Wow. Can't believe this amazing actor and iconic figure has died. He'll be missed. I'm definitely watching KK1 today in memoriam of the awesome Pat Morita.
Posts: 84 | From: Philadelphia, PA, USA | Registered: Jan 2003 | Site Updates: 0
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What sad news to wake up to here in California. So odd, my family and I had mentioned him last night at T-giving dinner while discussing favorite movies.
I'm glad this forum exists so we can express our reaction to people that will understand. All over the net this morning is mostly smart-a** postings concerning his death. Disturbingly on Yahoo alone, there are 1,500 either racist or just blasphemous comments. Disappointing in how sick some of the world is.
In trying to tell some others, they kind of shrugged it off. Tried to explain that sometimes a movie goes from just a popcorn eating experience, and becomes something else. It can have an effect on your life that you carry for years. My family rolls their eyes, but I've taken a lot of "Miyagi-isms" into daily life. About honor, fear, defense only, and generosity. Very few films can teach that.
But a big part of that was Pat Morita's performance. Though a fictional character, he made Miyagi "real" to me, and allowed me to take what he said seriously. It something that today's cinema is sorely lacking, and that will forever make Mr. Miyagi an iconic cinematic figure.
I don't know if Browne posts here anymore, but Brownie thanks for those scores a couple years ago. I've been listening to them all morning, kind of eases the spirit.
Thank God he lived long enough to contribute memories of the film on the Special Edition DVD.
May Morita-san rest in peace.
Posts: 1251 | From: Anaheim, CA USA | Registered: Jun 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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(Hi, everyone. The following is a personal recollection about Pat that will appear in Saturday's Rafu Shimpo newspaper in Los Angeles. It's the local Japanese-American community newspaper.)
Remembering Pat Morita
By George Toshio Johnston
It was fitting that I heard the news Friday morning of the passing of Noriyuki "Pat" Morita via a voice mail from my own karate sensei. Pat, who died at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, was, after all, most-famous for his role as Mr. Miyagi, the kind-hearted yet formidable karate sensei from four "Karate Kid" movies.
Although Pat had started his show business career as a standup comedian -- his nickname was "The Hip Nip" -- it was his role as the handyman-karateka-war hero for which he will no doubt be best-remembered. As Mr. Miyagi in the first "Karate Kid" that Pat received one of the highest accolades any movie actor can receive: an Academy Award nomination, in the best supporting actor category. He also received an Emmy nomination for his role in a 1985 telefilm titled "Amos."
I spoke with him for my Feb. 12 "Into the Next Stage" column. Allow me to quote from it: "I asked him the obvious question, if 'KK' was the highlight of his professional career, and he said, 'Of course, looking back. It was not only a highlight, it was my breakthrough moment. It put my face on the map internationally.' "
How true. Besides Pat, there are few, if any, Japanese American actors who embodied a character that can be described as "iconic." Pat's portrayal of Mr. Miyagi was that, because that character become a popular culture touchstone, with references in "The Simpsons," TV commercials, rock videos and comedy routines. Who doesn't know the phrase, "Wax on, wax off?"
That Pat even got the Mr. Miyagi role was a bit of a fluke. The movie's producers wanted the late, great Toshiro Mifune instead. But he wanted too much money, and they reluctantly tapped Morita, who said he had to audition for it several times. It's understandable in a way, for at the time he was known as a funnyman. Who'd have thought that Pat had the dramatic chops to breathe such unique life into that role?
Pat will no doubt also be remembered as diner owner Arnold in the "Happy Days" TV series. Thanks to that success, Pat became the first Asian American to star in his own TV sitcom, "Mr. T and Tina." In the late 1980s, Pat also starred as a Los Angeles Police detective in the drama "Ohara" and in the 1990s had a prominent role in TV's "The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo." One of his final appearances is in the soon-to-be-released indie movie "Only the Brave."
Earlier this year, in my February "Into the Next Stage" column, I wrote how through a strange series of coincidences, Pat was suddenly everywhere. Disney released the direct-to-DVD "Mulan II," in which Pat reprised his voice role as the emperor. On that same day, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment released a "Karate Kid" DVD collection, which featured all four "Karate Kid" movies. (Disc One included audio commentary from its director, John Avildsen; co-star Ralph Macchio; screenwriter Robert Mark Kamen; and Pat.) Then, a couple of days later, Pat made a cameo appearance in ABC's "Happy Days 30th Anniversary Reunion."
I spoke with him at that time and he sounded upbeat and healthy, which heartened me because he had undergone hip replacement surgery in recent years and was battling some personal demons.
My own relationship with Pat goes back about five years. In an article I wrote for the Rafu Shimpo, I became acquainted with producer Lisa Onodera of "Picture Bride" fame.
After the interview was over, I asked Lisa why there hadn't been a definitive movie made about the 100th Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team. She replied that her production company was in fact developing a 442 project. I bounced an idea off her that I had: Why not make a prequel to the "Karate Kid" series, in which we learn how Miyagi met his wife-to-be in prewar Hawaii, won her heart, moved to the mainland, got Interned, then joined the 442 where, in the "Karate Kid" universe, he won the Medal of Honor? In the present day, we could also reunite Miyagi and his estranged student, Daniel LaRusso. Lisa loved the idea and said she'd investigate the possibilities with Columbia Pictures, the movie's rights holders.
Two days later, Pat called Lisa out of the blue to see if she'd be interested in helping him produce a 442-related project of his own, titled "Above the Call." She told him that she'd love to meet him, but that she knew someone he should meet, with a different tack on how to do a 442 story that would be of personal interest to him.
We set up a meeting and pitched him -- and Pat, of course, loved the idea. He loved it so much that I think he was privately kicking himself for not thinking of it first.
I went through the usual process -- writing up a treatment and beat outline, outline, then full-script, getting Pat's input along the way, enough for me to give him co-story by credit. He loved the final product and really, really wanted to get it made. Among the things we tried over the years was getting it to the producer of the "Karate Kid" movies since Pat still had a personal relationship with him. But that ended up being wild goose chase. The producer had no interest whatsoever.
There were all sorts of ups-and-downs and ins-and-outs over the years as we tried to push the project forward, almost enough to write a book on. We'd speak regularly on the phone and discuss different tactics. He'd always address me as "Gorgeous," a reference to the wrestler Gorgeous George. But health issues and other concerns eventually took precedence for Pat's attention. The last time I saw him in person was at a meeting we had at the New Otani Hotel when he was in Los Angeles for a fundraiser, and the last time we spoke was in early 2005.
On Friday, I spoke with his longtime manager, Arnold Soloway, who had nothing but fond recollections of his client. "We were friends at first for years, because he was managed by a friend of mine and I was an agent," he said. "I handled him for a while as an agent. Then, when I sold my agency and became a manager, he asked me to take care of him. So I did.
"Everybody liked him. No matter where you went, the public was all over him. I never have understood how people recognize stars, when you're walking through an airport or something like that. But it would happen and they'd stop him to talk. He was that kind of guy."
Soloway also mentioned that there is a book about Pat that is almost completed.
Pat once told me, "Without Morita, there's no Miyagi, and without Miyagi, there's no 'Karate Kid.'" Now, Pat is gone, and the "Karate Kid" prequel-sequel, as far as I can see, is over.
Nevertheless, I'm glad I got to know Pat. He was quite a character, a real thinker and philosopher; I got to see a side of him that the public at large didn't and am richer for it. His passing is not just a loss for his survivors and this community but the world at large.
Posts: 12 | From: Santa Monica, CA USA | Registered: Apr 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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Such a sad day for all fans of the great Pat Morita. He will forever live as Mr. Miyagi in my mind. Thanks for teaching us all that Heart & Mind are more important than Fist.
Wax On, Wax Off
Posts: 7845 | From: Smiling and glancing in awe in the back of a limo | Registered: Mar 2003 | Site Updates: 22
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quote:I don't know if Browne posts here anymore, but Brownie thanks for those scores a couple years ago. I've been listening to them all morning, kind of eases the spirit.
Hey man, I'm still here.. I've been playing a lot of the scors since I heard about this too.
Very very sad news..
RIP Posts: 296 | From: Manchester, UK | Registered: Aug 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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Watching the Karate Kid will never be the same. Pat Morita made the karate kid and without him it would not have been as great. Your memory will live on for many years to come. You will be missed by many.
Posts: 203 | Registered: A Long Time Ago! | Site Updates: 0
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Pat Morita will always be in our hearts for us die hard Karate Kid fans. His legacy and words of wisdom will live on everytime a new kid see this movie for the first time... RIP Pat Posts: 808 | From: MI, USA | Registered: Feb 2002 | Site Updates: 0
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You know what? I joined this board to find a little solice from my own grief at Pats death. I thought 'I bet someone on the KK message boards will understand'....and I was right! All of your posts here have made me cry and feel generally a lot closer to dear Pat. I love you guys!
Pat was the Master.
::::bowing head:::::
Goodbye Pat Posts: 82 | From: England | Registered: Nov 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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quote:Originally posted by Miyagi-Turbo: Watching the Karate Kid will never be the same. Pat Morita made the karate kid and without him it would not have been as great. Your memory will live on for many years to come. You will be missed by many.
Beautiful words, Turbo..
Posts: 82 | From: England | Registered: Nov 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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It's nice to see that he was this loved and that the service for him was tastefully done.
Posts: 661 | From: San Jose, CA | Registered: Feb 2001 | Site Updates: 0
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I wish somehow we could bring him back to life...
Posts: 1057 | From: With my mouse pals on Baker Street | Registered: Nov 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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How wonderful it is to see the tributes to him - and great to see Ralph there too. It shows there time together meant just as much to him as it did to all of us.
Posts: 82 | From: England | Registered: Nov 2005 | Site Updates: 0
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Anytime 80schick. I just lost my father five and a half months ago so I am still reeling. I grew up on the Karate Kid movies so it feels like pieces of myself are flying away this year. I really liked the video clips. I'm glad to see that Pat Morita gto such a great send off and have no doubt that he's in a better place and will be reunited with all those who love him so much. Posts: 661 | From: San Jose, CA | Registered: Feb 2001 | Site Updates: 0
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Pat was to the Karate Kid, what Christopher Reeve was to Superman. He was the driving force of the film.
Posts: 203 | Registered: A Long Time Ago! | Site Updates: 0
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What is great about the Karate Kid is that although Pat may have left this world, his spirit and image live on through his portrayal of Miyagi. Future generations will fall in love with Miyagi and thus Pat Morita will out live us all. I know each fan of Pat has their special way of remembering him, but when I think of him, I remember the end of KK2 and Miyagi nodding his head up and down, giving a wink, and closing with that unique smile. Pat was a rare gem who left a positive mark on many.
Posts: 203 | Registered: A Long Time Ago! | Site Updates: 0
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