I don't know if this has been talked about before but I'll ask anyway. What's everyone's favourite karate move from the KK movies? As we all know in each of the Karate Kid movies Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel a special move early on but Daniel never quite gets it until the end in the final fight. Just when it looks like he's been beaten (spelling?) he finally understands the move and wins the fight. The three moves of course are: The Crane Technic, The Drum Technic, and Kata. I think all three are great for each of their own reasons. The Crane is the most iconic move image wise. The Drum technic is an awsome move. But I think Kata at the end of KKIII is where Daniel really gives a perfect display of Karate. What is everyone else's favourite move? And also we can't forget another smaller move to add to the list. I guess we could call it, as Mr. Miyagi did, the "primary target" move from KKII.
Posts: 6 | From: Montreal, Canada | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I like the move in part 1 where Danny drops to the floor and takes out the legs of Johnny before giving him a tap on the back, thus giving his opponent a bloody nose...Class! He stole this move off Mr Miyagi when he is showing off his footwork during a punching lesson and Mr Miyagi gets a tad annoyed.
Posts: 2517 | From: Living in oblivion. Third floor up. Nice views from the window.... | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 4
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in the 1st kk daniel 1st fight the guy does a spinin bak kick on which daniel just steps 2 one side and gives him a chop smooth. also in kk2 where he has his money nick off him and the guy drops the wallet and daniel give him a punch between the legs class. Posts: 107 | From: Lincoln,uk | Registered: Jul 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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My fave single move would have to be the crane I guess, just because it IS so well known and integral to the success, and fame of KK. My fave fight scene/moves were everything Mr. Miyagi did in the Cobra dojo against Kreese, and Silver. Especially Kreese. That scene is SO awesome. It's my fave fight scene in all of KK, and it just might be may ALL TIME fave fight scene. I know most of it is probably Fumio Demura, but It works well, and Kicks SO MUCH A-S-S!!!! Posts: 180 | From: Marathon, NY | Registered: Mar 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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im sorry to differ ppl, but watch the tournament again in KK1.....ive watched it 5 times in a row after a night out the other week, there are plenty more amazing moves than Daniel's. Not to say that the Crane isn't amazing- of course it's 1 of the most well known images in the world....but all i have to say is, watch out for these moves which are my fav:
1. Johnny Lawrence - The final, vs Daniel, 2-0 to Daniel, after Kreese tells Johnny to sweep the leg. Johnny returns. watch this move - he sweeps Daniel's leg, and then uses his other leg to kick him right in the face on the way down. Looks so sore and so effective. 2-1 La Russo.
2. Johnny again - after You're The Best starts, you see Bobby fighting....then Johnny fighting his 1st match. watch the move. the guy goes to punch him, he grabs his hand, holds the guys arm, while he lift his leg over and kicks him in the head. walks over and shakes hands with the rest of his mates. So smooth.
3. Dutch - Quarter Final vs Daniel, 0-0. Misses a kick to Daniel, then from nowhere, kicks him again right in the eye. Daniel holds his eye. Listen for the sound.
4. Mike Barnes - when he interrupts Daniel in the Bonzai store at night, and after he kicks Jessica, he scraps with Daniel. Watch the sort of reverse kick/ inside to out kick he catches Daniel with as he walks forward.
5. Johnny again. Semi final, he's 1-0 on Darryl Vidal. Vidal tries about 4 fancy roundhouse kicks and misses. He tries 1 more and Johnny is waiting for it....whack, high kick to the head, floors Vidal.
As you can see, most are shots to the head, but they have the greatest impact and sound so effective. Watch for these moves people and comment back !!!!!
Posts: 5 | From: Hamilton, Scotland | Registered: Nov 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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im with cobraneverdies its like he took the words from my head,but dont 4get the ice brakin move that was sweet.
Posts: 107 | From: Lincoln,uk | Registered: Jul 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Posts: 20 | From: wales | Registered: Dec 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I think CobraKaiNeverDies hit it right on! I think the best karate moves were done by Johnny and Dutch. Johnny-his first fight where he grabs the guy's hand and swings his leg over his arm and kicks him in the face Dutch-when he kicks Daniel in the face These were both kinda similar moves in a way, but they just looked really cool... Oh and the time when Vidal's doing the crazy moves and Johnny just kicks him in the face and he falls hard on his back...I guess i just like watching guys get kicked in the face :-) CobraKaiNeverDies~I'm pretty sure you mentioned all these...but I figured i'd repeat them since they were so awesome...Great minds think alike I guess :-)
Posts: 228 | From: Elizabethtown, PA, USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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The famous "Crane Kick" by Daniel was the coolest karate move because it was not something I had ever seen before or since. However, if it wasn't a movie and instead a real karate match, I would have to say that Darryl Vidal would have kicked everyone's tassh. Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Listen i like kk,but as for all the moves Especially that crane crap see how well that would stack up in a street fight...not very well in highschool their was a kid names BRANDAN FISHER i will never froget he was a brown belt and picked a fight with me i did not have any martial arts training and i kicked his a.s.s. .I would take a good street fighter any day over a blackbelt,and if you want to see somebody who is good in martial arts watch REVENGE OF THE NINJA Shô Kosugi a true Ninjitsu master.
Rhodes that is actually a cool movie that I know very well. I must say Shô Kosugi had some awesome moves in that movie, but the little boy stuff was a little too cheesy. Of course, Ashley Ferrare's moves were nice to look at as well.
Isis you would be interested to know that the director of this movie, Sam Firstenberg, directed both Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo & Ninja III: The Domination . Must have enjoyed long titled movies. Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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I'd have to say possibly the kata in kk3. with the music and emotional response we have to the characters focusing on this one pure moment of enlightenment on daniel's behalf....Pure magic. although iconically the crane has it.
Posts: 17 | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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Hi Iam new here...anyway, as 'Cobrakaineverdies' said the 'sweep the leg' move is one of the sweetest moves I've ever seen, being a black belt myself I know how good that move is, its so hard to do that if you notce when Johnny does it there is a quick edit so my guess is that it was done in two shots then put together
Posts: 5 | From: UK | Registered: Jan 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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