Was he accelerated or something? (Old man voice) In my day you had to be 18 to graduate/be a senior.
Posts: 1251 | From: Anaheim, CA USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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He just turned 16, not 17, because he had just gotten his license.
Posts: 944 | From: USA | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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That's why I chose 17 because he DEFINITELY could not have been 16 when he graduated six months later. For him to be in an under 18 tournament, he could only have been 17 in order to graduate so soon after. Johnny mentions being a senior but it's never know what Daniel is. I figure the driver's license thing was just to juice up the seen. A), You don't just get your license on your birthday. You get a preliminary one, which is basically a print-out. And B), the senior thing. I've never known anyone to graduate at 17 unless their birthday was weeks later.
Posts: 1251 | From: Anaheim, CA USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I grauated at 17, my birthday is in november,they let me into kindergarten at 4 cuz i was turning 5 2 months after school started in september.
Posts: 5 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: May 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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I Did Graduate At San Dimas High School I Was 18 Years Old In 2001. Right Now I Am At USC College In LA, I Really Do Like USC College Of Lots Guys. It is My Favorite College Hold Right World. I Hope You Understand I Said AllRight Guys.
Well I Got To Go Now White Me Back Ok From Tim Cruz
Posts: 11 | Registered: Apr 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by McFly: Was he accelerated or something? (Old man voice) In my day you had to be 18 to graduate/be a senior.
I graduated in June 1994 (the day OJ Simpson took his infamous trip in the Bronco) when I was 17yrs old. I was a little more than 4 months from my 18th bday. The reason this happened was because I started kindergarden when I was 4yrs old in 1981. Actually, I tured 5 in oct of 81 but when I started and when I registered I was 4. After I attended, the law was changed saying that you needed to be 5yrs old by a certain day in order to attend for that school year. Perhaps NJ was the same way many years ago.
Posts: 115 | From: Northeastern PA | Registered: Jun 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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My guess for thanswer to all of this is probably the same as the answer to all of our questions about the movie, or other movie mistakes/unexplained plot points. I think that it happened becuase it was written in the script and it was convenient to make the film work. We will see things in movies that are weird, or different from reality sometimes because it makes the scene/film work, and that's that. For example: the scene in the film "Better Off Dead" where David Odgen Stiers opens the cupboard, and the cereal falls out of the box because his son "cut out the mail away coupon on the back". First of all, cereal boxes have bags inside, and it would not spill out simply because a piece of the box is missing, secondly, it would have spilled out inside the cupboard, and not waited for him to open it to spill out. You see, the joke wouldn't have worked if reality was a factor in the scene. So therefore, Karate Kid was simply using the liscence issue to sew up what was said earlier when Mr. Miyagi asked Daniel to drive his truck to the Cobra Kai dojo, and he graduated when he did because all of the other characters were gonna graduate, and it wouldn't have made sense for him to have to do another year of school. Plus he couldn't have gone to Okinawa in the 2nd film, since it was written for him to do so, that's what he did. LOL anyone follow that? Posts: 180 | From: Marathon, NY | Registered: Mar 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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My guess for thanswer to all of this is probably the same as the answer to all of our questions about the movie, or other movie mistakes/unexplained plot points. I think that it happened becuase it was written in the script and it was convenient to make the film work. We will see things in movies that are weird, or different from reality sometimes because it makes the scene/film work, and that's that.
For example: the scene in the film "Better Off Dead" where David Odgen Stiers opens the cupboard, and the cereal falls out of the box because his son "cut out the mail away coupon on the back". First of all, cereal boxes have bags inside, and it would not spill out simply because a piece of the box is missing, secondly, it would have spilled out inside the cupboard, and not waited for him to open it to spill out.
You see, the joke wouldn't have worked if reality was a factor in the scene. So therefore, Karate Kid was simply using the liscence issue to sew up what was said earlier when Mr. Miyagi asked Daniel to drive his truck to the Cobra Kai dojo, and he graduated when he did because all of the other characters were gonna graduate, and it wouldn't have made sense for him to have to do another year of school. Plus he couldn't have gone to Okinawa in the 2nd film, since it was written for him to do so, that's what he did. LOL anyone follow that? Posts: 180 | From: Marathon, NY | Registered: Mar 2004 | Site Updates: 0
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