i'm not here to cause any ruckus or trouble or start any commotion but i could have sworn that one time i saw karate kid I on tv and the ending wasn't the same crane-kick ending. instead daniel just used martial arts to win and at the end the guy who got disqualified apologized again to daniel and congratulated him on winning. am i the only one who has seen this or have any of you out there seen this also? let me know.
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I've never even heard of that before. And Bobby was the guy that got disqualified. Are you sure that you didn't dream that? Posts: 944 | From: USA | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I've never seen it I've watched KK on vhs, dvd, and on television and have never seen that. Strange Posts: 15 | From: MS | Registered: Jul 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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yea i'm sure i didn't dream it, thanks for telling me who the guy who got dq'ed was. i've been thinking about e-mailing john avildsen or another director of the movie to find out what is going on exactly. but i don't know how to reach him or anyone else. if anyone has any ideas let me know.
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Perhaps you got confused by the ending of pt1 and pt3 somehow. after all Mike does get thretened with disqualification twice (mayb jst once), and Dan does a Kata to beat Mike. Both endings take place in same arena and same setting with same scenario (Daniel vs Kobra Kai). Thats the only explination i can think of since i like the other guys watch vhs, dvd and tv screenings of KK and have never heard of this alternative ending. It's only a guess mate, I'm not saying you're not right, it;s just ive never heard of it
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Hey, I'm still going with that dream idea. I'm just kidding. Maybe Larusso's Legend is right. Anyway, let us know what you find out. Posts: 944 | From: USA | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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hey larusso's legend i've never seen #3 but that might be a great explanation of why i'm confused. i'll definitely check it out whenever i get the chance. haha jules if i were you i'd think i was crazy too for sure.
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ok just went to the video store and watched #3 and larusso's legend i think u are right. when i saw karate kid on tv i caught only the tailend of it so that would probably explain why everything seemed so familiar to me. thanks a lot for pointing that out and damn that was a great movie! i never found out they had made a #3 until like a year ago but i never got interested enough to check it out. most of my friends thought that there are only 2 movies and the "next karate kid" was the last one. did #3 go straight to vhs or flop in theatres? or did it do well but not many people saw it? anyways, now i don't have to research any 'alternate endings' for karate kid I. thanks a lot for your patience and understanding rather than ranting.
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Karate Kid III played in theatres, it did not go straight to video.
Posts: 944 | From: USA | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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This is what they grossed in theatres. Karate Kid I Gross $90,800,000 (USA) Karate Kid II Gross $115,103,979 (USA) Karate Kid III Gross $38,956,288 (USA) So, Karate Kid II did not do as well in theatres, but it did play in theatres.
Posts: 944 | From: USA | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Not a problem at all Sambhav, glad the problem is sorted out for you now. Us kk fans may not be like other movie fans who may hav ranted on other boards etc.
Posts: 17 | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Hey, Sambhav, I don't think your crazy. I'm glad that you got it figured out. Stuff like that will drive you crazy. Posts: 944 | From: USA | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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wow...An ending version in wich Danny beats Johny without the CRANE CRAP ,that would better fit to some episode of the "Twilight zone".
Posts: 128 | Registered: Apr 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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well silverado considering the crane kick was completely made up i would think that using kata to beat johnny would be tight.
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