How many symbols can any of you fans remember from the movie?
I think that an important symbol in the first KK, was that of the "Karate belt." Do you guys remember the scene when Miyagi takes care of Daniel after rescuing him from the Cobras. Well, Daniel inquires Miyagi about his past karate experience, and asks him "what belt do you have?" In response, Miyagi tells Daniel how he got his belt at a sale in some store and how it holds up his pants well. He tells Daniel that it's not the belt that makes a martial artist. He tells him how karate is so much more important on the inside, and not on outer physical objects. After this scene, we see Miyagi driving Daniel to the Cobra dojo. Miyagi tells him that he doesn't have a license and continues to drive. This also goes in with the karate belt symbol, by making clear that no physical object such as a belt or a driving license can describe how well a person drives a car or performs the martial arts. Moreover, they immediattly come to the Cobra dojo. Here, we see the Sensei telling his students how important it is too fight, and how the main purpose of karate is beating up other people with "no mercy." And then, we see the Sensei calling up Bobby Hunter(Ron Thomas) to spar with another kobra. But before Ron's fight, we see the Sensei fixing the black belt around Bobby's waist(funny it's that Ron is one of the only people in the movie to have a black belt in real life.) This of course serves to show how this Sensei, in contrast to Miyagi, values the importance of superficial outer physical objects to rank martial artists.
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Sorry but I really feel the need to correct you on two things. It is Bobby Brown not Hunter. He already had the black belt on. Kreese put a red ribbon in his belt.
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hmmm.. to be honest (maybe I interpreted this wrongly) I never got the impression that Miyagi was telling Daniel that a belt wasn't important..
I mean, yeah.. I kinda see where you're comin from.. but when he says "karate here, karate here, karate never here" i thought he was tellin Daniel where you can and can't hit - 'below the belt' being the "never here" place..
heh.. maybe I'm retarded for thinking that
Posts: 296 | From: Manchester, UK | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I've always thought, and still do that when miyagi says "karate here, karate here, karate never here" he is reffering to brain, heart and stomach meaning you use your smarts, your heart but never act on gut instincts. At least that is what I was taught (not in the exact words of miyagi tho). Who knows...maybe i'm the retarded one!!
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J Muir, your assessment of Miyagi's words is the popular and the logical one, which I also share. The martial arts is something that is in your heart, it's something that is in your mind, it's something that defines your character. Karate is not really something that you learn just to make yourself physically strong, but rather it's something mental and even spirtual.
There is also something that lotrgirl and I hit upon. It's Bobby in the Karate Kid. When his sensei calls him up to spar in the dojo, he calls him "Brown" and Bobby immediattly stands up. In the tournament, the announcer says "Bobby Hunter," and then his Sensei says, "Hunter....." I think we caught something.
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Sorry to go on but: In the dojo kreese says "Brown, Robertson" and Bobby gets up first In the tournament he is called Bobby Brown 4 times. I think if you have missed this then you are not watching closely enough. As for the attitude to karate. I thought the whole point of the film is that Daniel DOES have the wrong attitude but with Miyagi's training he learns to appreciate the ART behind it and STILL overcome the bad guys. I watch this film every sunday when I'm hungover so I know the script word for word. When I was younger all I wanted to see was the bad guys getting their butts kicked but as I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate the story behind it. It doesn't just go for karate. I think it means that you don't need to bring yourself down to a bullys level to come out on top. That you shouldn't judge someone by where they come from or how they look. Does anyone agree?
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Well excuse me lotrgirl but our discussion is debate is just getting weird. Please go to the tournament scene in kk1 again. Bobby is referred to by name twice. First the announcer says "Bobby Hunter," and then his sensei says "Hunter...." Just watch this part over, and tell me what you think.
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I don't want to be starting an argument with you over a character's name...but i have to agree with the majority of the people that bobby's last name is brown. If you look at all the casting stuff about him, you'll see that it says his last name is brown.
Posts: 228 | From: Elizabethtown, PA, USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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That's ok, even if it says Brown everyhwere. I am not saying that Bobby wasn't called Brown. But in the tournament, the announcer says "and Bobby Hunter." Then his sensei says "Hunter...." You should check out the scene.
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Hi, Im new to the site, and the forum. I am a huge fan of the movie, and must say that even after reviewing it again carefully, Bobby Brown is never reffered to as :hunter". perhaps it is muffled, and is just being heard incorrectly. The PA announcer at the tournament clearly announces his name as a semifinalist as "Bobby Brown", and then disqualifies him using the same name. Hope I helped!!
Posts: 4 | From: Dallas Texas | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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I think that there were two versions of the Karate Kid released. Bobby's sensei clearly says "Hunter, beat him out of submission..."
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When I watched the movie closely i noticed that when bobby's sensai addresses him to take daniel out of commission, he says "Bobby", not Hunter.
Posts: 228 | From: Elizabethtown, PA, USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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I really disagree with your last statement shegotgame. The sensei does not seem to address him as Bobby.
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Allo me to clear up any confusion Everyone here is correct. He is called Bobby Brown multiple times in the film by many people, including the PA announcer and Kreese, but just before he goes to fight Daniel in the tournament, he calls him "Butterman". I do not know why, but if you put the captions on the DVD, then you will see his name as Bobby Brown, but will also see that Kreeses refers to him as Butterman. I have seen nothing about a "Hunter", but "Hunter" could easily be mistaken for "Butterman" Posts: 4 | From: USA | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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Yah, I've put the captions on numerous times too and noticed that Kreese says Butterman...but I just think that the caption translator thing got mixed up or something, because if you look Kreese's lips you can see that he's saying Bobby....Just my opinion.
Posts: 228 | From: Elizabethtown, PA, USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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by the way...his name in the movie wasn't bobby was bobby brown!
Posts: 71 | From: West Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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sorry karatekid fan, everyone is right HIS NAME IS BROWN! and kreese even says...obby...then he looks at him and so forth. maybe you're just deaf or you are seeing another version. but there is only one! lol
Posts: 71 | From: West Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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I think we should all be pretty clear now that his name is BROWN. Whoever wrote the captions needs a slap. They obviously never watched the film closely either. I wonder how many other things people have picked up wrong?
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