You already understand the research papers blasphemy of this news. Columbia is developing a remake of The Karate Kid, with Jackie Chan taking over the role of sensei Mr. Miyagi from the late Pat Morita, and Jaden Smith set to play the titular pupil. We all know this is going to end poorly -- here are five reasons why:
1.) Didn't they already tarnish the legacy of this franchise enough? Do you remember 1994's The Next Karate Kid? Hilary Swank certainly hopes not. I'm pretty sure all the Oscar-worthy performances she's given have been nothing more than attempts to reverse the bad movie karma she earned for this atrocious sequel, in which she succeeded Ralph Macchio as Mr. Miyagi's student. 2.) Check out the director's track record! Harald Zwart is best known for directing the forgettable tween spy film Agent Cody Banks. If that was the only troubling thing on his resume, I would've been a little skeptical, but still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But what really worries me about Zwart is his latest project, the upcoming Pink Panther 2 -- a sequel to a remake that nobody liked! If Zwart was compliant in allowing Steve Martin to continue to tarnish the legendary character of Inspector Clouseau, how can I not fear he'll sit back and let Jackie Chan do the same to Mr. Miyagi? 3.) Speaking of Mr. Miyagi, where was he from again? The correct answer is Okinawa, Japan. But the remake will be set in China. Now, I would've been okay with this if Chan's character wasn't supposed to be the same Mr. Miyagi from the original film. But since they are in fact saying it's the same character, why are they messing with his cultural heritage, which was a huge part of the original films? And will Chan's character even be teaching karate? His specialty is kung fu! 4.) Jaden Smith is just too young. Now, I'm not going to start an argument over the acting talents of a ten-year-old boy. But I'm just a little disappointed that the producers of this film (who just happen to include Jaden's father, Will Smith) are choosing to make the student so young, because it implies that this is going to strictly be a kid's movie. Now, while the original Karate Kid was undoubtedly a family film, Ralph Macchio's character, Daniel LaRusso, was a high school student, which helped the film appeal to a much larger audience. Having a pre-pubescent kid take on the role will mean less-exciting martial arts, no teen-angst ridden romance with Elisabeth Shue, and most importantly, no redo of the classic scene where Daniel dresses up as a shower to hide from his bullies at his school's Halloween dance. Who over the age of eleven is going to want to see that? 5.) Different ages, different countries ... how is this Karate Kid again? This isn't like a Batman reboot where they're making things better. They may call the sensei Mr. Miyagi, but this movie is not going to be the same as The Karate Kid. It's not going to have the same tone, characters or cool lessons about Japanese culture that made me love that movie as a kid. So instead of trying to ride the coattails of a cherished classic, why can't they just change the title and the name of Chan's character? I'm guessing it's probably because they don't want to acknowledge the truth about what it is they're really making. It's not really a remake of The Karate Kid. It's just another rip-off. research papersPosts: 1 | From: 3896 Fidler Drive San Antonio, TX 78201 | Registered: Nov 2009 | Site Updates: 0
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
Cristina...I feel the pain in your words. I was disappointed to hear the news of this remake or reboot or what ever they want to try to paint it for fans.
I have come to the conclusion that remakes are inevitable and most leave alot to be desired. And actually the worse they make these remakes...the quicker they seem to disappear from the public conscious.
I've decided that remakes don't really tarnish the original as much as I once thought. At least not in my mind...I think it is the duty of site's like The Rewind to remind people of the greatness of the incredibly entertaining 80's movies that these inferior remakes were spawned.
[ 29. May 2010, 07:12: Message edited by: Valley ]
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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It's going to be...nothing short of horrendous, horrific and heinous!!!!!
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
In view of "The Karate Kid" being his favourite 80s' film, does anybody know how Nick feels about the remake?
Posts: 1756 | From: Australia. | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 203
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The Karate Kid is not only my favourite 80's film but my favourite film of all time...and I can never understand the, "Ruining another classic" "Taking away childhood memories" - How, exactly? All this remake is going to do is show just how good the original movie is. Sure, we'll have to point the younger generation to the original classic now and'll also prove that the original movie is not just a "kid movie"...something that the remake is sure to have forgot right off the bat by casting a 10 year old..
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I still don't get why they don't call it "The Kung Fu Kid" instead and give Jackie Chan's character a proper Chinese name. Actually, I would have gone with Chow Yun-Fat in the Miyagi role, but then that would be more appropriate for a non-kiddie take on this classic.
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Lovers with Cassie
Remembering when Mel Gibson was young....
Member # 7794
Kinick, I meant the rewind webmaster himself, Nick Alaway. I would be interested in hearing his thoughts on the matter.
Posts: 1756 | From: Australia. | Registered: Mar 2009 | Site Updates: 203
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quote:Originally posted by LoverswithCassie: Kinick, I meant the rewind webmaster himself, Nick Alaway. I would be interested in hearing his thoughts on the matter.
Oh yeah, I know you did...I just decided to chime in too Posts: 40 | From: UK | Registered: Nov 2007 | Site Updates: 0
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She's with you, but she's thinking of Jake Ryan....
Member # 1715
I hate to say a movie Ive never seen is horrible but lets face it: Its gonna be HORRIBLE! How can it NOT be????
The kid is just too damn young! Like the OP stated Daniel having teen angst and trying to get the girl were part of the things that made this a movie EVERYONE enjoyed , not just a straight-up fight movie only the fellas would enjoy.
I was going to go on that Daniel was a good main charactor becuase he was a very likeable kid (in all 3 of the ones he was in) and then I almost have to stop myself because MIYAGI is such a great charactor too! How can you make one these movies without Daniel and Miyagi??? You just CANT!
Posts: 4913 | From: New York | Registered: Jul 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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The Dread Pirate Rewind....
Member # 8730
well well well yet another remake huh? I have to disagree that all remakes are bad, but agree whole heartedly that this remake should never have ever been considered as its just an absolute classic. How many times will producers sell out and remake a classic in thier (own) way. How dare people do this! Surely this is a huge insult by will smith allowing a classic in his own childhood/teenage decade to go ahead with his son - another sell out. The only good remake i have seen is The Omen in 2006. It was very well done.
Posts: 1217 | From: united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2010 | Site Updates: 3
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3 Updates!
[ 05. February 2015, 15:47: Message edited by: musicman ]
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quote:Originally posted by LoverswithCassie: In view of "The Karate Kid" being his favourite 80s' film, does anybody know how Nick feels about the remake?
Hehe, thanks for the interest... Actually, I'm dealing with it in the same way as all the other remakes.. By pretending that it isn't really happening!
I've looked at the trailer... And it didn't seem quite as bad as it could have been.. But I'm sure the final movie will not be in anyones favorites list...
Posts: 1026 | From: The '80s | Registered: Feb 2000 | Site Updates: 407
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The only hope for this movie would be bringing in the original writer and director to handle the movie. The only people in Hollywood that understand what makes KK so special are Pat Morita, Macchio, Avildson and Kamen. No one else has gotten it, as evidenced by the terrible Next Karate Kid and countless ripoffs since the original.
I don't much mind a remake as long as its done right and true to the original.
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I agree with other posts that it's not a true Karate kid movie. Kung Fu Kid. As much as I like Jackie Chan maybe the creators should have put Macchio as the new teacher teaching Mr. Miyagi's techniques. I think that might have made a better sequel instead of a retelling.
Posts: 125 | From: Utah | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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Valley Dated Julie From 'Valley Girl' (allegedly!)
Member # 1322
When I saw the preview the other day.. I just kept yelling at the screen...
"They should have called it Kung Fu Kid!!"
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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The Dread Pirate Rewind....
Member # 8730
i will NOT see this movie out of pure principle. Saw it advertised the other day at the movies and i was just disgusted - just a monwy making scheem, nothing more to it than that and i wont be convinced other wise.
Posts: 1217 | From: united kingdom | Registered: Mar 2010 | Site Updates: 3
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You know I was watching the preview and noticed what really bugged me about this movie. There was a scene where the "Karate Kid" was in the tournament and his opponent was doing his before the match show off arm swing and yell thingy and Jaden was just sitting there acting cool in his stance with a look on his face like "I'm the best kid in this joint". So I watched the original and what made me like it so much was that Daniel was this awkward gawky kid and he made the matches in that tournament looked like he was really scared and nervous to be there like he was fighting for his life.
And that my two cents worth.
"Hail to the king baby"
Posts: 125 | From: Utah | Registered: Feb 2008 | Site Updates: 0
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She's with you, but she's thinking of Jake Ryan....
Member # 1715
Yeah, Ill agree with that. I know some people say that in the final moments of the movie you think he might NOT win. That what made you route for Daniel. He WAS "The Underdog" not some ****y little punk *******!
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