that's one group i thought had called it a day but seem to be touring again and that is a-ha,they had a farewell concert a couple of year back but seemed to have reformed and are not only touring again but have a new studio album out this year.
they are on at the o2 arena in london next on the 26th of march,i always fancied going to watch them - 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Also check out this in this video; I dunno if many of you guys have noticed this but when they do aerial shots of the city they would have had to have used a helicopter to do it. Start this video at 1:16 and focus on the left of the screen about a third of the way up. You can see the reflection of the chopper on the building.
yeah i spotted it bernie,what a great city chicago looks.
also to live a day like ferris did in the movie would be off the scale awesome,getting the better off your teachers,parents,skipping school,driving a classic ferrari around the windy city.
if only,what a blast that would be!
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Warrior. That pic of olu deniz turkey is absolutely beautiful. Sounds like you have had some good travels in your lifetime. Greece would be great to see. Have you been to Frances coast?
You are correct. Barbados is laid back. We even found some beaches with nobody on them but us. I must say this. A pale skinned fella came to the beach to do some body surfing and he was there all day and was beet red by the time he left. I can only imagine the pain he must have been in that evening.
Bernie, excellent video of Chicago buildings by air. I never would have seen the heli if you hadn't pointed it out. And you say youre not observant.
Posts: 2032 | From: The deep end | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 14
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Chicago looks great! I met some American guy recently. He just moved here from U.S.A. He said it was good here because you don't have to worry about being shot in the face. He said that can be a problem in places like Chicago. I said to him not to become a travel agent
I think you should be able to pay a company 5 grand and live out the Ferris Bueller experience. It also involves role playing with your old high school headmaster. You can tell him exactly what you think of him and he can't say anything because he's been paid off. Then you get escorted to the Ferrari where you are met by your dream girl (no need for the anxious best mate role to be filled) and you burn it into Chicago as fast as you want (police have been paid off too) etc.. etc...
I used to be very observant as a kid and now I feel like I am too lazy to put the effort into observing But I probably watched FBDO about 785 times before I noticed it.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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quote:Originally posted by Bernie_Lomax: [QB] Chicago looks great! I met some American guy recently. He just moved here from U.S.A. He said it was good here because you don't have to worry about being shot in the face. He said that can be a problem in places like Chicago. I said to him not to become a travel agent
I'm sure I remember reading that St Louis was also one of the most dangerous cities in the united States and isn't it in vacation when the Griswold's pull up and ask for directions and then there car gets jacked up and they run of with there wheels isn't that scene meant to be in st Louis.
I'm sure it is as the Griswold's pass the huge looking gateway arch moments earlier.
I can remember there driving along and all of a sudden they hear a gun shot and Clark says quick do up your windows kids
Yeah that would be cool to do that Bernie,you think I bet if any of us to actually tried to live the day as ferris bueller back then we would probably have finished up expelled from school and probably grounded for life!
Greece and Turkey are really nice terdnthepoolggb infact all of the Mediterranean area is probably well worth checking out.
[ 09. June 2015, 07:47: Message edited by: the young warrior ]
Posts: 3243 | From: canterbury united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2011 | Site Updates: 0
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Yeah, I believe it was St Louis - Oh and I am assuming there is no elevator to the top of that archway?
What's the difference? As long as we get across the river.
Excuse me Holmes, hey what it is bro..
Great scene!
Roll em up!
The original vacation is such a good movie. I like all of them though. Well the first three anyway.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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you can go to the top of the Saint Louis arch. It has several small compartments that hold 4-5 people at a time. its not an elevator but serves the same purpose.
[ 29. June 2015, 19:19: Message edited by: TerdNthePoolGGB ]
Posts: 2032 | From: The deep end | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 14
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I thought Chevy was just being stupid, giving the kids false information as per usual. I dunno if I would be game to go up on it. You been up?
I am from the West side of Chicago, here on vacation. A real classy place to take a vacation Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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One thing about Ferris that seems lame though is that he is facing repeating his final year for 9 sick days. I calculated once that a typical school year involves about 200 days when you take out holidays and weekends. My brother took off 80 days in year 12, still passed and got a university placement.
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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There is no way I would go up man. I would go into panic mode and start lying on the floor in an attempt to ground myself. How tall is it?
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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hahaha bernie.Clark Grizzle was right. Its over 600 feet high. Thats sixty stories to you and me.
Posts: 2032 | From: The deep end | Registered: Jun 2011 | Site Updates: 14
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I always assumed when he was telling the kids about landmarks and history that he just made it up. That's what you get when you have a sense of humour like Chevy - nobody believes you when you are serious.
Can we go up on it Dad?
Posts: 2586 | From: Defrauding the company from abroad | Registered: Jan 2010 | Site Updates: 24
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A-ha need to visit Cali. I can remember having their greatest hits on cassette, and listening to it constantly. I love all of their songs, but my favorite was always, "The Final Countdown". Man, what a tune!
Posts: 21 | From: Long Beach, California | Registered: Jun 2015 | Site Updates: 0
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I'm going to see Def Leppard, REO Speedwagon and Tesla in July. I am really looking forward to seeing Tesla again. I watched them three times on the Monsters of Rock cruise 2 years ago, and one set was acoustic in the theater. I also saw them about 25? Years ago, opening for Motley Crue during the Dr. Feelgood tour. They played a very subdued, quiet acoustic set, which I was quite ****ed about. I seriously think Motley forced them to do it, rather than play full on electric, because they didn't want to get upstaged.
Posts: 2313 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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.... has green eyes as well....
Member # 6575
I like Tesla´s first two albums but after the Five Man Acoustical Jam event they somehow forgot how to rock and became very generic IMO.
Posts: 7073 | From: Finland | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 7
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Jackyl, Vixen, Vince Neil and Quiet Riot are playing the Erie Roar on the Shore biker fest this year, July 13-16. . I wonder who will be singing for Quiet Riot, since Frankie Benali keeps firing each singer after about 6 months, lol.
[ 18. May 2016, 18:37: Message edited by: Pittsburghgirl ]
Posts: 2313 | From: Pittsburgh | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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