I was watching this last night on TV. I never heard of 2 of the rockstar men that they were talking about, or the bands they played in...but they were showing their lifestyles, and how much money they make, and I couldn't believe it, because the 2 of them...that were new rockstars...their music was awful. I couldn't believe what some of the wives were saying about being married to these guys, and how alot of them "allow" them to be with other women while they are away from them.
I actually didn't think that any of the women were anything to write home about...the only person that seemed semi normal was Alice Cooper's wife.
I thought Vince Neil's wife, was so creepy looking...and she said she use to work for a plastic surgeon...he must of practiced on her, cause her lips and everything were totally messed up.
The thing I can't stand how much money that they waste on stuff. Slash's wife was showing off jewelry, and 1 ring was $90,000.
If I ever had that kind of money...I would never spend it like seems so totally self absorbed.
Did anyone else see this show?
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Didn't see the show, but I totally agree with you. When I hear that P.Diddly or whatever he's called now spends 1million dollars on a toilet seat for his pet Panther it really bugs me. I mean just because you have all the money in the World doesn't mean you should waste it!! I mean there are starving children all over the World for God's sake.. Makes me mad... Posts: 1069 | From: Dragon of the Black Pool Restaurant, Chinatown. | Registered: Mar 2006 | Site Updates: 0
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I know...I think about that all the time...for what someone spent on a dog collar...they could have fed a small town.
We talk about all the time about what we'd do if we had millions of dollars...and I would pay off all my friends debt...and then I would start giving away money to people that needed it. I can't imagine feeling good about myself..knowing I had 1/2 a million in jewelry-just sitting there in a drawer...while people were losing their homes, and had no money for medicine and even food.
I don't admire anything about women like that. They all got on my nerves.
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I know what you mean!! A lady in our town won $150 million on the European Lotto. I said to my friends if I won that much I'd keep like $5 and give the rest to charities all over the World. And look after family and friends of course!! But rumour has it, she gave her only sister 50,000!! How tight is that????
Posts: 1069 | From: Dragon of the Black Pool Restaurant, Chinatown. | Registered: Mar 2006 | Site Updates: 0
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Josh Todd and Evan Seinfield- both of them are nasty.
The woman married to Evan Seinfield is a total sleaze....who cares what she looks like, she's nasty.
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She's going round the outside, round the outside...
Member # 7498
hey isis i saw this show before and agree with you about everything lol vince neil's wife is really scary i agree there and your right alice cooper's seemed like the only real sane one out of the bunch too funny i thought i saw this show a few months ago while flipping channels and was curious so i watched the whole thing unfortunately !!! dee Posts: 1236 | From: buffalo, new york | Registered: Nov 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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He's eating after dark again....
Member # 5978
I've seen a similar show chronicaling rock stars and other famous people...the premise was - not so good looking celebraties with really great looking wives. One I remember is ric Ocasic (spelling?) from the Cars...they called him an ugly duckling with his beautiful wife Paulina P. Ummmm....I'm pretty sure that's what people think about me and my wife! She's very beautiful and I'm..well...hopefully average! Who says nice guys finish last anyways! And I agree with the whole spending thing. Although a lot of the famous people are donating great amounts of money,,,it seems like it could be so much more.....Donald plated bathroom sink...on his airplane....this stuff truely does make me angry. There's lots of average joes and janes that make OK money and we always seem to manage to give to others in need...I'd really like to see celebs do more...
Posts: 2148 | From: Nova Scotia, Canada | Registered: Aug 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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It's their money and they've worked hard to get it so if they want to let their wives wastefully spend, have at it. At least they aren't some self absorbed CEO who does more harm than help for a company and then walks away with a $100 million dollar retirement package. No one knows what they would do with that kind of money unless they had it so it's not safe to say what one would do if they had that kind of money. Ted Nugent's wife is hot and she's in her 50s. She seems really grounded too. Personally it would be hard for me to marry were I a rockstar due to always being on the road and wondering if your significant other was into you or just your money.......
Posts: 3845 | From: Norf Karolina | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I haven't seen the show that ISIS is talking about, so I can't comment on the people on the show.
But I think that if it's their money and they're not doing anything illegal with it...then I have no problem with how they spend it. Who am I to judge?
Sure, if P. Diddy or any other celebrity wants to spend $$$ on whatever (cars, jewelry, rings, yacht, clothes, etc.) --- and Diddy surely can afford it, because he's a very successful businessman --- then more power to him. As long as these celebrities know that nothing is forever, and the money may not always be there as time passes by, then I don't see a problem.
And if they DO go broke...hey, it's their problem. Not mine.
Posts: 3385 | From: Sacramento, California, USA | Registered: Sep 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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