I had my mom & her friend watch Karate Kid part 1, they both watch movies everyweek. well this lady hasn't seen anything! she never saw KK! She is a HUGE Pat fan.. but never heard of this movie! (she is like 60 years old with no kids)
Well I was in the other room listening to them watch it.
AT the very end right before Daniel gets hit with the leg sweep.. My mom said "wow you are all red, you look like you are going to have a heart attack!" she said "I hate that bully!! I just want to hit him".
Then.. Daniel gets in the Crane Technique!!! The Music, the kid saying "You better get a body bag".. Then the music!! Then the teacher saying "FINISH HIM"!! then.. Daniel NAILS the Kick!!
*My Mom's Friend just Smacked Her Hands together once and said "YES!!!! WOOOOOOOO".. She went nuts!! and actually starting CLAPPING when the credits were rolling!
This is in my house with only those 2 watching the film!
[ 18. December 2004, 02:09: Message edited by: Vidal ]
Posts: 46 | From: South Euclid,Ohio | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I have to say the end of Karate Kid part 1 is the BEST edited scene/ending ever! I get such chills watching it! Damn even listening to it.
While my Mom & her Friend were watching the scene, hearing that end & then hearing their reactions.. wow I just had chills going through my whole body!
That was the Peak! The movie was made from the same guys that made Rocky & really they improved the "Peak Ending" everything coming together and boom ending the movie! Karate Kid was 100 Times better with this peak ending then Rocky!
Posts: 46 | From: South Euclid,Ohio | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Cool story, Vidal. I had almost the same experience two years ago. My gramma, who is about 75, I guess sleptwalked through the 80s, because she had never heard of KK or Back to the Future. I showed her BTTF of course, but when I showed her KK she did the same thing. Just layed into Johnny the whole film, so when he finally got kicked she smiled and went "All right!"
I told her there was a part 2 and she couldn't wait to see it. I dragged it out for a few days and she kept reminding me, "When are you gonna show me that second karate movie?"
Yep, they don't make 'em like that anymore.
Posts: 1251 | From: Anaheim, CA USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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Thats Great!!! Yeah I just love watching a movie I know is good with a person that never saw it.
This was a little different because I wasn't watching I was listening, but I got chills hearing their reactions! Posts: 46 | From: South Euclid,Ohio | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Those are both really cool stories.
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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Does anyone have that song clip from that part in the movie and if they do could you please post it here?
Posts: 22 | From: USA | Registered: Sep 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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:lol Yeah. I actually rooted for Johnny when I saw them movie in theaters, way back when. Johnny and the Cobras are the reason that I began studying karate. Daniel sucked at karate. Good movie, but he sucked. The Cobras were the guys! :lol GREAT movie, but if you had to be one guy or the other, you'd want to be Johnny, because, "evil always triumphs over good, because good is dumb". :lol
Posts: 12 | From: Here, There, and Everywhere | Registered: Feb 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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i agree with every thing cobraguy said i study karate to becouse of the cobras the whole time i was studing karate never once did the head trainer ask me or anybody else for that matter to wax a car paint a house go fishing or do any of the other guffy stuff danial had to do granted you have to bild up mesule/power but how do you do that by waxing a car painting a house or by going fishing thats like wayne gretzy trying to become a boxer
Posts: 307 | Registered: Feb 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Vidal would have beat BOTH at the sametime! It was so lame when they had Vidal all of a sudden act foolish and risky so they can have Johnny win. Worst win so easily.
Please.. Vidal would have mopped up both of them at the sametime.
Posts: 46 | From: South Euclid,Ohio | Registered: Aug 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Vidal looked great. He was a fantastic practitioner of more classical Tae Kwon Do. But, that doesn't mean that he would have been the better fighter. I've met, and sparred PLENTY of black belts who look great doing the fancy stuff, but don't really know how to apply what they know in a practical sense. They'd have their asses handed to them by a street fighter.
My first sensei actually was an ex-military instructor, having trained Special Forces folks for years. I trained with him, private lessons, for two and a half years before moving. He taught a classical Japanese style, but balanced that with LOTS of practical, combat tactics and techniques. When I moved, the only half way decent school around was a Tae Kwon Do school. As a green belt, I was beating the black belt students in free sparring, and in school tournaments, because they all knew, and LOVED, to jump high, and throw those pretty spinning wheel kicks, and Tornado kicks, etc.., but none of them knew how to fight. There is a difference, a BIG difference, between "form", and "fighting".
Johnny and the Cobras, in the reality of the film, were trained in a military manner, in a more combat oriented approach. In reality, they probably would have been the better fighters. Maybe not the flashiest, but probably the most effective.
Posts: 12 | From: Here, There, and Everywhere | Registered: Feb 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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I belive both triumph. Sometimes the good guys win, sometimes the bad guys.
Always stunned the few years I've been on this board how many people rooted for the Cobras. I agreed with stuff like "To be part of a tough group of guys" or "more agressive training". But beating the sh** out of some guy that wasn't asking for it, not-uh. I love the more philosophical approach by Miyagi, and when that music kicks in, man...too spiritual.
But that's me.
Posts: 1251 | From: Anaheim, CA USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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Does anybody know where i can find the KKIII music, the song when daniels @ the tournoment and does his kata?
Posts: 11 | From: n.y. | Registered: Feb 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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ive just lent my work m8 m8 kk1 cause im always talkin about it+he loved it hes 18+im 27 so he takes the **** cause i love 80s films but ive lent him a few goonies,back 2 the future ie + now he sees where in cumin from.
Posts: 107 | From: Lincoln,uk | Registered: Jul 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I work with teenagers and Im schooling them in the ways of the 80's film.....the other night it was KK1...and they loved it. Tonight my proudest moment was when two 14 year old girls came in the kitchen where I work and proceeded to do the crane technique!!!!..and then go on to wax on wax off!!!! is good Posts: 981 | From: If they dont kiss, they dont fall in love | Registered: Sep 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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