Hi, I havn't posted in a while. I have recently got into the Karate Kid again. I was wonder if anyone coulf tell me where I could find The "Ride" by "The Matches".
Thanks you.
[ 15. June 2005, 02:52: Message edited by: Nick ]
Posts: 5 | From: North East of England, UK. | Registered: Feb 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Oh well. Peter Cetera is still the man and God.
Posts: 5 | From: North East of England, UK. | Registered: Feb 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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posted has a few songs from the score... but not the matches song unfortunately.
Posts: 23 | From: UK | Registered: Nov 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I have never seen the song "The Ride" by Matches, but I am not going to state that the song is impossible to find. It is one of the few songs from the entire KK series 1-3 that I dont have.
It may not have been made available for purchase, but I think someone out there has it. Whether it was someone involved with the movie or with the song itself. You know the same was said about some of the Conti stuff many years ago. Some thought it would never be found. Just check on Ebay today and you can almost certainly find the score music from the Karate Kid (although KK 3 instrumental is rare).
I am one of those who believe nothing is impossible and so I will continue to look for not only that song by Matches but other missing songs as well from the original Karate Kid. It may take some time and research, but that song is out there somewhere. Will keep you guys posted on any information that comes about.
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Well I heard that they never released the song an any kind of soundtrack or album. The movie producers said the song was "lost" probably meaning destroyed, amd supposedly there is no other copy out there.
It's sad but true, but I do hope that you are right Miyagi, I hope that someone out there has it somehow, but I just don't think so.
Posts: 2242 | From: Here | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I have recently got my hands a copy of "The Ride" by Matches! No joke.
I got it not long ago, after years of longing. It really is great to finally hear the full song after years of listening to it on repeat during the beach scene. The two parts featured in the movie ARE the best parts --you can definitely tell why there were used-- the filmmakers knew their stuff, something which makes it all the more special to me (sampling kickass tunes, leaving everything that wasn't needed out!)
I cannot give this song out, but just know it's out there and hope something comes together soon, maybe on this site or elsewhere...
Posts: 40 | From: UK | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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And even if he had it, what kind of an a-hole comes to a forum, declares he has a rarity, and then refuses to share! F U buddy!
Posts: 1278 | From: Denmark,Europe | Registered: Dec 2007 | Site Updates: 3
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Hear hear! I came to tell that the song was not LOST. That there was still copies about. Obviously it has never been released, but read on for how I obtained a copy.
I came to the forum because this is my favourite movie of all time!
Here goes: I got the song from Geoffrey Rose - wirter, performer and owner of ths song. However, I had to make an agreement NOT to give the song out or share it online...and I respect that.
I have since messaged Nick Alaway here to see about getting some information / background on how the song came to be in the movie for the site etc, but nothing has came through yet. I didn't get a reply from Geoffrey when I asked him about this, so I'm not sure. I'm just thankfull he sent me a copy of it out of the goodness of his heart. He also said he has an interest in knowing who has a copy, so I cannot send it or upload it anywhere...for this I am sorry.
But believe me or not, that's God's honest truth what I have just posted. So F-U, haha.
"Remember the crew back in the days of high school we were a real pair, barely of age I was the star on your stage so devil may care... Those were the nights crusing around the street like you under my arm, we were a team racing in to a night dream radio played on..."
Posts: 40 | From: UK | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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I dont understand why the song has to be a huge secret...i mean no one really knows or cares about this song except for US few thousand fans...I dont know what the big deal is.
Posts: 2 | Registered: Jun 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by Kinick: I have since messaged Nick Alaway here to see about getting some information / background on how the song came to be in the movie for the site etc, but nothing has came through yet.
Hmmm... looks like I missed that one. Sorry about that. I'll check thru my emails Posts: 1026 | From: The '80s | Registered: Feb 2000 | Site Updates: 407
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quote:Originally posted by Kinick: I have since messaged Nick Alaway here to see about getting some information / background on how the song came to be in the movie for the site etc, but nothing has came through yet.
Hmmm... looks like I missed that one. Sorry about that. I'll check thru my emails
No, you did. You said you'd look into when you had time etc. I messaged you to tell that I had received a copy of the song through contacting Geoffrey Rose earlier this year, remember?
Posts: 40 | From: UK | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by B_Ren: Hi, I havn't posted in a while. I have recently got into the Karate Kid again. I was wonder if anyone coulf tell me where I could find The "Ride" by "The Matches".
I found alot of KK stuff in there. I was looking for the song you re the best around because it is a great song to train Karate to. Good luck on your hunt
Posts: 38 | From: Norway | Registered: Jan 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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I didnt read trough it all. I just replied to the first original post. Just had to check in real quick before Im off to do some training.
Posts: 38 | From: Norway | Registered: Jan 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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I think you're just letting people know that you were the first to own a copy when no-one else apparently had yet... now that you know Geoffrey is willing to send out copies.
At least people can now believe my story on how I was able to obtain a copy of this song last year - through contacting Geoffrey and making an agreement not to share it or give it out online in any way.
Although the more people that get their hands on a copy now, the more likely it is that someone will just leak it out. I'm sure Geoffrey is aware of this (and why wouldn't he want the song to be heard after all this time?)... so keep a look out, the song is inevitably going to appear some time in the near future.
BTW, is that wager still on, James?
[ 12. March 2009, 13:01: Message edited by: Kinick ]
Posts: 40 | From: UK | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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I recently got this track and made explicit promises.
I hope this track does get LEAKED, everyone should be able to listen to this song, its a friggin song for crying out loud. geez.
Posts: 1 | Registered: Jul 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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The song is about to go live and become available to everyone, courtesy of the man himself, Geoffrey Rose. Here's the latest announcement, which he made on James's above blog:
quote:Posted by: Geoffrey Rose on March 19, 2009 4:03 AM
Thanks for keeping the secret of "The Ride" for so long. I just wanted people to know that as of mid to late April '09 people will be able to download a copy of "The Ride" from the Karate Kid movie, as well as four other songs from our 1984 EP titled "The Ride." iTunes, Rhapsody, and several other sites will carry it.
Also, and I hope you're cool with it... I've included a snippet of your blog for use as the liner notes for the online EP.
Many thanks again,
Geoffrey Rose for Matches
So there you go people, told you not to lose hope.
[ 24. March 2009, 06:59: Message edited by: Kinick ]
Posts: 40 | From: UK | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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Hiding behind the shower curtain.....
Member # 5804
what a birthday gift my birthday is april 8th awesome now I just got to get a bike and ride with it
Posts: 2 | From: moore | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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Apparently they must of realized after over 20 years that there was a market for this song. Glad to see the impossible finally become possible.
Posts: 2242 | From: Here | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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So I finally listened to the song "The Ride"... I don't get what all of the excitement is about. Not to be rude, but, it's OK, but nothing groundbreaking. The way it was hyped-up I thought it was something really special...
- jdocster Posts: 2729 | From: Kansas City, MO "At the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance" | Registered: Apr 2007 | Site Updates: 9
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