honestly, I can't stand THE KARATE KID! I think I only watched half of PART II as well. the kid is a wimp! I mean, the 80's gave us some fantastic kick-*** action movies with REAL fight scenes in them; Jackie Chan's PROJECT A and POLICE STORY anyone? and in any case, has anyone here ever seen NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER? that was much better!
Posts: 241 | From: London, England | Registered: Apr 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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look m8 we all hav are like and dislike,but the kk was a story not a kick *** film it had more than to offer.
Posts: 107 | From: Lincoln,uk | Registered: Jul 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Oh who are you...?????? have slagged everything off so there anything you actually like???
Karate Kid is the business...there is little point in posting that you hate a film on its appreciation site is there....really??
Posts: 981 | From: If they dont kiss, they dont fall in love | Registered: Sep 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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just want to know why this movie deserves it's own board? what about the INDIANA JONES TRILOGY? BACK TO THE FUTURE? RAMBO? ROCKY? ok well for all you girlies... A BRAT PACK board? Posts: 241 | From: London, England | Registered: Apr 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Those films probably DO have their own boards...just not here. The whole rewind site started with this KK site, and grew from there...which is why its the only one based on one film here.
And yeah...we are pretty touchy when people slag off films we love...everyone is, Its just odd that you would ask KK fans why its any good. But you are entitled to your own opinion I spose.
Posts: 981 | From: If they dont kiss, they dont fall in love | Registered: Sep 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Rambo? They should have stop after "First Blood" which was an excellent movie. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but slamming the Karate Kid ...ouch. Don't you think Daniel's had enough trouble adjusting already. Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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Hi im new here!! Id just like to say mentioned that you thought the kid was a wimp!!! obviously wouldnt like the film then because you obviously didnt even really get it or understand the moral lessons it was trying to teach people...FIGHTING ISNT COOL...ITS FOR LOOSERS AND SCUMBAGS!!! Didnt no retreat no surrender have cynthia rothrock in it...i think they made about three of those films i only saw one of them but didnt really like was kinda low budget!!! PS: Raggedyman im not trying to fight with you (i think other people on this board forget that were all entitled to our own opinion ) but i do think that these films deserve theyre own board...i mean theres four of these films...the first one must have done something right!!! Cya later, Tony. Posts: 1 | From: Ireland | Registered: Apr 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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IF you don't like it then don't come here. It's as simple as that.
Posts: 944 | From: USA | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Yes raggedyman.....I have to totally agree with everyone here. This is a very wonderful film to watch. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I agree., If you don't like it do come here.
Posts: 13 | Registered: Apr 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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all i can say is.. if yer the kind that cant appreciate the film.. well i feel bad for ya.. u must like it to some degree... why did you track down this site and join the mesaage board? can u saw bored much?? o ya.. this movie rules too.
Posts: 89 | From: Canada | Registered: Oct 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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Hey raggedyman i would'nt be on here talking bad about the KK. there are some REAL die hard fan on here who will make it had for you like Johnny did Daniel and show you "No Mercey" Posts: 2221 | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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