below.
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the young warrior
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I'm not a fan of the shaky cam horrors but I think As Above So Below was a superior entry and in general quite well done


Helen you ever seen this one from a few years ago The Possession Of Michael King as that is a great little low budget horror shot in a POV style and contains some really good jump scares! - The Possession Of Michael King trailer (2014).

[ 13. September 2016, 00:51: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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I went to see Don't Breathe last night and on the walk home talking about it I just found myself liking it less and less. The plus side is I wasn't bored so that's good and the Cujo moments were great. But I dunno, they were trying to throw all this tension around but given the fact I have no concern whatsoever for the wellbeing of people who have just broken into somebodies home it just didn't work. I also actively hated how they threw in that stupid twist with the old guy and did that scene at the girl burglars house and the whole lame ladybird crap. It all felt so contrived to give sympathy to her when she was just vile.
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Oh, I've seen that one in the poundshop Warrior lol. Shoulda picked it up.
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the young warrior
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Originally posted by Helen_S:
Oh, I've seen that one in the poundshop Warrior lol. Shoulda picked it up.

Well worth a pound Helen,keeps your eyes peeled for it as I reckon that you'd think it money well spent!
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Although I haven't seen the film itself, the trailer for Don't Breathe left me with a bad taste: We are rooting for morally reprehensible criminals. That is pretty tough to pull off. (Perhaps Escape from New York and The Silent Partner are among the best examples of how to pull that plot trope off where you actually care for a criminal protagonist.)

So once again, we have a well-received modern horror film that really doesn't amount to anything.

[ 19. September 2016, 20:14: Message edited by: Crash ]

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Unfortunately so [Frown]
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Originally posted by Crash:
(Perhaps Escape from New York and The Silent Partner are among the best examples of how to pull that plot trope off where you actually care for a criminal protagonist.)

Don´t forget another Carpenter masterpiece Assault on Precinct 13 [Cool]
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My gosh, we can't forget Napoleon Wilson!
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the young warrior
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This new Horror Thriller from The Collector/The Collection director Marcus Dunstan is picking up mostly positive reviews,a quick glance at the trailer and it does look like more of the same even starring one of the main leads from those movies in Josh Stewart.

Overall though I think it looks OK and probably will check it out at some point! -Neighbor trailer (2016).

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Hated the Collector films so will be avoiding that one!
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the young warrior
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Originally posted by Helen_S:
Hated the Collector films so will be avoiding that one!

I liked The Collector a lot more than its sequel which at times got a bit to ridiculous especially the opening disco scene carnage.

The trouble with a lot of modern horror is that they've long run out of good ideas and so just recycle the same plots over and over,a bit like the new Anthony Hopkins thriller Solace - which I watched the other day which don't get me wrong i thought was OK but you could tell that the Director was heavily influenced by David Cronenberg's The Dead Zone.

[ 22. September 2016, 08:49: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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Dead Snow 2 ; Red vs Dead (2014)

All political correctness is thrown out the window when the Nazi zombies return in this entertaining splatter-fest sequel.
Heads get pulverized, intestines are used as strangulation tools, and best of all, babies get blown up (quite literally). [Big Grin]

Oh, and there's also some very creative use of Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse Of The Heart that adds to the fun !

Comedy horror has always been a bit of hit-and-miss, but Dead Snow 2 is actually among the better ones.

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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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The Neon Demon (2016)

Haunting, visually stunning, but otherwise empty (perhaps deliberately so), avant-garde countess Bathory type-of-story,
filled with unlikable, egocentric, and arrogant people without any real background, purpose or goal, and devoid of emotions,
proclaiming 'beauty isn't everything.. it's the only thing'. [Roll Eyes]

Filmmaker Nicolas Winding Refn paints an aggressively unflattering portrait of the fashion- and modeling industry.
Perhaps fairly accurate.. who knows.

The one person i found the most interesting was the creepy motel keeper (played by Keanu Reeves),
ironically the only character in the movie that has nothing to do with the fashion industry, although it is suggested
he preys on (very) young aspiring models new in town. Unfortunately Keanu's screen time is limited to about 5 minutes or so.

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.... has green eyes as well....
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Looking forward to see The Neon Demon.
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.... has green eyes as well....
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Watched The Conjuring 2 (2016)

"Lorraine and Ed Warren travel to north London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by a malicious spirit." (IMDb)

The first Conjuring was great and i really liked this sequel too.
This time The Warrens (excellent Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) have to solve the so called Enfield case which took place in 1977.
Haunting atmosphere, awesome cast, cool setting and nice special effects.
I hope they will make yet another film with the same crew.

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Watched Baskin last month. Really excellent watch. A lovely slow build, dreamlike and really disturbing at times with the most divine lighting!
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the young warrior
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Yeah I saw The Conjuring 2 during the week on rental and I was quite entertained by it,I dug the UK setting and also i liked how it opened with the Amityville case.

Seemed a lot more in your face this time around with very little left to the imagination and as parts 2 in modern horror series go it's a pretty strong outing and I'm sure they could easily stretch to another entry or two!

I think I've heard of Baskin Helen is that a Turkish made horror film or am I getting it mixed up with something else?

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Yep, that's right.
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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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The Devil Inside (2012)

Micro-budget movie tells a tale of demonic possession and exorcism presented as a faux documentary.

The faux documentary / found footage formula has become a bit tiresome in recent years, but it must be said,
the possession / exorcism scenes are quite intense and unsettling.

Supposedly based on a true story (which turned out to be a hoax), The Devil Inside turned its $1.000.000 budget
into a $50.000.000 profit at the box office, but left many viewers confused with its abrupt ending.

Here's the trailer :

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the young warrior
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Picked up a couple of cheap horror DVD's - The Editor from 2014 which is a throwback to the 70s Italian Giallo films of Argento,Fulci etc. Not seen it yet and have read mixed reviews but at the price i got if for (under 5 UK Pounds) i thought it worth the gamble!


Also picked up - Beyond The Gates starring The Reanimator's Barbara Crampton in a small role this i have seen and i really dug it,shot obviously on a meagre budget this film opens in 1992 and has two brothers sorting out there father's closed down video store after there Pop mysteriously vanished some months prior,while sifting through the thousands of VHS they come across a Video board game called 'Beyond The Gates' which they take home and proceed to play not realising that by doing so that they are opening a gateway to another dimension!

Slow to build but always entertaining with a solid cast and some great practical effects this was a fun little watch with my only irritation being that it was too darn short at only 1 hr 19 minutes.

I have heard that they are doing a sequel so i look forward to seeing in which direction they decide to take that!

[ 19. March 2017, 10:49: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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Originally posted by Johnny Roarke is reckless:
I watched the recently released Scream Factory blu-ray of The Editor (2014).. but didn't like it. [Frown]

Advertised as an hommage to the Italian giallo, it turned out to be more of a parody.. or even worse : mockery !

Nah, i don't like that. Sure there are some stylish visual touches and the music is pretty decent too,
but to be honest, i'd rather prefer to watch the worst of the real giallo movies than to spend 95 minutes
watching how one of my favorite genres is being ridiculed.

Just looking back on this thread and i see your review Johnny for the Editor which I've not long picked up,oh dear is it really that bad?

I'll let you know what i think of it as I'm going to check it out sometime over the next few days!

[ 19. March 2017, 16:12: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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Johnny Roarke is reckless
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No, i didn't like it. It's not a bad movie though. The Editor looks and sounds fine.. It's just i didn't like the way
they treated the giallo genre. They emphasized the peculiarities of the genre to ludricous effect.

This is just one man's opinion, of course.

There's another recent giallo homage (which i still haven't seen) that looks very promising :


Francesca (2015)

I know there's a 3-disc (blu-ray + dvd + cd) edition released in the US, so at some point i'd like to pick it up.

Here's the trailer for Francesca :

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That Francesca is a new one on me and i must say it looks really well done,looks more like a faithful homage to the giallo genre than something (The Editor) that ridicules it beyond belief!

I have watched a good chunk of The Editor when i got in from work Johnny but i had to turn it off as my 10 year old son came downstairs and i didn't think it was quite appropriate viewing for him [Big Grin] but what I've seen of it so far i have mostly enjoyed!

Seriously goofy at times though,overly so actually with it at times feeling like your watching the Naked Gun of slasher movies but there's some cool music in there and it does feel quite stylish in places plus there's a whole stack of nudity on display and O.T.T gore effects!

So,so far so good but i do think that the guys 'n' gals at Astron 6 could have certainly done with reigning in the wackiness a bit!

Saying that just checked up on its budget and for 130,000 Canadian it's​ actually pretty amazing!

[ 20. March 2017, 12:49: Message edited by: the young warrior ]

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