The saga of the Bangles begins back in 1980, when an ad in the LA newspaper The Recycler lead Susanna Hoffs to the garage rocking Peterson sisters. It was December 9, 1980 just one day after the assasination of John Lennon... Hoffs and the Peterson sisters had a lengthy discussion about the tragedy and quickly became friends.
They soon discovered that they had similar musical influences, from The Beatles to the Grass Roots to Mama's and the Papa's and more. One thing lead to another, and the trio decided to form a band. Debbi Peterson played drums, sister Vicki bass, and Susanna Hoffs handled the guitars. They all sang. Soon, they were gathering at each others houses with their instruments, favorite tapes, and writing utensils, writing and recording songs. In time, they recruited Annette Zalinskas to play bass and Vicki moved to lead guitar.
Did you know the original band names was "The Bangs"? But after releasing their first album they were sued by another band of the same name, so in a compromise they changed their name to "The Bangles".
The Bangles second album was actually the one that catapulted the band on to the scene. The album was sent to the top of the charts with the Prince-penned "Manic Monday", Jules Shear's "If She Knew What She Wants", and the wacky dance track "Walk Like An Egyptian".
In 1987, The Bangles recorded a hard rocking cover of Simon & Garfunkel's "Hazy Shade Of Winter" for the soundtrack to the film "Less Than Zero."
In between tours, Susanna Hoffs found the time to pursue her other interest... acting. She landed the lead role in the 1987 feature film "The Allnighter". The movie was not a big box office draw and failed to ignite a career in films for Hoffs and the attention Hoffs received created a jealousy among the band which eventually lead to the break-up!
"We were together nine years, you know," said Debbi Peterson in a 1992 radio interview. "We did all sorts of tours, and just done everything together, and it's just, you know, after a while it's time to move on. You just feel like - Ok I can't do this with these people anymore, I have to find myself."
My fav tune by the Bangles is actually "Eternal Flame" and count me as one of the folks that gave Susanna Hoffs attention. Let's put this way.. I still watch "The Allnighter" as least once a year.
Oh and The Bangles did reunite in 2000 and I got to see them in concert.. so awesome!
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"If She Knew What She Wants" is my fave Bangles tune. Scored the album for a quarter:
"Hazy Shade of Winter" is on my myspace playlist. I may still have the cassette Posts: 452 | From: California | Registered: Apr 2010 | Site Updates: 14
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Selling underpants to geeks since 1984...
Member # 679
Valley, I have loved The Bangles ever since I first heard "If She Knew What She Wants" back in 1986. I can recall going to the Gallery of Sound & buying the Different Light album on vinyl. I listened to that record on my Sound Design stereo over and over, while occasionally studying all the little individual pictures of the girls on the cover! I always thought the lead singer was sooo pretty!! Unbenounced to me, there was supposed to be 4 lead singers...but we'll get to that...
In 1988, my interest in the band continued. I vividly remember being at a party around the holidays at one of my girlfriend's houses. I was 13 at the time. We were all hanging out in the downstairs family room & excited that the boys we invited actually showed up!
At one point in the night, I got to kiss the boy I had been crazy about for probably a year... I can tell you that during that moment, The Bangles "In My Room" video was playing in the background on MTV...I will never forget it! "You won't regret it if you let me stay, I'll teach you everything that a boy should know..."
Needless to say, after that kiss, I ran out & bought the Everything album but this time it was on cassette!!
Why am I off on a tangent about all of this? Well, it's just that when I think of The Bangles, many fond memories of my adolescence come to the surface. It was truly a happy time & I swear when I rewind those images of yesterday in my head, they play in pink & teal vignettes with a soundtrack that includes Susanna Hoffs' voice...not Vicki's, Debbie's or Michael's.
What troubles me is that not long after I bought Everything & grew to love it, the band decided to break up! I didn't know until years later when I watched the Vh-1 Behind The Music what the real reasons were for the split. Once again, jealousy reared its ugly head & claimed another of my beloved girl bands of the 80's! Ahem, Go-Go's, what??..
Being a girl is tough. Being a girl in an all girl band must be insane! I believe the issue with The Bangles was that Vicki & Debbie Peterson wanted to start a band but needed other players, enter Hoffs & Steele. Despite this addition, I believe the Peterson's wanted to be the leaders of this group...the public, however, decided this was not going to be the case.
It angers me that the other girls couldn't be happy for Susanna. I don't think her being cast in the spotlight was anything she deviously set out to accomplish at their expense. It just happened that way.
In the end, the other members made it so awful for Hoffs that she was getting ulcers & having anxiety attacks. No wonder she left to pursue a solo career. I'd have left too! What Vicki, Debbie & Michael didn't realize was that they had just cut off their nose to spite their face...what a colossal mistake.
Oh well, life is about lessons...consider them schooled!
Of course I was excited back in 2000 when all four members reunited for an album & tour. I bought their Doll Revolution record & there are a few tracks that I really enjoy. It's just a shame to think about all the music that could have happened between 1989 and then...hmmmm.
In an attempt to quell my need for more Bangles, I decided to track down their first album, All Over The Place. I missed this one the first time around. "Going Down To Liverpool" & "James" are "new/old" favorites. To hear Susanna sing the words, "And now I realize I've had it all wrong, I'll only take this $hit for so long" & know it was coming out of the mouth of a pretty little woman playing a guitar in 1984 makes me smile & empowers me now, at 35, when I'm rocking to it in my car! Go Hoffs!! That was all you!!
[ 04. November 2010, 18:57: Message edited by: cindymancini ]
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Bamersy.. I want that vintage LP! So awesome..
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Selling underpants to geeks since 1984...
Member # 679
Thanks for posting the album cover Bamersy!!
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Selling underpants to geeks since 1984...
Member # 679
Valley, I have one here...don't even think about it !
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Your story was like a portal to an 80's kiss we all miss and the passion of your posting is the magic that the 80's represents for us all. I love when you ramble about the past!
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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Easily on my all-time top 5 "Wet Dream" babes list..And the music wasn't bad either. Posts: 1802 | From: Planet Druidia | Registered: Jan 2009 | Site Updates: 3
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Eternal Flame is easily one of the best of the decade (it got endless airtime on the local radio station back in the day, I strongly recall). Although their version of Hazy Shade of Winter is a bit of a disconcerting song for me--it just seems to have an uneasy, almost ominous edge to it from start to finish--most of the rest of their tracks still hold up quite well today--disappointing thus they couldn't hold up longer (it was, though, good to hear them again at the end of the second Austin Powers movie, bringing the picture to an energetic close, proving there's always hope for anything).
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Selling underpants to geeks since 1984...
Member # 679
Wow, thanks Valley!!! Saying you enjoy my rambling was one of the best compliments ever !! I recognize & appreciate your same passion for this, as you put it, magical time, in our common pasts !
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loved cindy's story. lately, i have been reminiscing about the past and re-living a lot of memories whenever i hear certain songs. cindy, you and i are so alike in a lot of ways.
i never heard the album mentioned above but unfortunately i only know of the bangles' released singles and i was never a fan of any of them.
eternal flame would be the song i don't mind, and kind of like. i remember being in 4th grade and waiting in the lunch line, when these 2 girls in my class started singing eternal flame out loud.
i was shocked the day i learned that prince wrote 'manic monday' because i always thought it was awful.
valley do you like the allnighter a lot? i tried watching it years back and couldn't get through it.
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"Eternal Flame" is such an awesome song. I'm surprised it hasn't been covered by Taylor Swift or someone like that in recent years. I was just listening to some acoustic versions of the song that Susanna did in the late 90's and she still sounded great.
Valley or Cindy, have either of you heard Susanna Hoffs solo albums? I was just wondering if they're worth tracking down...
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Ronnie.. I think of "The Allnighter" as a great premise that never quite gets off the ground. On repeat viewings, I now see it as a cute beach type movie with some excellent 80's fashion. I mainly watch it for Susanna Hoffs and John Terlesky who played C.J. .. he was awesome in the movie "Chopping Mall" as well.
Kind of surprised that you are not more of a fan of "The Bangles". If you had seen them in concert in the 80's, I think you might appreciate some of their tunes a bit more.
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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you're probably right. remember that piece i sent you about the go-go's in that book? i was sort of sad about that, because i never liked their music either... lol. maybe it was all just a matter of listening to more of their music at that particular time, or something like that. go-go's 'vacation' is one of my favorite 80s songs, so i don't know why i dislike the others so much?
i agree about hoffs though, she is one gorgeous lady.
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
quote:Originally posted by Ronnie: i was shocked the day i learned that prince wrote 'manic monday' because i always thought it was awful.
Speaking of Prince to say nothing of his writing "Manic Monday" for The Bangles, are any of you cognizant that he borrowed the melody from one of his earlier songs, "1999"?
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The Bangles are performing on Dancing with the Stars tonight (10/17/11), probably for "80's night" on the show and also to promote their new album.
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Very cool Veronica .. great opening to the show tonight.
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Selling underpants to geeks since 1984...
Member # 679
quote:Originally posted by Lovers with Cassie: Speaking of Prince to say nothing of his writing "Manic Monday" for The Bangles, are any of you cognizant that he borrowed the melody from one of his earlier songs, "1999"?
Ummm, wow...this is interesting...I never really thought about those two songs being similar but now that you mention it, I can hear it! Love stuff like this!!
I missed the girls on DWTS last night. I'm sure it's on YouTube somewhere...I'll look for it later! Glad they're still making music...poor Micki Steele, she called it quits & it's just not complete without her.
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I liked them on Dancing with the Stars. Susanna Hoffs is still smokin'. I tend to think that America votes for people that are trendy coughchazcough. While Carson is funny, he is pure entertainment and dreadful at technique.
Ricki is peaking too early. David is this years Ralph Macchio.
We are DEVO
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I'm a major Bangles fan, and I'm so happy to be listening to the new album "Sweetheart of the sun" right now! It's tone is very much more in line with "All over the place", yet it retains the marvelous harmonies of "Different Light" and "Everything".
Posts: 3839 | From: Wangaratta, Vic, Australia | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I like the Bangles....I LOVE Susanna Hoffs! I caught just a bit of them on Dancing With The Stars...I didn't think they sounded that good to be honest...I may go on you tube to see the total performance...I wanted to like it, so I'll try again....
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I will say this about "The Bangles": While I don't like all of their stuff, the stuff that I do like has a quality that is timeless. You listen to it, and if you didn't know better, you'd swear it could've been recorded in the 70's, 80's, or just yesterday. To me, that tells it all. Posts: 2008 | From: Dixieland | Registered: Oct 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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