They only met once but it changed their lives forever 
... Dean Vernon.
Totally Trivia
Film facts for the 1985 Teen Drama movie starring Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, Molly Ringwald
Anthony Michael Hall, Paul Gleason, Mary Christian, Perry Crawford, Ron Dean, Tim Gamble, Fran Gargano, Mercedes Hall, John Kapelos Update Cast
We believe the following trivia is all legit. If it's bogus or you have additional info, please update us.
Thanks to Jen
The actor who played the 'Janitor' and posed for the 'Boy of the Year' picture, is John Kapelos. He was also 'Rudy', Molly Ringwald's future brother in law, in Sixteen Candles and he had a minor role as 'Dino', one of the bar patrons, in Weird Science.Thanks to Cecelia Mendez
After the film was over, John Huges gave each of the actors a piece of the banister from the library.Rewind Archive
After getting fired as a writer on "Mr. Mom" and "National Lampoon's Vacation", Hughes thought he might have better luck as a director, so he pitched his script about kids in detention, thinking that as it was set mainly in one room it would be a cheap "no brainer" for the studio. The studio preferred his "Sixteen Candles" script, so he ended up directing that one first instead.Thanks to Abi Potersnak
The knife John Bender sticks in the chair when he and Andy Clark are getting in a fight was Judd Nelson's own knife. He said he carried it for "protection"Thanks to Abhimanyu Bibra
In Futurama, in the epsiode called Luck of the Fryish, "The Breakfast Club" was mentioned several times as Fry had their soundtrack LP. When Fry learns the truth about his brother, you hear the song by Simple Minds - "Don't You Forget About Me" being played.Thanks to David Bruce
Anthony Michael Hall's mother (Mercedes Hall) and sister (Mary Christian) in the movie are his real life mother and sister.Thanks to Matto
Brian Johnson's social security number, as told by Ally Sheedy, is a Connecticut number. It begins with the digit 049, which is from Connecticut.Rewind Archive
A prom queen election poster contains the name of Michelle Manning, who co-produced the film.Rewind Archive
Judd Nelson made up many of the terms used in the movie including "Neo-Maxi-Zoomdweebie" and the infamous Joke...Thanks to Ashley
The guidance counsellor's desk has a name plaque which says "R. Hashimoto". Richard Hashimoto was the production supervisor.Thanks to Jamie
If you watch at the beginning of the show, it goes past all of the photos and the boy of the year photos. Notice that the janitor was at one time the Boy of the Year. He was at one time a popular jock and now he's a janitor!Thanks to rdnkgrl74
"Vernon" & "Brian" were later reunited in another entertaining film... Johnny Be Good.Thanks to Ashley
It was originally suggested that there would be several sequels to the Breakfast Club, occurring every ten years, in which the Breakfast Club would get back together.Thanks to Matt Ramone
The guitar riff that John Bender hums is Cream's "Sunshine of your love".Thanks to Brian Kalivoda
Judd Nelson's childhood dog's name was 'Seabiscuit'. He was named after the fact that everytime they threw a doggie treat into the pool, the dog would jump in after it.Thanks to Becky
John Hughes played Brian's (Anthony Michael Hall) dad at the end. You can see him waiting in the car. Also, Brian's mother and sister at the beginning were both played by his real mother and sister.Thanks to Nick Springsteen
John Cusack (who also appeared in John Huges's previous film 16 candles) was the original choice of the role John Bender but turned it down allowing Judd Nelson to make it his own.Thanks to C.T. Warren
From 2007 to 2012, Molly Ringwald has played the role of caring mother Anne Juergens on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager".In the first season, the character was dealing with a cheating husband and a pregnant 15-year-old daughter, but by the mid-second season, Molly found herself pregnant in real life(with twins, no less!), and her impending motherhood had to be written into the show. After reconciling with her on-screen husband, she wound up plays a mother of three, and grandmother of one.
If Claire could see her now!
Thanks to Joe
In an Official U.S. Playstation Magazine (Sept 03, pg.92), while reviewing the game to Fox's animated sitcom Futurama, it is revealed that Matt Groening named the robot Bender after John Bender from the Breakfast Club movie.Thanks to Ashley
Judd Nelson (Bender) and Molly Ringwald (Claire) initially did not get along on the set of the Breakfast Club. To resolve this, John Hughes took them to a music store and after discovering they have similiar taste in music, there were no more problems on the set.Thanks to Byron
At the beginning of the movie, some of the parents cars' license plates are visible. Anthony Michael Hall's tag is E MC2 which is the mathematical formula representing Einstein's theory of relativity. Energy equals Mass times the speed of light squared.Thanks to Ashley
Judd Nelson (Bender) and Molly Ringwald (Claire) initially did not get along on the set of the Breakfast Club. To resolve this, John Hughes took them to a music store and after discovering they have similiar taste in music, there were no more problems on the set.Thanks to Sarahmaria Wright
When Allison Reynolds (Ally Sheedy) Draws The Snowy Picture, It's Rumored To Be Real Dandruff But It's Actually Parmesan Cheese.Thanks to Georgia
Anthony Michael Hall (Brian) had a growth spurt during filming, growing nearly six inches. Because the movie was shot in sequence you can see he was shorter than Judd Nelson (Bender) at the beginning of the film but by the end scene of the group leaving school he is the tallest of the cast.Bogus Trivia
There's often fake stuff floating round, y'know? -Like the 'ghost boy' that can allegedly be seen in "Three Men And A Baby".
The following trivia for "The Breakfast Club" is apparently bogus. If you disagree or have additional info, please update us.In the beginning of the movie, the car used to drop off Anthony Michael Hall's character had the license plate E MC2. That was a nod to another John Hughes movie "Weird Science". John Hughes tends to make license plates codes to signify past movies he's done. Nice insight, but incorrect. B'fast club was made before Weird Science...
When bender is in the gym room he has one white shoe and one black shoe but in the start of the movie he only has black shoes. In fact, at the start of the gym roon scene, Bender wears a white trainer when playing Basketball.
After Vernon enters and tells Bender to stop we see him then take off said trainer and collect his belongings from behind Vernon, including his jacket and other black shoe.
After Vernon enters and tells Bender to stop we see him then take off said trainer and collect his belongings from behind Vernon, including his jacket and other black shoe.
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