ok hears the suation first let me start off with the floowing info i am in the travel biness and i have gratued travel school the reason i am bring this up is becouse this probley the most proffesonal biness to work in know for my problem be for i want to travel school i use to play guitar in several local rock bands manily motley crue tribute bands i have bin listing to motley crue my whole life now we as motley crue fans are in the last days of the band touring now with being said hear is the problem right now i am between jobs and curtnely unemployed me my cousin and my friend who i use to go to high school with saw motley crue was comming to are town on august 30th we found this out back in juany befor it was announced to the public be couse i know a local concert securty gard now lets bring this up to the end of febury of 2005 when this show is officly announced witch brings us to the middle of murch of 2005 when tickets go on sale ok fan club meet in greet 450 dollers to much cant aford it got to waite to tickets go on sale to genral publick or do i i find out that three days befor the genral public on sale thairs an aol sponcered pre sale for aol members only bad news again i am not an aol member so i can not get the password to get the tickets well did i luck out the day befor the aol pre sale on motley crues web site on thair message boards someone leeked out the password to non aol users i am in luck i have the password i thought i wood wind up with tickets that wood suck and not by them doring the pre sale and take my chances doring the reglar on sale boy was i ever wrong the aol pre sale started at 10am local time the first set of tickets i punch up are front row dead center needless to say i got front row center tickets to motley crue this is the closes i have ever bin to motley crue and i have alredy seen them a bunch of times now for the realy big probley part of this i made these plans in march i realy am not much of a drinker but i do go over board when i go to concerts/sporting events now lets fast forward this to august 1st of this year i open my mail box on august 1st only to find i letter addressed to me inviteing me to a job interview in atlanta georgia on september 1st at 9am this job is in the travel indristy now i do have to fly down the night befor on the 31st of august and the motley crue concert fallas on the 30th of august usiely 99% og the time i am a responsable adult what do you guys think i should do thanks for your help sorry for the long post but this was the only way i could explane this problem with out leaving facts out Posts: 307 | Registered: Feb 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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If I may, I say go for the job interview. I understand this is a killer event you want to be a part of, but your work should come before your frivolity.
John Kilduff
Posts: 1545 | From: Greenwood Lake, New York, USA | Registered: Jul 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I don't mean any offence, but if you start going for job interviews, I would learn how to spell and use punctuation first. I'm not having a go at you, but employers wouldn't even bother to look at an application if it written anything like your post.
Like I said, I'm not trying to offend you, just trying to help.
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Smayt Shatner
Rewind Shaft -Can u dig it?
Member # 1500
Follow your heart man, follow your heart!! It'll know what to do.
Posts: 1201 | From: under everyone's bed...watching and waiting. | Registered: May 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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I have to agree, if you have to write anything, you are going to have to be exact and correct. A concert is a concert, a job could be a career which could be the rest of your life.
We are DEVO
Posts: 4228 | From: Home of the big landfill | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 8
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That was the biggest run on sentence I have EVER seen in my entire life.
Posts: 2242 | From: Here | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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What would the Crue do in this situation? It's the same ol situation. Actually the job interview is important, but if you could get emplyed by Motley Crue someohow, that would be doubly cool.
Posts: 4413 | From: Where the streets have no name | Registered: Oct 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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