The Woman In Red Movie Trivia

The Woman In Red Trivia

Be careful what you want - you might just get it!
The Woman In Red Picture
...With Gene Wilder

Totally Trivia

Film facts for the 1984 Comedy movie starring Gene Wilder, Kelly LeBrock, Joseph Bologna, Gilda Radner

Judith Ivey, Michael Huddleston, Billy Beck, Tammy Brewer, Julann Griffin, Charles Grodin Update Cast

We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.

Thanks to Jonathan Lim
This is a remake of "Pardon Mon Affaire", a 1976 French movie.
Thanks to Sylvia
Kelly LeBrock also starred as the "gorgeous computer-created model vixen" in Weird Science.
Thanks to Anonymous
Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner (Ms Milner) were married in real life until she passed away due to cancer in 1989.
Rewind Archive
Kelly LeBrock was married to Steven Seagal for many years.
Thanks to mlm_lisa
Didi is played by actress Judith Ivey who also starred in the show 'Designing Women' as B.J. Poteet and as Keeanu Reeve's mother in 'The Devil's Advocate'.
Thanks to Matt Davidson
Although this isn't really what this site is about, a particular scene has been mentioned to me far too many times to ignore.... so..... there is a 'blink and you miss it' flash of nudity from Kelly LeBrock near the end of the movie. There. Mentioned it. Although I guess the scene would have drawn far less attention if it were Gene Wilder revealing all!

Bogus Trivia

There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".

But, nothing bogus that we know yet for "The Woman In Red".
Next: Behind The Scenes
1984 Orion Pictures
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